Coffin_Dodger's Continuous Chronicles of Cultivating Chaos

They look happy now. I will stop lst at a week into full flower and let them go up. That’s when you should see defined buds at the tips of the branches.


Lookin good CD andd JTT!
Glad you were able to figure out the water temps.
Seems to be quite alot more variables to take care of running hydro. Making me think of staying with the Promix HP.
Gotta love it when a plan comes together and solves a problem :seedling::green_heart:


Haha. Nice! Glad that timed out like that, @Gadarien . :metal: pretty eclectic music tastes in this house, for sure. Been surprised how many OGs are metalheads, honestly. Hahah.
Thanks for the kind words. We’re figuring it out, for sure.
Stay up


Gotcha. Probably missed the boat on that one this run. Still working out a good system for tie downs with the Current Culture lids and still being able to access the plant sites for draining. Thanks for checking it out, bro! Appreciate you
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Thanks, @LzBoy ! It was actually your comment that got me thinking a bit more about temperature in the various zones a bit more in the first place.
All the best on your run. Did you flip those little monsters yet? Thanks for dropping by and following along
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Fuckin Amon Amarth! Beheading of a king is still one of my favorites!


Grow is looking Proper!

Excellent work @Coffin_Dodger and @JustTieflingThings


The sheer cut into the solo on Twilight of the Thunder God is one of my favorite things ever.
Thanks for the kind words! We’re getting there
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Heyyyyy, I helped! :yum:
Yep I flipped em 2 days ago, all still showing fems :crossed_fingers::+1:
Not sure on site rules. Do I have to ask to post in other peeps journals?
I would hate for plant envy to ruin our budding friendship :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::seedling:
Lemme know if it’s cool :v:


For sure, probably good etiquette, but you’re all good, of course. Love to catch updates of yours in the wild.
Fire away like it’s 1812 my northern neighbor. Hahah
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


As always a great update. Always fun to see such accurate data. great work! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Pa hydroponics buckets with current culture lids? I have the 8 gallon pa hydro setup. Cranks! Mines packed away till I feel like rdwc again but that thing is pretty plug and play. Watching!


Cool beans!
Got 2 Banana Sherbert from original seeds, fems.
3 Gorilla Oozie and 1 Neegans Bat from @Rhai88 looking like Champs :green_heart:
Running Promix HP and reefertilizer nutes.
Gonna have to take them off the lazy Susan soon for room. And I. I ok with that :wink:

So far no signed of ballz.
But you said the oozie’z showed late?


Lazy susan​:+1::+1::+1:

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@Coffin_Dodger only ran Negans. I think only 1 other person has run gorilla oozie. Info is sparse on them.


Yup, I killed both mine! :grimacing:
Along with many others…lol.


Ahh ma bad. Well they sure do look purity

One of our Negan’s did, about a week or a little more after flip.

(Thanks, @Rhai88 !)

Looking killer in there, @LzBoy ! That’s gonna be a nice harvest when you pull it through. What are you finding smells-wise so far? Anything jumping out at ya?
I know you changed nutrient too, and that’s working out, but how do you feel about photo versus auto half way through? You only ran auto before, yeah?

Yessir! Abso-friggin-lutely love the system. It’s been a steep learning curve, and the price is a bit to chew on, but feels better than all those failed attempts at soil stealth runs doomed from jump street decades ago. We love “having the control panel open” on the plants, as it were. Hahaha.

Thanks for dropping by, y’all! Don’t be strangers
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Twas my first attempt at full rdwc. I got rampant root rot early in all 4 sites. Water never got above 74f. I saved them with h2o2 root baths. Learned about sterile reservoir and started using the uc roots product from CC. Figured a way to keep my reservoir in the 60s without a chiller and never had another issue. Since then I decided to only do hydro in winter when everything is easier.


Have you done a lot of hydro otherwise? (Other than RDWC, I mean) Actually just working on a root-temperature intensive with this run, too. Seems like it might be cultivar dependent, exactly how cold they can handle the root zone being, or the differential between root and air, yeah? We usually shoot for 60s as well, and had held it as a rule of thumb til about a week and a half back. Were you using any inoculants?
Glad to hear you didn’t toss the whole system and method! Also, is that two CFM kits as net frames? Simple and well played!
Thanks for sharing!
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


I’ve only done hydro(no expert tho) before the last couple runs. Mostly with water farm buckets. Never got rot with them even without an airstone.
With this if one has it they all have it.
I think I tried beneficial bacteria for a bit but wasn’t sold so I reluctantly went sterile. Can’t use both together.
Yea just the cfm bars and zip ties. 2 sets for each tent 20 bucks a pop. Can’t remember if I thought of it before I saw it done or not but now I’ve seen it a few times since.