Coffin_Dodger's Continuous Chronicles of Cultivating Chaos

@BudLarfy - I checked back and from what I saw we averaged about 75.5 degrees over the course of a summer grow, with some spiking up into the 77-80.5ish range (notes not on hand as I type) towards late July and early August, when we harvested. Not nominal, but we hadn’t even started using inoculant at that point.

We’ll be staying more actively on top of it than that run with the experience we’ve gained since, but don’t doubt it’ll still be a bit of a bull ride.

Thanks again for dropping in, don’t be a stranger
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Definitely skirting the edge with those temps. Specially with no beneficials or bleach. Glad the gods smiled on your endeavors!


Heyhey, everybody!
It’s Weednesday again, y’all! Welcome back to the garden. Things are still a bit torn up while we nail things down to fill the time it takes for the little ones to germinate, but there’s a quick update in it, anyway.


Here’s the start of our Fifth Run.

We got (2x) Rainbow Kush and (3x) WWxBB wet as of 1900ish on Sunday, June 16. Each soaked in roughly 50-60ml distilled water in shot glasses on a seedling tray on a heat mat set to low. These were enclosed in a dome with a thermohygrometer, and covered with a towel. Air temp was maintained between 80 and 90 degrees, with one or two brief spikes into 91-91.5.

We checked on the babies every 8-12 hours from there, with cracking on both RK shortly after 12 hours, followed by some cracking of WWxBB between 12 and 24 hours, one RK showing a taproot by 24 hours, and the second RK showing by hour 36.

Grow Five Germination (Rainbow Kush and WWxBB)-COLLAGE

With all seeds showing some signs of life, and two very active little taproots growing, we decided to go ahead and hit the next step, soaking five Root Riot cubes in distilled water for a matter of about 8 hours before planting the seeds. @JustTieflingThings handles that part, as her hands are a hell of a lot more sensitive and dexterous than mine, she knocked it out. We also use the cubes upside down, to give the roots more surface area to work into early, and because it’s easier to work with when we transplant to netpots later. We could mix up a very, very light feed for soaking the cubes at this point in the future, but it isn’t something we’ve done yet, and seems a great time to employ LITFA.

Grow Five Planting (WWxBB and Rainbow Kush)-COLLAGE

Now… We wait 'til we see green and hit those sweet new ACI LEDs.
So far, the ACI Propagation Kit is a solid upgrade from our old SuperSprouter. All round higher grade. Looking forward to seeing what these cute little lights do.


  • :spiral_calendar: 2.5 Days from Seed .5 Days in Cubes
  • :seedling: 2/2 Rainbow Kush had taproots of several millimeters after soaking in distilled water for roughly 36 Hours. No taproots on WWxBB seeds, but some cracking/activity observed.
  • :flashlight: Replacing the old t5 this round will be a set of daisy chained ACI Ionbeams for a total of 28W of LM301H EVO LED Light in 3000-5000k
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: Plain distilled water for soaking seeds, moss cubes, and spraying humidity dome.
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: Average 87.3 * F, 100% RH, and -0.48 kPa VPD Targets set for 85 * F and 95%RH

ACI Data Grow 5 Germination

In other garden related news, early on in the week Jessicat dragged in a letter from @DirtySlowToes with a pack of Slippery Susan X P25 and a surprise puck of Boggy Blue Pineapple Skunk. Thanks again for the chance to grow those out, dude! Gonna be tough coming up with a roster when the year of autos is over, that’s for damn sure.

SSxP25 and Boggy Blue Pineapple Skunk Courtesy @DirtySlowToes_HDR

Also! I got both my anniversary and devotee badges. Hard to think it’s been a year hanging out more actively around here, and I’m damn grateful for having met everyone I’ve been lucky enough to touch base with, and everyone whose generosity has graced our little seed vault. It’s been a hell of a year in our little garden, and I’ll be damned if life isn’t better for it. Thanks again for whatever part you play in making this place what it is. From the truly insane depths of knowledge and skill through to the sheer generosity and mutual aid. It’s a hell of a place, and you’re a hell of a part of it.

Canniversary of Correspondence-COLLAGE

Take it easy this week, y’all. I will be. Starting with an extra day off today for sh!ts and grins. Thanks for dropping by, as ever, and-

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Your post @Coffin_Dodger always rock 🪨 and the descriptiveness of the information you provide is off the charts :chart_with_upwards_trend:! :clap::tophat::clap::tophat::blush::facepunch::ok_hand::+1::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Tails… you lose.

Gotta get this sucker into its permapot. :open_mouth:


The propagation lights from aci make killer side lighting. I have 2 of the 4 bar 16" sets in the 4x4. Excellent supplemental lites


Rainbow Kush-Off 2024

transplanted to permapot (4gal) soil all organics.
dirtburst and first set of leaves.
soaking up the blurple.
reppin’ lone star. :star:


Heyheyhey, everybody! It’s the first Weednesday of summer!

Hope y’all are having a good season so far. It’s started off well enough here, but busy. If I’m gonna get this posted on time I gotta keep it short and sweet.

We had sprouts late Wednesday, one RK and one WWxBB, followed Thursday morning by a second RK. Considering no other seedlings have arrived yet, we are entering the first RK to show up in the Kushoff, for better or worse, in interest of fairness since we’ll probably be trying to keep both.

The first couple of days were smooth for the babies, if a bit high on the humidity, and when the RK got leggy on us, I over reacted, turning up the new Ionbeam propagation light kit. This was a bad plan. After a couple days of near frying the babies, the WWxBB seems a bit mad, but is finally pushing first leaves, the first RK is recovering well, and the second has fried little first leaves but is still pushing her second set.

Then she fell over and needed a crutch.


Given the low success with the WWxBB so far, we have gone ahead and germinated three more, which showed two decent tap roots about two days later, and went into cubes this morning, as the first babies went into their final plant sites.

We transplanted the three early girls this morning.


  • :spiral_calendar: 9 Days from Seed 7 Days in Cubes 0 Days in RDWC Plant Sites
  • :seedling: 2/2 Rainbow Kush sprouted late Wednesday/Early Thursday, both leggy, but sporting first leaves and starting seconds. (#RK2) suffered some light burn, severely twisting her first leaves, but she’s a fighter. 2x WWxBB seeds presumed dead in their cubes. One WWxBB sprout, angry about high humidity from the look. Stayed short, but slow to push first leaves in the dome. First RK to the party for better or worse is our Kushoff Contender. 3x Additional WWxBB seeds germinated midnight, 6/24, 2 tap roots, with one showing no activity yet.
  • :flashlight: Lights dialed up to 20% midweek, with three sprouts showing. THIS WAS A F#@&!NG MISTAKE! :exclamation: This ACI Propagation Kit DOES NOT PLAY. :exclamation: These aren’t t5’s. Or CFL’s. Lights were dialed back down a couple of days after. In ISHMAEL, the HLG 650 RSpec is at 34" above the plant sites, dialed down to 10% (65W) and tested with the PPFD Meter App and Uni-T BT combo to be delivering a DLI of ~3.9 to start.
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: Plain distilled water for soaking seeds, moss cubes, and spraying humidity dome. City tap water run through an RV Hose Filter allowed to oxygenate and off-gas, then pH’d to within reason of 5.8 ppm 235, EC 0.49
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: Dome: Average 86.7 * F, 89.2% RH Targets set for 87 * F and 80%RH Ishmael, since dialing in: Average 77 * F, 75.5% RH, and 0.49 kPa VPD

…okay. So maybe more of a full update than I thought I could get out. All in, a great week in the garden, with some lessons learned.

Thanks, as always, for dropping by, and for all you do to make this place what it is. We’ll catch you next time.

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Man your music choices are spot on! And your start looks great!


Rainbow Kush-Off 2024

working on 3rd set of leaves.

still not sure why so many people sh^t on blimburn. these RK’s are solid. the one i started last month is outgrowing the space even after being supercropped and topped.


Holyholyholy! Great start, @Til_Valhalla . :metal: I had a feeling you’d take a strong lead out of the gate. That baby is looking solid! And the older Kush is giving a great inspiration for both of our little ones, eh?
It’s our first time running Blimburn gear, here, but so far it’s a hell of a lot more stable than what we’re seeing from Female Seeds Co. Those damn things just didn’t want to wake up!
Our contender is just pushing her third set now, and we’re due to feed tomorrow, so we’ll see what happens when the gas pedal goes down a bit.
Great job so far!

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


i just took the older RK outside to harden up today. top dressed it and fully soak watered it. will see how it looks in a week. if it can hang, i’ll toss it in the direct sun with the other outdoor autos.
this is a pretty hardy little plant. first time growing it. impressed with the structure i saw before i supercropped the top/mainstem.

the kush-off entry seems healthy. i know i got out the gate quick, but you’re probably going to catch me up right quick.
i’m just really interested to see how massive your autos can get. i limit mine to 2gal or 4gal pots. i have never gone larger.
i have “read” on forums (unsure if bro science so don’t quote me) that the best expression for an auto is in a 3gal pot. again, don’t quote me.

welcome to blimburn. i have been running blimburn for a while. they were cheap and had a lot of the stuff i was looking for on abuelas list. (of course, long before coming here or any forums for that matter). i have found some gems in there as well as some duds (like ALL seed companies). but i would say my success has far outweighed failures.
they have some in-house seed lines that are quite good, and then they have their puppy mill fem seed stuff they make off of the “flavor of the month” cuts. and honestly, some of those have been real good too.

back to the kush-off taunting…

waiting for you to light your rocket fuse and scream past me…

still waiting… :stuck_out_tongue:


Heyheyhey and a high and happy Weednesday to everyone of you fine folks today. Hope y’all are finding ways to beat the heat and otherwise enjoying the season. Finally catching some rain in the Big River Valley this morning. Glad for the yard work I was able to knock out yesterday, anyway.
Happy belated :maple_leaf: Canadia Day :maple_leaf: to all you Notherners, and a SAFE and happy :fireworks: Fourth :firecracker: to all you South of that Line.
Everyone else- Keep kicking ass.

Onward to the babies!..Not that there’s too much to show yet. This is kind of another one of those posts to keep it going, and a secondary record for our sake.

We did continue to see some trouble with the WWxBB seeds, with the additional three set to germinate only yielding one viable seedling. And she seemed pretty mad at us about the humidity again, would be the look of it from my guess. She exhibited slow*-er* growth, but not nearly as slow as her sister, who had been subjected to higher light output as well. This little one at least only had the lights at 10% the whole time. Despite slow growth above and a droop to her first leaves, she had a fat dangling fishbone of a tap root at a week old, and was transplanted to harden to the pampering of the tent or else.

In the interest of not being the guy who shows his baby pictures to those who care far less, here’s a big old single collage of the first week of this grow. Follow it clockwise from the upper left, spiral to the middle. There are five sets of four pictures.

Well, that was easier to format, anyway. :metal:

The girls got their first feed last night, as we typically give them a few days after transplant to acclimate to the minerals already present in the water. We started this run with Light recommendations from General Hydroponics due to last run’s issue with overfeeding. In addition to the base trio, we gave the usual ArmorSi and Hydroguard and continued to omit CaliMagic based on local water test results and past grows.

Rainbow Kush #KJ :arrow_down:

Rainbow Kush #SL -KUSHOFF CONTENDER- :arrow_down:

…The other girls will start getting close up pictures when they start acting like they want their pictures taken.

Anyone familiar to Female Seeds Co WWxBB or have tips for either of those lines?

Plan for the week is to dial the light in, and keep easing off the humidity until we can hit a solid VPD of .70-.80.

It’s been a bit of touch-and-go this run to fill all the seats, but we’re getting there.


  • :spiral_calendar: 16/9 Days from Seed 7/2 Days in RDWC Plant Sites
  • :seedling: Of the Three additional WWxBB germinated, the third continued to show no activity. All three were put into cubes, with one sprouting. Similarly curled, over-watered look from the high humidity of the dome as the first successful WWxBB sprout. Both RK are a bit leggy, but otherwise recovered and adapted quickly, and are pushing multi-bladed sets of leaves.
  • :flashlight: In the THUNDERDOME lights were kept at 10% while germinating the last of the WWxBB. In ISHMAEL, the light has not been changed this week, but with the feed, will be dialed up today or tomorrow.
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: Plain distilled water for soaking seeds, moss cubes, and spraying humidity dome. City tap water run through an RV Hose Filter allowed to oxygenate and off-gas, then pH’d to within reason of 5.8 ppm 235, EC 0.49 LIGHT Feed Schedule per General Hydroponics, giving us a feed result this week at pH 6.1 71.2 * F and 450ppm or ~0.92 EC.
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: Thunderdome: Average 86.7 * F, 89.2% RH Targets set for 87 * F and 80%RH Ishmael, since dialing in: Average 75.6 * F, 76.3% RH, and 0.40 kPa VPD

Tent :arrow_down:

Lung Room and Feed Chart :arrow_down:

Water and Solution :arrow_down: (PPM and EC)

In other garden related news, Jessicat came yowling back from the door just a few days ago with a letter from one of OG’s finest fellows, @misterbee , bearing a generous gift of Dark Sparks Auto Fem seeds to add to our humble little collection.

Considering they’re auto fems, and this is our Year of the Auto, they might even get jumped into one last run squeezed into the Fall/Winter Season. We’ll be sure to tag everyone!

That just about wraps us for this week so thanks again for dropping by and remember to stay safe over the holiday! Best luck in whatever you face or endeavor to accomplish this week. Keep going- you got this.
Stay up


How’s she holding up? Wish I could grow out in the sun. Definitely fun to watch, anyway. Maybe in some distant years, but it’d take a lot of security.

Seems like a lot of consensus on autos is that root sensitivity, and the ‘sweet spot’ for pot size and lifespan. Hydro definitely allows for some alleviation there, especially if you’ve got nice deep buckets. We run 13 gal. They wanna be monsters in it from what we’ve seen so far in past grows, that’s for sure.

So far, Blimburn exceeds the bit of sh!t talk I had unfortunately heard here and there on ‘em. Glad to have had to extra incentive to look into these this round, and they do seem like hardy, healthy girls. I’ve seen their gear pretty regularly on NASC’s $5 (and if they still do it $2) seed menu(s), too, for what it’s worth.
Lookin’ forward to seeing how much farther along that nice Texas heat has got your girl to ours, bro.


Stay Up


Quite well actually. Better than expected. I have no doubts by end of week it will be in full sun.
Said it before, will say again, great structure on this plant. Very hearty. Colas stacking up real nice. Will snap a photo for you later.


You should check their in house lines. Johnnypotseed has been running/ breeding with some recently. Cafe racer is an in house blimburn strain (gdp x gsc) so is fat bastard. There is a 3rd he was using but the name escapes me at the moment


Saw you’d been doing some experiments with that Microkote or whatever, and root pruning. No plans to extend that to autos, is there?

Appreciate it. Good to hear she took well.

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


yes, i put microkote on the autos buckets. i wanted to see if it stunted them or helped them along.

so far, so good. there don’t seem to be any negative effects, and the autos outside are looking very healthy.

i was a bit concerned with the (root) pruning on autos. i have always been under them impression that tampering with the auto taproot causes premature flowering. reason being is that i have always seen them flower early in small containers. solo cups and other short/squat pots i have tried them in. even shallow 5 gallon totes showed them flowering in seedling stage.


Who runs bartertown?


Remember where you are - this is Thunderdome, and death is listening, and will take the first plant that screams.