Coffin_Dodger's Continuous Chronicles of Cultivating Chaos

I am no expert, but I have never used roots for anything other than firestarter or compost.


We made a topical out of roots and coconut oil, I think we still have a little.

Clean, dry out, grind, alcohol soak, reduce. Mix in the oil and keep warn to drive off as much of the alcohol as you want.



Ethanol? Been meaning to do a full ethanol extraction of some frozen flower. I use oil daily, but it’s silly expensive around here, still. That’s looking to be next on the list of processing experiments.

Thanks for sharing another reason for the tea totallers to hit the liquor store! Hahaha Never ceases to amaze how many ways you can process and utilize this plant.

We’re gonna be doing another salve run here, soon, too. That stuff is great. @JustTieflingThings is thinking of adding some more lotion-like ingredients this round.
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Well ffs, why did I think you used roots?
musta smoked some WMBK when I was reading your thread.
my apologies to both y’all :pray:


Never a worry! Mistakes are best for learning, and just getting at the dried roots with our hands thos run was pretty cool. We hadn’t let em just hang in the empty buckets before this. Surprisingly soft

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Hey CD. Hope all is well buddy :call_me_hand:
It’s Wednesday, where you at? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
What’s on tap next?


Heyhey, you fine folks.
Wednesday again! … wait… Damned if it doesn’t sneak up sometimes. :sweat_smile: oh well. There goes the week/end and here comes the grind. Thursday! Late Edition…

Not much to report on the garden front this week, as we took some downtime, enjoyed the harvest, and I got some work on on the clean up/flip and rearranging some fixtures and furniture for the eventual expansion.

The space has been opened up a bit, and that gap is where we’ll be putting down our new 2x4 row, giving us a hell of a lot more options and opportunities.

We’ll be trying to rebalance the new positioning with some paving stones and rubber to allow for an easier time with drainage, upgrading the circulation fans to the gen 2s that came in at the start of last run, and look forward to having some tighter control on the light output thanks to that handy meter.

On deck this round for offering will be a run of mostly White Widow x Big Bud, bred by Female Seeds and courtesy of the Vault. A twist on a classic, @JustTieflingThings is looking forward to the White Widow half of that equation.
…but there may be a surprise in store on that line up.

Otherwise, we’ve been enjoying cracking open some older jars.

Just a quick “proof-of-life” from out here in the Big River Valley, y’all. We’ll be filling and draining the system for a final clean in the next couple days, letting it run til our week/end, and should be getting some beans wet by then. We’ll catch y’all then, and hope you crush whatever this week throws at you in the meanwhile.

Stay up


Hey, @LzBoy ! Thanks for checking in! Hah- work week just seems to stretch out and sprawl all over all the good bits, eh? Hope you aren’t too under the weather for your leave. Think I read you took some this week, eh? Enjoy as much of that time as you can.
…yeah. gotta get that room running! It’s too quiet here. Hahaha!
All the best to the Missus!
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Ya, took the week of. My buddy drove out west from Ontario, but he had to cut his trip short. So I’m just chilling all week doing absolutely eff all. We’ll, besides copious amounts of weed smoking of course :call_me_hand:and taking care of the apartment garden :seedling:
Just a heads up if it’s not yo late. As soon as I set up my 2x4, I wished I’d gotten a 3x3 :rofl::rofl:
So if you have the space, I’d definitely go the 3x3 route for that extra square foot of space.
I might get one still, then use the 2x4 for drying. 🤷 All in good time.
You 3 have a great weekend :love_you_gesture:


Heyhey, y’all! It’s … * checks calendar * WEEDNESDAY! …Which means I’m on track so far (at least as of now) for a quick update.
Hope the week has been a solid one for all of you fine folks. We’ve been marking a nice steady pace to head into our fifth run. Still nothing exciting to show yet, but we do have confirmation on that last minute line-up change mentioned last week.

So, for our main attraction this round we’ll be running:
White Widow X Big Bud (Auto/Fem) Bred by Female Seeds Courtesy the Vault Seed Bank

WW X BB by Female Seeds

…and, in our first attempt at an old-fashioned side-by-side grow off, we’ll be running
Rainbow Kush (Auto/Fem) bred by United Cannabis Seeds Courtesy North Atlantic Seed Company, along-side @Til_Valhalla

Rainbow Kush by United Cannabis Seeds

The length of flower on the Rainbow Kush (+/- 84 Days) should allow us time to pull a few different levels of ripeness for the WWxBB (+/- 59 Days), which are said to finish nearly 30 days faster, which should be advantageous as we have enough WWxBB beans to run them a second time, and nail a preferred harvest window.

We’re looking forward to the variety, the little challenges that multi-cultivar RDWC runs have (amped up by autos this time :metal: hahah) and most of all, running something along-side another (great) grower and OG! …and @JustTieflingThings is stoked to get a feel for the space being more comfortable, which is always vital.

We expect we’ll be done flipping the room and soaking beans by Sunday or so, but, given we’ll have to sync up with Val, there’ll be a good quick notice update here and or there, too, so no one misses out on the action.

That about wraps us for this week’s hot and dirty update, so thanks again for dropping by and showing support, and all the best to you and yours this week. May you bury your axe in the crania of all that stands in your way. :metal:

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Ahh, yeah, I hear you on every square freedom foot being more than worth it’s weight in gold, but as the odd geometry of the room stands, it’ll only work in our favor to have a single “row” there. Gives us about 18 inches between tents and walls (minus “backwalls” where we have about 3 or 4 inches,) and between tents.
Granted, on looking at the layout, my old man was in the same boat- “Just tear out that whole closet!” …which may eventually happen, yet. If we can build the stash enough to skip a run out- knocking that out at the same time as the carpet would have me set pretty happy with the space as a space. Always time to rethink things at that point, but first expansion is set in stone- that 2x4 and all that fills it are still eyeballing me hard from various temporary storage points. :rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile:
We’ll get there. Looks like you’re having too much fun with yours! Stoked to get it going, but all good things in time, eh?

Gotta get ready to drag myself through the premature summer and into a walk-in for the next half a day, now. Hope the return to work has been a smooth one for ya, bro.

Stay up!
:ghost: :raccoon:


rainbow kush-off 2024!

say the word. set the date. i’m flexible with this. empty pot and space just waiting for tumbleweed to blow by…


Good luck on the grow off fellas :seedling:
I’ll be following along in the cheering section :man_dancing:


really great work guys! following along with your hydro triumphs. still curious how you keep the water temperature in your fallponics rig from mirroring the ambient air temp in the tent.
aside from running it sterile, i set up an inline fan ducted to a window to constantly blow outdoor winter air AT the reservoir. w/o that the water definitely would have been mid seventies.
whatever your doing works great. wishing you continued success and happy harvests


@Til_Valhalla , 24 hours notice for Rainbow Kush off push-off! Shooting for 1900 CST (Central Stoner Time) here for getting those beans wet. Given that’s stoner time, we all know that window has a decent tolerance to it, so let us know if anything comes up! Otherwise, it’s on!

We’ll catch you out there
Stay up


right on dude. 7pm tomorrow night.

its on.



We don’t run sterile, but use a healthy dose of Hydroguard. We change solution every week, and we have an intake inline directed from the A/C towards the interior buckets, but not the Rez. Directing airflow at the waterfall pump might have greater effect, for sure.
Root zone temps have been something of an experimental ground for us, and warming up to the lower seventies has shown a great benefit.

From what I’ve heard, our real danger zone is pushing into the upper 70s and low 80s. Anytime we have typically pushed beyond 75 degrees or so, we consider topping off with cold pH’d water, which usually buys us time until the next ‘oil change.’ Padding the res with ice packs is worth a degree or so in our experience, too. We could probably get away with dangling contained ice (A la frozen bottles) in the res if we absolutely needed to, considering it wouldn’t be in direct contact with the roots, and have a chance to mingle with the warm solution before exposure…

I would bet you’ll see us fighting that upper limit a bit more this run, but would have to get into the physical notes from a couple runs back to check into average summer temps over a run.

One more shift til I’m free for the week/end. I’ll post up some of those numbers when I get a chance tomorrow

Thanks for watching, the interest and encouragement. Definitely something we’re trying to pin down still, too.

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Tick tock…

mine says “luckier” - you’re doomed.


High noon son…

mine are luckier. sez so right on the package…

i have 2 seeds left

i naturally picked the one destined to kick your ass…

into the paper towel and ziplock. see you in 3 days (or less) city slicker


Beans are soaked, and @JustTieflingThings and I have a new toy from the haul set up. We’re stoaked to get this one going, and all the more for the fun of seein’ the side-by-side with @Til_Valhalla .

Lonestar versus Gateway! GET. IT. ON!


Stay up