Coffin_Dodger's Continuous Chronicles of Cultivating Chaos

2nd run with photos. The can definitely take a stronger light intensity earlier than autos.
You can really ramp it up quicker.
I fell you can definitely take more of a risk running photos, obviously.
My nose sucks for identifying, but maybe cus there’s so many dam plants :joy:
Never thought I’d end up with 6 fems this far along. Still no ballz 4 days at 12/12
:crossed_fingers: The upgrade to the ACI 5x5 cane in handy
Hope this link take you straight to the vid


Wednesday, y’all!

Here’s hoping everyone is doing well and tending happy, healthy gardens. I hope you all had a great :egg: Eostre :rabbit: , however you see fit to celebrate it or not. Happy April Fool’s, too, and I’m glad you survived! :clown_face: I hope you spent it and the rest of the week well and working at what you do best with folk you care about. Come on and check out the garden! It’s looking nice and full. :grin:

We had a great week in the garden watching these girls just keep on preparing to blast off. Preflower for these autos has definitely been interesting. I just keep telling @JustTieflingThings - I’m happy we didn’t stunt 'em so far. That alone makes this run a win for me. I’m damned proud of us

We saw fit to move the independent thermo-hygrometer in Ishmael from the top of a plant site, where the plants made the data it was recording skewed straight to hell, and tossed it up in the gear pouch on the side wall of the tent. This throws off some of our data when comparing this week to previous weeks this grow, as does a further drop in leaf surface temperature differential, which is now closer to -4.5 * F Our target environment for the week according to Controller 69 Anzu is 75 * F, 60% RH, and 0.90 kPa VPD which we hit 99%, 87%, and 99% of the week, respectively, with +/- 5 * , +/-5%, and +/-0.3 kPa tolerances.

All the girls keep thickening up, and showing more and more preflowers with promise to reach the top of the canopy. There is no overwhelming smell that stands out when opening the tent, but there is definitely something brewing in there, stronger every time.

They all took well to their pruning and (light) defoliation session. #RD probably got the most of that, and looks beautiful for it. Otherwise, we continue to leaf tuck and re-position budsites for extremely light LST, lacking a current solution to otherwise really bending some big branches a bit. Which, honestly, we’re tentative about with this being our first autos, anyway. (I still need to figure out a way to drain through the access panel of the CCH20 Lids, rather than turning the whole lid to fit a submersible pump down there. Just keep forgetting. Pffft.)

These girls are all throwing big leaves, and long pistils. Spacing is nice and tight, lots of dense lateral branching continues as stretch powers on. The three taller girls are all around 17-22" while our little is coming in at a not unimpressive 13.5" Feed formulation was duplicated from last week, as was the process with the hot water buckets to start and finish the fill and keep the temperature consistent. The girls enjoyed a root zone mostly around 71 * F all week, and we got close with 69 Freedom Units at the end of feed. We will let this rise back to 71-71.9. Their solution slipped up to pH 6.2 mid-week, but it did not budge beyond that, so we let them ride it out. They didn’t mind the extra alkalinity one bit.

We did manage to forget to plug in our air pump after last week’s feed, though and it was off all week. That’s a first for us, and we’re damn glad for the waterfalls to keep up the oxygen levels in the solution. Again, with the girls only having shown signs of thriving vibrant growth in that time, we didn’t kick ourselves too hard, had a laugh, and made damn sure to plug the pump in this time! :laughing:

We’ve honestly got no idea what to expect next from these girls, especially yield-wise, but Scarlet Grapes has been an excellent introduction into the world of autos, so far.


  • :spiral_calendar: 49 Days from Seed 42 Days in RDWC plant-sites.
  • :seedling: All plants have taken well to light pruning of the first one or two nodes off the meristem, and nothing is stopping these girls trucking through pre-flower. #BS has one lower leaf that looks further cannibalized, but all other growth has corrected, and new growth is beautiful and FAST.
  • :flashlight: HLG 600R-Spec is 31" above canopy at 40% output. According to Photone we are delivering a PAR reading of ~450-535+ PPFD at the canopies, 28-33 DLI. This will be raised again to 36" and dialed in appropriately this morning.
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: LIGHT Feed Schedule per General Hydroponics standards, no additional CaliMagic . We let the pH slip up to 6.2 most of the week, with the girls seeming to enjoy the alkalinity, and temps ranging from 68.5-71 * F. They began to eat heavily, >~100ppm+/3 days. We repeated our process from last week to keep the feed warm this round, and landed at a PPM of 825 or 1.65 EC. Temperature started at 68.5 * F and has risen slightly overnight. Feed Recipe repeated from last week exactly.
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: We adjusted the position of the independent thermohygrometer in Ishmael because being under the plants made it useless. This will skew averages compared to past weeks, but gives us a better idea of the overall top-to bottom interior average. Between both probes, Average 78.4 * F, 54.4% RH, and 1.22 kPa VPD This skew can be shown with the percentage on target of Anzu below (Targets: 75 * F +/-5, 60% RH +/- 5, 0.9 kPa +/- 0.3) Leaf surfaces were taken at an average of ~-4 * F relative to ambient tent conditions.

In other garden related news, Jessicat dragged in a letter from none other than the man, the myth, the legend: @misterbee . Inside was a half-pack of @ReikoX 's JLo F3 Regs, great genetics for our little stash from two pillars of the community. :pray: Thanks again for the chance to grow 'em out, y’all!

Lastly, and as always, THANK YOU friends, for stopping by, checking in, following along, commenting, sharing or any and all encouragement or advice, tips or tricks. We’re all in this together in the grand scheme of things, eh? Damn grateful for the role y’all play in that, and hope this week shows your best :four_leaf_clover:

Stay up


Totally spaced on replying to this! Haha :laughing: Sorry, mate!

Right! The WMBK you ran, if I remember?

Yop. Learned that quick with these girls. Thanks to some quick thinking-on-the-twinkle-toes of @JustTieflingThings , we got a good grasp on 'em now, it feels like. She had the clutch part in the warm-roots solution when I was at a dead end. And the difference in nutrient tolerance! sheeze… If this is typical, it’s a damn finer hit to the wallet in liquid salts. We do wanna mix our own eventually.

I’d bet! That’s a whole lot of canopy you’ve got on your hands. Saw over on Rhais discord about the boy that snuck up on you. Might be for the best considering crowding! You got this, man.
As far as the link, wish I could- We don’t do any kinda social media, though, and those bastards long ago locked that sh!t down to members only viewing. Thanks for sharing the pictures, though, and I’ve seen that video you had up before- a Youtube, if I recall- the Susan in action. Hahaha

Thanks for hanging out, and keep us updated!
Stay up


Y’all are killin it this go round!
Are the Scarlet grapes fems?
Unfortunately I had to chop 3 males…

2 Banana Sherberts are fems, and either 1 Gorrila Oozie or a NB lol lost track.
Have a great week you 3 :seedling:


Oof! Still- looking like they’ll take advantage of the extra room as best they can.
ETA: at least you can also strategize by repositioning. RDWC is locked into place when we lose one. Hahaha.

Yeah, Scarlet Grapes F2 are Fems. We’ve run about half regs half Fems so far.
Thanks for checking in! Should be a shorter feeling week this round anyway. Hahaha
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Heyhey, y’all. It’s Wednesday!

Hope everyone with a consensus-reality based schedule is off to a great start this week, and tending happy, healthy gardens. Things are starting to shape up in ours! Autos are crazy, man.

My week saw me slack on my duty as a tall :persevere:, that being the capability of manipulating the lighting, and the girls let us know quick, as they grew into a bit too much light for their liking, and we saw a bit of twisting, curling, and taco-making happening especially in #RD and #M!. Figuring these symptoms quickly enough, we addressed this, and with a little humidifier wrangling, the week was fairly smooth sailing.

That left us feeling nice and comfortable going into the “weekend’s” defoliation as planned. We decided to experiment a little with this first mono-crop and hit half of the plants with a harder defoliation than the other half. #BS and will remain more natural with some light plucking here and there, and #RD and #M! have both been hit much harder, and will be again once more early next weekend before hands-off mode on them as well.

Started to see a bunch of little fuzz-balls stack up, though I’m having a sh!t time getting pictures of 'em so far this early on. Not for lack of trying, just can’t seem to get the angles right. Hopefully some of the shots this week work out better.

General Hydroponics has us set to start tapering down after next week, but we’ll be staying the course nutrient wise with the formula for this week or next week depending on what we see going forward, and letting that ride more or less until they tell us otherwise from that point. Feed was smooth and warm, and the new process is working out well. Still gotta figure out a better drain, but I think I’ll have that solved with a couple of degrees of incline added between grows. It’d be cool to not have to drain individual plant sites, too, and let them roots be.

Even a smaller submersible pump would be better than having to turn the whole lid like where we’re at now. :upside_down_face: Might go that route even just to finish this grow. Never hurts to have the extra as a back up after that.

Otherwise, I suppose no news is good news at this point. Lookin’ forward to the week.


  • :spiral_calendar: 58 Days from Seed 49 Days in RDWC plant-sites.
  • :seedling: All the plants got a bit of a clean up this week, and we determined to experiment with defoliation, as well, going heavier on both #M! and #RD while allowing the other two to bush out quite a bit more, especially our short-pheno, .
  • :flashlight: HLG 600R-Spec was raised as noted, though there may have been some light damage before. They’re recovering well, and the light has been maintained at distance. Our short pheno, does not seem to be suffering for it yet.
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: LIGHT Feed Schedule per General Hydroponics standards, no additional CaliMagic . 68.5-71 * F. They continued to eat heavily. We repeated our process to keep the feed warm this round, and landed at a PPM of 725 or 1.45 EC. Temperature started at 68.5 * F and has risen slightly overnight. Feed Recipe this week increased FloraBloom and decreased Gro and Micro.
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: Between both probes, Average 78.65 * F, 52% RH, and 1.29 kPa VPD This skew can be shown with the percentage on target of Anzu below (Targets: 75 * F +/-5, 60% RH +/- 5, 0.9 kPa +/- 0.3) Leaf surfaces were taken at an average of ~-4 * F relative to ambient tent conditions.

Thanks, as always, to every one of you out there readin’ and following along, and especially anyone with kind words, a bit of advice, some tips or tricks, or anything of the like. Always open to and grateful for all of it. Keep on being awesome, and we’ll catch you next week.


Stay up


Heyhey, y’all, Wednesday already, huh?
:persevere: I don’t wanna go to work. :laughing: :grin:

Feelin’ like summer already the last few days here in the Big River Valley, :sun_with_face: but that won’t last but another few minutes. Keep a jacket handy- we’ll see some spring weather yet, I hope. Been a bit of a tussle with that humidity, but the week brought us some good work and pleasant surprises.

We started the week watching four girls in pre-flower, and in just a couple of days time, #RD took off ahead of her sisters, icing up in trichomes and fattening up her already-slightly more mature fuzz balls. We’ve got three girls and a grown-ass woman, here. She now sticks out like a sore thumb back there in her corner. We may have a plant-by-plant stagger to our harvest this round, but that’s still a matter of playing it by ear. Gotdamn is she ever picking up some speed towards the finish line, though. Again, autos are crazy.

We saw a drift downward naturally from the top of the week’s feed, and let it go. Over the course of the week it slowly drifted down to 5.5 with no sign of upset from the girls, who ate steadily again.

Two days ago, we did another round of defoliation, extremely light again on and #BS and much heavier on our right-hand girls, #RD and M!. This will be our last major run at that tec this grow, though we’ll be plucking a bit here and there as necessary.

There are still no major notes to report nose-wise, but the smell is overall funky goodness. A little sweet, a little gas or nail-polish. Definitely looking forward to the smoke, as these flowers started looking at us funny REAL QUICK- never mind the great things we’ve heard so far.


  • :spiral_calendar: 65 Days from Seed 56 Days in RDWC plant-sites.
  • :seedling: Defoliation experiments continued, with the right side of the tent taking the last big round of it two days ago. #RD seems at least a week or two ahead of her sisters, though #M! and #BS are starting to catch up.
  • :flashlight: Light has not been changed this week, and has cleared any major concern of being choked out by her sisters.
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: LIGHT Feed Schedule per General Hydroponics standards, no additional CaliMagic . Last week’s feed settled in the mid 800 ppm and we allowed the pH to drift down through the week to a bottom of 5.5. 70-74 * F. They continued to eat heavily. We repeated our process to keep the feed warm this round minus one warm bucket to account for warmer tap water and ambient temps, and landed at a PPM of ~800 or 1.6 EC. Temperature started at 67.5 * F and has quickly risen to 70 Freedom Units. Feed Recipe this week repeated from last week.
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: Between both probes, Average 77.65 * F, 59% RH, and 1.0 kPa VPD This skew can be shown with the percentage on target of Anzu below (Targets: 75 * F +/-5, 60% RH +/- 5, 0.9 kPa +/- 0.3) Leaf surfaces were taken at an average of ~-4 * F relative to ambient tent conditions.

In other garden related news, we’ve got some big plans coming together for not far in the future that should have us not only running more at once, solidly securing the head-stash and materials for medicine, but also able to start thinking about more advanced and diverse projects. All in good time, and all good things to those who wait, though, eh? We’ll get there, and I’m damn glad for it. Onward.

No plans for 4/20 proper here, this year, at least in so far as I’ll be working through it for the first time in a long time. :neutral_face:

Wooderson to @Coffin_Dodger

On the up-side, I’ve got an almost ten day vacation just a week or so afterward.
:metal: MAY DAY!! :metal:
… So there’s that. :grin: :four_leaf_clover: Plenty of garden time coming up makes a happy camper here, not to mention plenty of time with the family and everything else that really matters.

Until next week, all the best to you and yours, and I hope you’re tending happy plants or chopping bountiful harvests. Whatever comes, make it worth remembering and do it with passion- we’re never guaranteed more. Thanks for spending some of that time checking in with us, offering some kind words, advice, or just saying hey. We appreciate you

Stay up


Looking great guys!
I think you need to post more often, so you pop up on my feed more. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
OG is such a busy place, y’all get lost down the list.
The lady’s looks absolutely gorgeous :green_heart:.
Totally forgot to tag ya in the 420 giveaway, my bad.
Got the 4x2 and waiting for an ACI 69 pro coming this weekend to help run it.

We gotta get you into perpetual grow


Fallponics for the win!! Watching and looks like you’re really harnessing this things raw power. Kudos on a well documented run also. I am curious how you keep your water Temps in check? I always assume without active chilling that the water temp will mirror the ambiant room temp.
Did I miss it scrolling?
Edited to say it looks like your res got up to 74°f? Careful. I got full blown root rot going in the same system at exactly 74. Saved em but it was a harrowing experience.


Smart! Looks like you run your air hose thru the net pot. Easier to pull the root ball out that way.


Hey, @LzBoy !
Hope all’s well up north. Happy holidaze, my dude.

Hahah, a mid week bump is maybe in order. Getting lost in OG is definitely par for the course though. So much great work happening all around here.

Nice! I’m sure you’ll love the automation. It takes a bit of getting used to but definitely worth the peace of mind. Let us know if you have any questions about set up or settings we use


No worries on the missed tag! Always a scramble in my head to think of folks for those things, too. :wink:
Have fun and be safe tomorrow, dude! All the best to Mrs. Lz!

@BudLarfy yes sir! Thanks for sticking around and watching the show. You didn’t miss anything. So far we’ve seen success with Hydroguard, high DO, non-RO, weekly res changes, and generally keeping lower ambient temps. It’s certainly not as surefire as keeping a chiller, and anything up over 72 makes me feel a little loose in the saddle, but we’ve all been there. Maybe we figure something better out down the road but so far it’s all good. Hope all the best for you and yours! Happy 420!
…back to the grinder for me.
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


good morning @Coffin_Dodger and friends !

happy 420 ya all! :vulcan_salute: :partying_face: :vulcan_salute: :partying_face: :vulcan_salute: :partying_face: :vulcan_salute:


From @JustTieflingThings and myself, and Jessicat too, we wish each of you all the best this season, and hope you have had a f#¢king blast today. Here’s to bountiful harvests and happy gardens.

Back to the grindstone for me, but y’all put it in the air like a wildfire!

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Happy belated 420 CD, JTT ans kitty 2🌱
Hope y’all had a pufferiftic day!
I was up till 2am getting the ACI 69 pro dialed in. What a device.

Tinkered around and took off the top shelf, thx for the advice :+1:
Now I have to search for the ACI outlet adapter in Canada ffs…

How do you set yours up? Auto or vpd?
Have a great Sunday :seedling:


Call A/C infinity and they will help you out. They got a GR8 support team that is very knowledgeable! :wink::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Sick! :metal: Great to hear it, @LzBoy ! Sorry about the plug being all ameri-centric. Always some kinda hiccup, eh?

On settings, we usually let things run for VPD based exhaust. We also set a dynamic transition gate to it, so everything isn’t constantly turning on and off. From the settings, you should be able to find a Port page, hitting that gear in the upper right corner of the screen shot you posted above. That Port tab has your leaf temp differential, transitions, and all that nitty-gritty. We usually have our transition at .1 or .2 , which let’s that Port have a tolerance to it.

Since it’s exhaust, and we want constant air exchange, we set our “off” to a low. Right now our “off” in the 4x4 is “3.” It never goes lower. You can set a max, too, to save on noise or power or if You’re over-spec’d.

Hope these gave you a bit more to bite on for now. Gotta get to the week/end morning routines for a bit.
Good luck, dude!

Also, this! Their CS has definitely been something to set them above the bar from other gear suppliers for me.

Stay up


Awesome, thanks for the tutorial :+1:
Found that the tolerance is probably most important setting so far fir getting dialed in.
Got my min set to 1,max at 5. Transition at +2
Keeping the tent at 82 and around 60 to 65 humidity at lights off atm.
Tried sourcing the outlets from Amazon USA. But after exchange, shipping, duties. Its 90$ :roll_eyes: ah well. Hey, at least we have free healthcare… Ps, that’s a joke on its own.

Thanks again :seedling:


…Damn, Wednesday again, eh? :sweat: :sweat_smile: Right on! At least that means just four more days til vacation. Hope everyone had a safe Holyday and happy 4/20 tides all around.

Let’s get in the garden!

Things have pretty much been set to cruise control, as flowers keep cropping up all over and through the canopy, which has more than filled back out through the week. @JustTieflingThings has been staying on top of lightly leaf-plucking #BS and as needed.

#RD is still far ahead of her sisters developmentally, though #BS has cemented herself as a second, it would seem, with a lot of similar traits we saw in #RD previously to date, such as leaf darkening and heavy trichome production beginning. #M! has trailed to third position, but with good cause, as around day 61 in-site she had a handful of branches shoot up another 4-5 inches. She’s now dominating height-wise, and closing on the recommended minimum for distance to the light. Considering how low we’re running it, and she’s not showing any light-burn, we’re applying LITFA on that one.

Over the course of the week, the solution trended down in pH again, and we let it drift until it hit 5.3 the night before feed. We mixed up about 2.5 Gal of warm tap water and added 10 ml pH Down. This held us over til feed. The girls ate well again, and seem pretty happy with the mix.

Scarlet Grapes F2 Auto Fem #RD D63

Scarlet Grapes F2 Auto Fem #BS D63

Scarlet Grapes F2 Auto Fem #M! D63

Scarlet Grapes F2 Auto Fem D63


  • :spiral_calendar: 72 Days from Seed 63 Days in RDWC plant-sites.
  • :seedling: #RD is solidly in the lead, with #BS following and #M! behind. M! has had several branches continue stretching, and she is now easily the tallest in the tent. received some necessary additional lower pruning this week.
  • :flashlight: Light has not been changed this week.
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: LIGHT Feed Schedule per General Hydroponics standards, no additional CaliMagic . Last week’s feed settled in the mid 800 ppm and we allowed the pH to drift down through the week to a bottom of 5.3, where we intervened. 68.1-73 * F. They continued to eat heavily. This week’s feed has settled so far at PPM of ~725 or 1.55 EC. Temperature started at 66 * F and has quickly risen to 70 Freedom Units. Feed Recipe this week repeated from last week. EC Probe may need recalibration.
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: Between both probes, Average 76.25 * F, 58.75% RH, and 1.0 kPa VPD This skew can be shown with the percentage on target of Anzu below (Targets: 80 * F +/-5, 60% RH +/- 5, 1.0 kPa +/- 0.3) Leaf surfaces were taken at an average of ~-4 * F relative to ambient tent conditions.

Root darkness is typical of GH Nutrients, though it sure doesn’t help

In other news- :crazy_face: there’s not much! It’s been a light enough week as the garden goes, but not without a lot of big planning and dreaming, and, as teased last week, A LOT of big news on the horizon. 4/20 has come and gone again, and May Day is around the corner, and that’s time and cause enough for me to celebrate a bit of the goodness left from last year. …And, of course, before any of it, and most importantly, I gotta thank @JustTieflingThings for having faith in me, us, and this and seeing the difference it can make for us and our family. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better or more understanding to be in it with. :black_heart:

As always, thanks for dropping by, y’all! Don’t be a stranger and all the best from us and ours to you and yours this week. Grab on and ride it out. You got this. We’ll catch ya around here next time.

Stay up


Wow @Coffin_Dodger , looking excellent as always :green_heart: you guys are really doing a wonderful job and your plants are happy :herb:


Nice job , I was glad to see you call out the strain you are growing. I thought those fancy initials were cultivars .