Coffin_Dodger's Continuous Chronicles of Cultivating Chaos

Hey, thanks, @LzBoy ! That’s one of the gripes most folks have with the machine- it only comes in small. Hahaha. But! Cycling and staggering can make the most of it.
Saw that dry ice hash you made… I gotta get the step by step from you on that. Because…

So far, just bubble hash. First run was meh, second run was using @JoeCrowe 's tec and has been great. Still got some that’s been curing over a year now. This round we’re probably gonna try to make a tincture to reduce to FECO, and bubble whatever’s left. But that dry ice tec is intriguing if you haven’t seen those temple balls LZboy’s been churning out…

Yessir. Getting similar results. Details and better pictures to come. Schedule shifted at work so time is in flux.

All the same, looks like you had a damn fine yield to space ratio, too.

I knew y’all would understand. :rofl:

Gotta keep things moving for now. All the best and appreciate y’all checking in.

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


What was your drying method was before the cannatrol? If you got into it in one of your other topics (or this one and I missed it / don’t remember), please feel free to send me on my way and I’ll happily go find it.

I am currently lusting after one, even though it is extremely unlikely I will ever actually make the investment. I’m debating various approaches, and I’m always curious what methods people have tried and discarded.


That’s a quick, easy one while I wait to clock in. We tried our hand at the typical and traditional hang dry for our first grow. We didn’t hang whole plants, but chopped hangable limbs. I don’t have our notes on hand, and those were limited at the time, too, but conditions weren’t great. Still, we focused on airflow (around, not through) and air exchange, and there weren’t any major losses or anything. Most hung in the 4x4 with overflow in a closet. We actually hung a branch of Rainbow Kush this round for comparison’s sake, too.

I had done a good chunk of research in the meanwhile, and scouring resources for a way to ensure that months of work wouldn’t go squandered led to the Cannatrol and not much else that could touch it. The price tag is a hell of an investment, but it really does take the guess work out of what comes down to one of the most important factors of growing flower, and the power consumption at the wall being so slight compared to any traditional set up maintaining the same parameters racks up on top of the obvious ROI. Smoking product that sat in the machine for more than 100 days versus a jar or grove bag is a world of difference.

In the words of Ferris Bueler, “If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.”

Good luck on your soon to be first adventures in drying!
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Champaign wishes and caviar dreams


See, that’s where I keep trying to decide if I could get 80% of the benefit with like 20% of the price, that’s a fair trade for me. The power consumption compared to fans/etc is a solid point. :thinking:

I appreciate the response! I will continue torturing myself by researching them. :sweat_smile:


:star_struck: This interaction led me to go looking at the cannatrol site because I wanted to see the actual power consumption, and I looked at “retailers”, and there’s a place like 20 min from me that rents them! I don’t know how much it is yet, but that might be worth the investment at least once to know if it’s worth getting one, or to have a goal to be shooting for if I try to rig something of my own.


You can diy it if you want. Get a thermo electric wine cooler, a small dehumidifier off amazon and an inkbird to control.
search diy cannacontrol I believe there’s a thread. Here’s one.


Yeah, I’ve looked at several of those threads :sweat_smile: There’s a mix of people who say that it’s like definitely identical, some who say it’s way different, some who have gone from diy to cannatrol. I don’t know that I’ve seen many (if any?) posts from people who have used a (dialed-in) cannatrol and then have been happy with a DIY solution.

I will very probably build my own if I do have a fridge-ish situation, but I’m excited about the potential to rent so I’ll have a reference point. If the rental cost is like 1/4 a cannatrol unit, fuck it, I’ll reconsider. It’s a “contact for more information” :roll_eyes:

Honestly if I end up being able to build one that works ok, maybe I’ll just make them for locals or something :laughing:


Heyhey, y’all!

Get in- it’s still harvest time!

Not much time for write-ups this week, but plenty got done for chopping up plants, so it’ll be mostly a quick one this Weednesday. Still working out the kinks in this new sleep schedule, I guess. We’ll get it all locked in.

We spent the week letting the girls mostly finish out in peace, with what was left of RK #SL awaiting the chop and queuing up for the Cannatrol.

When my week/end rolled back around, we took the odd-week to bump our res-change night to Sunday. This seems to have fit our schedule better. We’ll probably be sticking to that moving forward, and that means these updates might move to Monday. Feed went smoothly, and the tap water is finally coming out colder, so we’re at a turn in the year as far as that goes.

Last night, we started in on the fifth pull from the tent this grow, intending to take the remainder of our Kushoff Contender Rainbow Kush #SL and at least a sample of some of the WWxBB. The Cannatrol is almost stacked again, so let’s bring that board back up!

Rainbow Kush #KJ at 907 wet grams yield plus 223 grams fresh-frozen (Total Estimated Yield: 220 grams plus 223 grams fresh-frozen)

KUSHOFFCONTENDER Rainbow Kush #SL at 1,594 wet grams plus 561g fresh-frozen larf and 32 grams, dried and frozen early budlets (Current Estimated Yield: 319 grams plus 593 grams frozen)

White Widow X Big Bud #JL at 318 wet grams (Current Estimated Yield: 64 grams)

White Widow X Big Bud #AK - Nil

After trimming and bucking down all the tiny budlets from RK #SL over the last couple weekends, it was definitely a welcomed treat to break into the WWxBB #JL plant, and she proved an easy enough trim for our purposes. Her main cola came in at over 150 grams wet, alone.

We’ve still got a bunch of her lowers and all of WWxBB #AK to wrap up next week/end, so that’ll be top priority, then flipping the room and tent with a quickness! We’ll be shoving one more run into the year of autos before tearing the room apart and finalizing the expansion, but that’s a good thing.


  • :spiral_calendar: 121/114 Days from Seed 112/107 Days in RDWC Plant Sites ~74 Days from Start of Flowering
  • :seedling: RK #SL is harvested. 421 grams of budlets into the Cannatrol, with 311 g fresh-frozen. WWxBB #JL is half-harvested.
  • :flashlight: Lights have not been changed this week.
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: LIGHT Feed Schedule per General Hydroponics , "Ripening"this week. Level dropped from 31cm to 18 cm while all other parameters were much steadier than the last two weeks. We did not top off during the week. Current feed solution at pH 6.1 68.5 * F and ~670ppm or ~1.36 EC.
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: Averages of 73.76 * F, 58.66% RH, and 0.913 kPa VPD Leaf surface temperatures taken at -1 to -2 * F on average. Still fighting fall humidity.

Tent :arrow_down:

Lung Room and Feed Chart :arrow_down:

Water and Solution Conditions and Canopy Reading :arrow_down:

Sh!t. Got late on me. I gotta run, y’all. But I hope you have a great week, and thanks for dropping by. Stay tuned for the totals on that Rainbow Kush, better pictures of those budlets, an initial smoke report on the WWxBB and more!

Appreciate the hell outta each of you
Stay up


Nice work keeping them healthy and green till the very end! Really nice harvest, congrats! :beers: