Coffin_Dodger's Continuous Chronicles of Cultivating Chaos

Rainbow Kush-Off 2024 - Lone Star Edition :cowboy_hat_face:
Day : 75

stanking and fattening up… to the point of bending the branches down like the outdoor RK. need to set up a trellis to hold these branches up.

that’s all for now city slicker…
clint smoking


The epic battle continues :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Is CD is up for a high noon shootout?
Will there be an epic showdown at the OK corral?
Stay tuned folks. The funs just getting started :call_me_hand:
BTW That’s a dang perrrty flower Valhalla :ok_hand: I can almost smell it all the way up here.


thank you sir. appreciate the comment.

the colas are pretty, the plant is a misshapen mess.
it was too much of a monster for this space. :frowning:
i had to toss it’s elder sibling outside for the same reason.

CD’s is outgrowing his space as well. it’s a monster cultivar.

and yeah… it smells very good. hard to place. floral, skunky… old school weed. really looking forward to tasting/sampling.

was going to chop the one outdoors tonight, but too tired. i’ll pull it out of the lineup, and chop/wash tomorrow.


I think that might be the one big category we take you in, but unless she kicks it into high gear soon, we may be in trouble with this one overall. Just keep telling myself we’re about 4 seconds into this bull ride… 4 more to hang on for.

I see our Contender being closer to this window. She’s still not stalled by any means, but she’s not exactly the happiest with us. I think the sea of buds is almost too much for her, like. :man_shrugging: 4 more seconds…

:laughing: Thanks for drummin’ up some excitement, @LzBoy ! And of course, for following along. We’re as ready as we’re gonna be, hahaha. Spent some hours in there just now cleaning up the WWxBB. Gonna grab a quick bite and then it’s back to “work” in there to tackle the Rainbows.

…And yeah! that is some damn fine flower he’s got down there. Fistfuls of funky goodness! -Now, that outdoor girl- GODDAMN. :exploding_head: Hahaha

Hey, at least you’ve got solid eyes on her without climbing through. One broken branch and a forced supercropping aside, it’s all just signs of a grower giving her the love she needed! We all now love is the first ingredient.

Huh? wha…? :astonished: This one?! Noooo… Never.

…Okay, so yeah. remember that 8 foot ceiling? … gonna be a longer update this week. :face_exhaling: :face_with_spiral_eyes: 4 more seconds. :sweat_smile:

VERY much. Kinda sad these’ll be the only shot we have at 'em here. So it goes!

Gotta get back in there for now.

Stay up


FYI here is a Crunchy Frog with 6 weeks veg at 1 week of flower:


yeah… the one i tossed outside was the LONGEST growing auto (lets call it 120 days from seed) i have had to date. shattered a few records. i can’t imagine how massive it would be if i hadn’t supercropped it and had STARTED it outside.
i have one seed left. if the smoke is good, i will certainly make it a 5gal pot next year and let it do it’s thang au naturale. total monster auto. will start it in april and let it finish up with the summer solstice.

i hope the smoke is as good as this smells.


Hey, what are y’all gonna be running next?
we are pretty close together with our grow times. I’m around day 75ish on my PPP, shiska, and k4ssdd. Cutting my fastbuds today as well.
I think it’s neet when folks grow the same strains at the same time and compare.
Let me know and I’ll see if I’ve got it to pop. :+1:


i’m not sure if i’m going to do another one so soon. i REALLY need to sort out how i’m going to proceed inside. changing everything over to run perpetual at the beginning of the year upset the balance i had… i haven’t really left myself space to run list strains over the winter like i have been.

not saying no, but also not saying yes. i need to think about this and be ready to pull triggers AFTER the outdoor season is over… and the last outdoor plant is trimmed.

i guess i’ll know better in oct/nov.

CD might be up for another challenge tho. i can’t speak for him.
he might be feeling pretty badass after this victory and try his luck against a canuck. :wink:


Ditto on that. Trying to do the same. It’s alot harder than it looks that for sure.
1st off I need to get my cloning process down to actually get some mothers going. :joy:
The summer heat really screwed me up this year. But I can’t run an ac with everything else going in the apartment :roll_eyes:. So not sure how I’m going to handle it next year.


you’re going to throw a lot of stuff outside like i did this year. :laughing:
God’s light system is by far the best.


Definitely, even with only 6hrs direct. It’s amazing what it does. I should get more next year with my new balcony extension :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.


just makes me want my retirement land even more… :disappointed:

i saw your toe-maters on your balcony. they produce any fruit for you? i had a hard time with my tomatoes this year. don’t have much to show for them. my cucumbers, peppers and melons did good tho. still producing.


Oh ya. Got around 60 lbs outa 4 plants. Gave alot of it away.
it became overwhelming taking care of em all. So I called it early and chopped em when they were smallish. The big ones I got were incredibly tasty. The little ones are great for sammishs.

Next year only one or 2 of em.
My ghost peppers are doing wicked, and I’m scared af to try one :grimacing:
None of em have gone red yet. There’s around 30 or so of them.
and I crammed 3 Thai chillies into one pot. I think that’s why they turned out so tiny. Hundreds of them. I cut em up and tried in eggs and Salads. Perfect heat. Just to tiny.

Not bad for my first attempt at anything besides weed :call_me_hand:
Wooohooo! We can upload more than 1 at a time :+1:
When I first started growing just over a year ago. I thouit would just be weed.
But the passion of growing in general has been a complete surprise to me that I just love. :green_heart::seedling:
Waiting to see if these 2 will get done in time. Regs outside on the balcony.

I see others outdoors are much farther along then mine. So I’m rethinking the hole. Will the street lights effect the photos. They are turning. But slow. Could be genetics as well.
1 is that so called godfather OG, that I don’t think is… Looks like TST isn’t the only one that scams :roll_eyes:


nice haul on the tomatoes.
it really is fun growing stuff… not just ganj. growing food rocks too. i like food. food is good.

re: godfather og. if there is a ridiculous amount of demonic jungle vine lateral branching on every internode, then it’s godfather. it is a VERY bushy plant, has sativa looking leaves on a bushy indica structure. this has been my experience with it.


Thank you. Sorry for mangling the name! She is gorgeous, that’s one thing that can’t be missed by poor eyesight.

Hell yeah! And no doubt she’ll be a beast if you do.

Haha! And another Hell YEAH! Right now things are up on the air for next run for us, juggling a couple options based on a few possibilities. Gotta make time this month or next to tear the guts out of the grow and rebuild with the second tent. At the latest, that’ll be October, over my last vacation of the year. Which should time out well for after this run, anyway. After that we’ll probably set the 4x4 for one more auto run, and start playing in the 2x4 with some photoperiod plants again, but outside of one possible outstanding commitment, we’re pretty open on what to pop! I’m sure we’ve got some common stuff in our respective vaults, @LzBoy ! It’d be rad to grow along with ya, anytime!

Yop. Too little time. Echoing the too busy to have details til after Croptober, that’s for sure. As far as trying my luck against the Canadjuns, I’ll have you refer to either LZ or Foreigner’s pictures above. I’d’ve already been beat (like this Kushoff!) but that’s not what I’m here for! This has been a blast so far, and really pushing us to try new things

Nice haul!

That’s another thing I’d like to get prepped for spring- got a deck out back to start @JustTieflingThings on some herbs and lettuces, maybe some peppers. Looking forward to it

Gotta go wrangle those Rainbows some more while we got the time! … Time and space. Always damned little time and space… :sweat_smile:

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Holy shit, y’all. :face_exhaling: :sweat_smile: :rofl: :four_leaf_clover:

What a week, in the garden and out. Lots going on, and ain’t that just life. Just gotta’ find that groove, climb on top of the boulder and ride that sumnagun like the pioneer days.


…or, as @JustTieflingThings is wont to remind me, “Imagine Sisyphus happy.”
Whatever the case, or however high-minded the language, we managed to do just that again this week. Set a spell and spin one up and we’ll ramble about it a bit, if you’re inclined.

The work week is a dicey time for me getting into the garden and really getting a lot done, and the road to hell being paved with good intentions set the tone for the start of the week. Would it have been physically possible to rig the ACI Propagation lights to the top corner of the tent and supply some auxiliary light to the top of our Kushoff Contender, RK #SL? Sure.

But, there’s a lot in the world that is physically possible and just doesn’t happen that way. So, after a few days of monitoring, and her meristem bud-sites only looking like they were suffering for recieving nothing but weak, reflected light up there, I finally supercropped our girl. By the time I had, she was fully against the ceiling of our extended Gorilla tent, putting her at ~77", or just under 6 and a half Freedom Units.

For future reference, I’ve heard a foliar of Silicate can help manage/suppress stretching. Anyone have first hand experience with that?

We selected a spot about two feet down and I supercropped her, training the vine-like top to a CFM pole above the tent doors. Even now, I’m wondering if it wouldn’t have been better to lop it off. :man_shrugging: Within a couple of hours, that stem had at least turned toward the light.

When the next light-cycle started, after I woke up, we saw an almost immediate shift in the tent. The wall of buds RK #SL had already formed suddenly all jumped up, or stretched out. While she seemed to know something was wrong when her main-cola ventured into the darkness, it seems like the other “senses” were still holding her back from letting the mid-canopy “wall-of-buds” develop? Whether gravitational or otherwise, the supercropping triggered something in her.

…we continue to monitor that situation closely.

Our other Rainbow Kush, #KJ, on the contrary, has been really putting on weight, as her mid-canopy fills out. The main cola is enormous, and all her buds are frosting up nicely, and fattening to fist-size and greater, with the first few pistils just starting to fade to orange. This one will be on the chopping block first, without a doubt.

The girls in the back of the class are still pacing out slow and steady, with plenty of stacking going on in their own right. By the time the week/end rolled around, it was well past time to prune lowers and clean things up, so all four girls got under-carriage work done, and all responded very well. With our little bushes now having grown into a space where the light is up to as high as a DLI of 49 and ppfd of ~690, we may need to dial the light back progressively starting next week, to avoid any light-intensity stress induced issues (or prolonging any that are already presenting.)

On 9/3, at 3am I undertook a rogue action, not entirely endorsed by @JustTieflingThings . This note is a reminder of that, mostly for myself, in case nothing comes of it. … Don’t worry about it. See? Now you’re worrying. Relax. Let it happen.

Feed this week was the same as last week, though temp control has been a bit off for loss of one of our favored ice packs. Gotta grab some more.

Rainbow Kush #SL KUSHOFF CONTENDER :arrow_down:

RK #KJ :arrow_down:

WWxBB #JL and #AK :arrow_down:


  • :spiral_calendar: 79/72 Days from Seed 70/65 Days in RDWC Plant Sites
  • :seedling: RK #KJ Is quickly putting on weight, with an already massive main cola to show for it. RK #SL Supercropped 8/30, as nothing good could come of being above the lights. She had a massive reaction. Both WWxBB still slower, but steady, already well past the breeder-advertised growth cycle length. All four plants were pruned to clear the lowers and reduce overall RH in the tent, while encouraging the plants to focus their metabolic processes. All responded well.
  • :flashlight: Lights have not been changed this week. Delivering a DLI of 41-44 at the canopies of the WWxBB, ~650-690ppfd
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: No change in LIGHT Feed Schedule per General Hydroponics this week. Solution level dropped from 31cm-21.5cm in the past week, nearly identical to the week before. No pH adjustment throughout the week again. Res temp averaged ~72 * F Results at pH 6.3 75.5 * F and ~845ppm or ~1.71 EC. (Discrepancy to photo due to difference in time solution was mixing through system.)
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: More wrestling probes out of foliage this week, skewing data. Averages of 76.85 * F, 66.8% RH, and 0.73 kPa VPD Leaf surface temperatures taken at -3 * F. (Note: I wish I could find a way to separate day and night data easily.)

Tent :arrow_down:

Feed Chart and Lung Room :arrow_down:

Water and Solution Conditions :arrow_down:

In other news, a extra big thank you this week to Kami and PsillyRabbit for sending Jessicat the Girl the Mailcat in with some great genetics, and an OG who will currently remain anonymous for an interesting bit of post in the same vein. Can’t wait to see what comes of all of it! October and the expansion into a second tent cannot come soon enough. Thank you to everyone who has helped make all this even more exciting than it already was.

And thanks for dropping by, but I gotta get the hell off here and keep it moving for now. I’ll catch you all next week. Til then, keep it light and keep 'em lit. :fire::evergreen_tree: :smoking: :dash: :dash:
Stay up


I’ve pulled off a majority of the big leaves during photo stretch time and stunted the growth of the plant. Not recommending that course of action, but it really kept them short.


rainbeast kush-off.
you are going to crush me. look at all those bud sites! if they fatten up like mine are… it’s a done deal.

i hope they do. it’s going to be one amazing looking plant.


Rainbow Kush-Off 2024 - Lone Star Edition :cowboy_hat_face:
Day : 82

made a trellis to get the limbs up. looks a bit more like a plant. colas are dense and heavy. continuing to fatten up. continuing to stank.


Holy tree trunks batman…you could hang a tire swing in that sucker. RDWC FTW