Coffin_Dodger's Continuous Chronicles of Cultivating Chaos

Heyhey, y’all.

WEEDnesday, back again. Time to kick the end of the week/end into high gear and get ready to put my whole face back on the grindstone. Hope everyone had a great week, in and out of the garden, and plenty of head-stash, to see that you floated through any bastards getting in the way of being great.

Things were a little less hectic here over the week- I was set on making time to at least attempt giving these girls a real good clean-up, and for that being the biggest gardening goal of the week, feel pretty alright about it. Don’t get me wrong- :sweat_smile: It’s still a whole lot of chaos cookin’ in there. But things feel more managed. Remember “cleaning” your room when you were a kid? …yeah. …yeeah.

The WWxBB girls got the bulk of the attention for haircuts, with #AK getting some mid-level middle canopy defoliation, a proper excising of all the “crunchy bits” as @JustTieflingThings calls dead lowers, and a general untangling. #JL also got a mid-level defol, though less focused. Both have responded beautifully, and are really shaping into some (much later than expected) lovely mid-sized bushes at just over 3’ or so. Good looking dense structure, thick branching, and really sweet smelling- Very bubblegum. As the light is now hitting them with nearly 800 PPFD and almost 55 DLI over 18 hours, we will likely begin to dim the light slightly over the next few weeks, though we may give them this last week’s burst as it stands. Honestly, I’m more interested to see what happens with the Rainbow Kush as we start to dial things down.

RK #KJ is my favorite of our girls at the moment. She’s fading on us, still visibly packing onto already fist-sized top buds through out her well-trained branches. Lowers and interiors are developing nicely, as well. @JustTieflingThings was in the driver’s seat for most of training this girl, and she did a GREAT job- pushed her plenty far enough to see more of what we want, but not so far as to wind up triggering whatever the hell is happening to our little monster on the other side. … :man_facepalming:

[Damn. Two near-duplicate pictures in that collage. I wish I had caught that two hours ago. Sorry y’all. Blame the hash.]

KUSHOFF CONTENDER RK #SL is still… doing whatever the hell she wants. At this point, I feel like I’m largely running interference against her on behalf of the other plants. I Just don’t know about this one- while it seems like the WALL OF BUDS is alive and showing some signs of advancing, I’m still thinking she just has too much going on at once. I’m not sure what’ll end up happening here, but I’m happy to be along for the ride.

Feeding was a little different this week- We saw a heavier slide to the bottom of our acceptable pH Range through out the past week, so, thinking on our feet this week, skipped out our usual 20ml pH Down adjustment before adding nutrients. We are currently sitting at the high end of our pH Range because of this, but predict that this will land us steadily in the 6.2-6.0 ballpark through the week (without adjustment) as opposed to the drop towards 5.9-5.7 we saw last week. This should make more available our target nutrients.


  • :spiral_calendar: 86/79 Days from Seed 77/72 Days in RDWC Plant Sites
  • :seedling: RK #KJ is doing great. RK #SL is a strange case. She seems to have overburdened herself with a spectacular amount of bud sites. It’s hard to tell if efforts to reposition and support her have been helpful. Both WWxBB defoliated and pruned this week with great results, and really taking off, especially #JL.
  • :flashlight: Lights have not been changed this week. Delivering a DLI of 44-55 at the canopies of the WWxBB, ~650-750ppfd. We will likely begin dialing this back this week.
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: No change in LIGHT Feed Schedule per General Hydroponics this week. Solution level dropped from 31cm-21.5cm in the past week, nearly identical to the week before. No pH adjustment throughout the week again. Res temp averaged ~71 * F Results at pH 6.5 74.5 * F and ~855ppm or ~1.72 EC.
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: More wrestling probes out of foliage this week, skewing data. Canopy spot measurements have been weighted to account for this starting this week. Averages of 74.26 * F, 58% RH, and 0.92 kPa VPD Leaf surface temperatures taken at -3 to -4 * F on average.

Tent :arrow_down:

Lung Room and Feed Chart :arrow_down:

Water and Solution Conditions and Canopy Reading :arrow_down:

That’ll wrap this week from our garden to yours. Here’s hopin’ all the best for the days between now and next time, from us to all you and yours. Thanks as always for dropping by, and all the encouragement and interest. Keep it light and keep 'em lit, y’all.

Stay up


I know, right?! Now we just gotta’ get the hang of wrangling that raw potential a bit more!

Again, jealous. @JustTieflingThings nailed the training. Between the crazy stretch and wild over-budding we’re seeing on our girl, I dunno what to do. As is, I’m gonna LITFA. But damn, talk about barely looking like a plant at this point.

Your girl is still faring better.

OH yes. They got big smells when you open the tent. I could see it being pretty wild with no carbon. Looking forward to the smells during trim for the first one to go. These girls completely overpower the bubblegum sweetness of the other two, hands down, though.

Ever had to chop perfectly good potential upper canopy growth this late in the game for the good of the rest of the plant?

Stay up


Yes. Had to do it to acapulco gold outside this year… could i have saved the branches? Probably… but i wanted the bugs gone. Lopped almost a 3rd off the plant… its still alive, but i significantly reduced the harvest. :frowning:

My idoor spaces are worse… im always having to LST prune or supercrop to get them to fit vertically.


Always nice to see the pictures of progress and the dead :skull_and_crossbones: nuts :peanuts: details. Always a great read filled with inspiration information! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::wink::clap::facepunch::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Heyhey, all you fine OG’s!

Here’s hoping Weednesday is off to a great start for ya’ and whatever designs you’ve got on your day and week, they’re shapin’ up in your hands like clay. We had a pretty solid run at it this past week here at the Dodger Den, but all in, it didn’t feel too hectic, so that’s a plus- and makes for a nice stroll through the damn arboretum that’s become of our garden again. Hahaha. Grab some coffee and a smoke and take a look.

Overall, the week in the garden was mostly monitoring the potential problems our contender in the Kushoff, Rainbow Kush #SL might throw at us or the other girls. It’s been damn hard to get pictures of, and nearly impossible to find words to convey, exactly what she’s been up to in there- When I was talking about a Wall of Buds I mean a many-layers-thick- masonry wall reinforced with concrete and steel mesh. The fractal quality of the growth structure is damned wild. Just branch after branch stag-ed out with budlets, lining each limb like antlers. It would be a wild thing to have had in a 4x4 space of its own, with a couple levels of screen or trellising to support and separate some of the massive mess she made of herself.:man_facepalming: I hope she’s happy.

As such, we knew something would need to be done, and really should have done it sooner, but hopefully giving her a push now will be late enough that she works to finish any of what is there, rather than building more in response. After the res change and feed this week, we took a couple of lower limbs and a few handfuls of branches closer to the top to open air and light in her space, and keep her off the other girls- especially the WWxBB. We wound up bucking about 180 grams of immature bud and lowers off those branches, and tossed them into the Cannatrol for drying and later freezing, then use in extractions. That machine kicks so much ass. Looking forward to trying our hand at Ethanol extraction a la Green Dragon Tincture, then reducing to FECO/RSO. Another major step in handling our own medicine, as that is one of the few things we still procure elsewhere.

While we were at it, we took a tester bud from RK#KJ as well. She is definitely nearing the finish line, and has put on a staggering bulk to her buds. They are nice and firm, but not rock hard, extremely sticky, and have a wonderful stank. Much anticipation around here for that tester bud!

Over the week we did see some pH fluctuation compared to the last few feeds, and an EC/PPM that was on a steady rise, telling us the solution was a bit too strong. While there was no massive reaction from the plants and we stayed under an EC of 1.8 through out, we scrapped plans to possibly extend mid-bloom feed one more week, and followed the schedule (which, we are technically one week off from, anyway) which called for a reduction in the base nutrients. Less feed means we’ll be a little more hands-on with dialing in the pH this round, I would expect, and we’ve already pushed them a bit in that direction, with 0.5ml/G of pH Down to settle things out after the res change.

All in, I’m stoked to see what these WWxBB finish out with in the next few weeks, and SUPER excited about the Rainbow Kush smoke coming our way off of @JustTieflingThings work on #KJ. I’m very curious to see how, why, and what finishes on our Kushoff Contender, but more and more it is looking like the bulk of what she’ll have to offer us will be for other-than-smoke-applications. We’ll be seeing this through to the bitter end, obviously, but I have very little doubt that @Til_Valhalla took this one, and handily. Just the way she goes, y’all. Still- Can’t wait to see this all wrap up, and THANK YOU, Val, for offering to grow with us. It’s been a blast, even if we wind up gettin’ trounced in every category but sheer biomass. :sweat_smile:


  • :spiral_calendar: 93/86 Days from Seed 84/79 Days in RDWC Plant Sites ~46 Days from Start of Flowering
  • :seedling: RK #KJ is nearing the finish line, and a test bud has been taken for drying. RK #SL had several branches of massed immature buds pruned. We bucked 180 grams of little budlets off and into the Cannatrol for use in extractions. While this has greatly relieved her burden, you can see how much is left- there may yet be problems with her finishing. Both WWxBB given a lighter week for any stresses this round. Some leaf removal. Both doing great.
  • :flashlight: Lights have not been changed this week. Delivering a DLI of 45-60 at the canopies of the WWxBB, ~650-1000ppfd. We will begin dialing this back this week.
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: LIGHT Feed Schedule per General Hydroponics this week. Solution level dropped from 31cm-22cm in the past week, with a good amount of EC upward drift. As such, we decided to follow the schedule and drop strength rather than keep mid-bloom strength another week. No pH adjustment throughout the week again. Res temp averaged ~72.5 * F Results at pH 6.5 73.2 * F and ~765ppm or ~1.56 EC.
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: More wrestling probes out of foliage this week, skewing data. Canopy spot measurements have been weighted to account for this. Averages of 76.26 * F, 61.3% RH, and 0.926 kPa VPD Leaf surface temperatures taken at -2 to -3 * F on average.

Tent :arrow_down:

Lung Room and Feed Chart :arrow_down:

Water and Solution Conditions and Canopy Reading :arrow_down:

Lastly but not least-ly as of lately, Jessicat dragged in a kindly letter from @Kasper0909 with a puck of his Afghani Auto F2’s, delivered lightning-fast and with a bonus Sam-squantch Sticker to go along with. Thanks, growmie. A blessing to have in the arsenal, for sure, and more Mo-mo for the eventual swag-ing out of the growspace, once we get the expansion up and settled in and everything is reno’d in there for the (hopefully) last time.

That’s a wrap for this week, y’all. All the best to you and yours in the days ahead. I hope you’re all gearing up for solid harvests and stock-piles of full jars.

Stay up


Great job, Keep Up The Excellent work. :smiley: :smiley:
Awesome write up. :fire: :sparkler: :fire: :sparkler:
Keep up the GOOD SMOKE… :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:


Rainbow Kush-Off 2024 - Lone Star Edition :cowboy_hat_face:
Day : 92

got symptoms of “the fade” showing on a lot of the remaining fan leaves. taking a closer look at the buds. 90% of the pistils have changed color to a very dark orange. a closer look at the trichomes shows no more clear, everything milky and a handful of ambers starting to show.

shouldn’t be much longer. another week. 2 max.

Rainbow Kush-Off Bud PrOn (with obligatory dog hairs)

i think i’ll be crossing that finish line first city-slicker.

your plant is one gigantic bud. your weight will crush mine.
are the flowers stacking dense or whispy? the stuff outside harvested dense but ended up drying a bit on the whispy side.

want a smoke report? of course you do…
took a little bit of the outside harvest (2 week cure) with me over to my friend’s house to give it a try. (bit of backstory, my friend is a complete head and smokes all day every day. he is not impressed by much)

broke it up and rolled it up. we both did our best to come up with the flavors we were experiencing. we agreed on:
a touch of skunky, a touch of vanilla, pine/citrus (we couldn’t decide), blueberry (VERY subtle) and just a good old school weedy flavor we couldn’t quite place.
the high was a bit deceptive. starts in front of head cerebral, then flips the switch and you just get flattened by an indica head and body stone. HARD.
it is quite strong.

my friend said: “i’m REALLY f^cking stoned. wow. thank you for sharing.”
i was too. (and i have 5 jars left. nice!)

i gotta say… this has been the most beastly auto i have grown to date. records have been shattered.
another gem in some (“inferior”) blimburn seed.

will chime in when it’s chop day.


Very nice pictures , what type of camera are you using.


the camera on my phone (samsung s24)


Man, I hate when your post gets knocked down on my notifications. :pensive:
Everything looking amazing guys :+1:
So nice when you can get your SO involved. :green_heart:
The Kush sounds like it’s gonna rock right out! Can’t wait to hear the smoke report from the canntrol.
How long does it take in that thing on average?


Wowsers @Coffin_Dodger ! That plant is probably going to the fridge late at night to make Itself a snack ! :laughing:


it’s sentient…


You guys might be on to something…

The kitchen is just around the corner … :rofl:

…as long as it doesn’t start demanding blood tribute before the next few weeks are up.

Thanks, mang. And yeah- the garden is definitely a great bonding time for us and place to grow together in a lot of other ways. I do my best not to lose sight of how lucky I am to have her partnered up in this!

Stock settings like we typically run are an 8 day cycle to dry and cure. That’ll basically stabilize the hell out of your produce that we’ve seen so far. Technically even that is an extension, and it’s smokable at 4 days. Like most things, patience pays off. We’ve had some Scarlet Grapes in there over 100 days now and it’s only gotten better. Creamy cough syrupy Kool aid reduced in the summer sun goodness.

Hell YEAH! Damn fine report at that! So excited to try even that early tester we pulled, now, moreso than ever. The terp profile sounds wild, and I can definitely smell where some of that may be hiding.

Those shots of the indoor, though… Holyholyholy, bro. Well done and then some, sir. Gorgeous pumpkin bombs! We’ve still got plenty of white, but are also getting the stark oranges to make that green pop. Like you said- for a breeder that catches a lot of bad word of mouth, these genetics have been both on point and insane.

Thanks, @anonymous510 ! We do what we can. Appreciate the kind words and encouragement

…and always a pleasure to see you’ve been by the garden to check in on us, @OhNo555 ! Hope all’s well with you and yours.

Also, thanks, @methodanon . Appreciate you dropping by.

Into the meat-grinder goes I

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


I just found your log; super detailed I enjoyed reading through it! I ran out of likes somewhere along the line of course, now following! :fire::+1: