Coffin_Dodger's Continuous Chronicles of Cultivating Chaos

Hey @Coffin_Dodger and @JustTieflingThings! You’ve been doing awesome work. I just read through all of your amazingly detailed posts. :star_struck: Your posts are aspirational for when I do my next grow (or I might start drawing inspiration sooner).

I am also on the chronic pain, anxiety, depression, CPTSD, insomnia, and more team, solidarity right there.

As I read through it and I saw you mention dry herb vaping a couple of times I was like “If I get to the end of this and they haven’t discovered arizer products…” I have an airmax and love it through a bong. It’s so incredibly smooth.

I noted your mentions of the 30:1, at some point I want to dig in to high cbd strains for my partner. I’ve encountered a few at dispensaries like 9 years ago, but they got harder to find, even with a med card back in CO.

Hope your next run goes smoothly, and I’ll be following along!


Heyhey, y’all!

It is Weednesday, my dudes. However, our ISP is not aware of the implications and proprieties of the day. I am trying my best to type this place holder post from my phone, while the DNS plays hide and seek with my router or some such sh!t.

If I wind up with the time to, I’ll get a proper update to slip in here postdated, like a weed-nerd Indiana Jones, and none will be the wiser. Except everyone reading this. Sssh… It’ll be our secret.

Things are going well for starting to wind down Grow 5 on the whole, here. The week was mostly on cruise control, and saw a lot of buds fattening up. Even the Wall-of-buds saw noticeable increase in flower mass, rather than number.

As we run everything through the Cannatrol, we stagger harvests out into multiple pulls, taking as close to a kG as space will allow for in each dry cycle. We’ve got our work cut out for us this round, but have already risen to that challenge in a big way- while we pulled a whopping 805g Wet weight off of our early girl, Rainbow Kush #KJ after reservoir change and feed last night, we also destroyed @JustTieflingThings previous record for filling the machine, clearing that weight and starting the dry in about 3 and a half hours. That’s about a third of the best time we’ve seen so far on that amount of weight, and I’m damn impressed. That woman is deadly with the shears, anymore, and didn’t even break a nail! :laughing: :rofl: :metal:

That should dry down to an estimated 201g or so, and a solid first pull.

#KJ isn’t even done, but the WWxBB are already grateful for the extra breathing room. #AK began easing into that open space just as quick as she could, but nice and gentle-like thanks to the tree-trunk branches she’s sporting. No worry to weight breakage or flopping on those girls. It will take a little time and a lot of plant time to get our Kushoff Contender, RK #SL comfortable for her last couple of weeks.

Sorry again about the weak update this round, y’all, just how she goes. I’ll hopefully have something more or less ready to just drop as soon as the interwebs are back online around here with the usual goodness, but for now, all is very well, we’re powering towards a solid harvest, and we thank you all most kindly for dropping by and all the encouragement!

Keep on lodging your thumbs in the eyes of that which would stand in your way this week. :metal:

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Heya, @C_in_CT ! Glad you could swing through, and thanks for checking it all out! Always trying to learn and improve, thanks for such high compliments. Puns always intended.

Sorry to hear about your dealing with a lot of similar issues- damn glad to know you’re on top of some of it with growing! Just growing in itself has so many benefits, we’ve found- not to mention- at the end? They give you weed. :laughing: One of @JustTieflingThings favorite ways to put it.

We love the Solo II. It’s definitely been a close second in go-to when we smoke, which is saying something, as 1 gram+ king size joints are the number one spot for us on method of consumption. That little thing kicks ass, though. Definitely has me wondering about other set ups of theirs for down the road. :thinking:

Seedsman’s Doctor Seedsman 30:1 CBD was a great, easy grow, high yielder, and a solid, no sh!t medicinal cultivar. I’m not too familiar with a lot of high CBD stuff yet myself, but we had tried some from dispos here, and while one (a Purple Tonic) stood out for effect, the taste was pretty off-putting, for me, at least. With the DSCBD we got old school pine flavors in the smoke and straight up spice cookies through the grow. Great expressions.

Been keeping an eye on your journaling, too! Great stuff over there. Looking forward to more, and best of luck to you and yours

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Did you try cycling the power?

1 Like

I think i had the original arizer solo. Had a glass straw that you loaded.
Now i fill bags with this FTW.


Well, I’ll be damned. Foiled again by the hands of fate, conspired to cut short the thread of the weekend. O, cruel Time.

Seriously, though- We’re thinking about switching things up next run and having garden maintenance heavy-lifting happen on Sunday. It might make things less cramped in here. Is it cramped in here? No? Just me? Damn.

It was a hell of a work week for me, so not much else of… anything got done for my end of things, it feels like. And the best part is- IT AIN’T OVER YET. :rage: :anger: :metal:

Weednesday, y’all! Let me just stuff these sorries in a sack real quick.

So this week, and today especially, I’m damn grateful for my little garden and all its goodness, and the fact I get to tend it with my girl. PMA

Now, where were we- sh!t- we were harvesting!

As mentioned in the little place-holder post, we took 805 wet grams of bud off of Rainbow Kush #KJ at day 100. It was a quick and dirty trim again, but also a very easily structured plant for trimming over-all. Buds are fluffy, but in a full way, not loose or stringy. Sponge-y, like natural loofah. Or dense cake.

We patiently awaited that smoke, and had a nice second sample after the dry cycle. With the end of the cure cycle on Tuesday night, we were able to take the rest of RK#KJ, adding another 102 wet grams to her total, and fresh-freezing 223 grams of lowers and trim for processing. Seeing no reason to run the Cannatrol with so little, we took a few more of the branches from RK#SL that were crowding WWxBB#JL and bucked them down as well, rounding the Cannatrol run out with 177 wet grams yielded from our KUSHOFF CONTENDER.

… to the boards!

Rainbow Kush #KJ at 907 wet grams yield plus 223 grams fresh-frozen (Total Estimated Yield: 220 grams plus 223 grams fresh-frozen)

KUSHOFFCONTENDER Rainbow Kush #SL at 177 wet grams plus 32 grams, dried and frozen early budlets (Current Estimated Yield: 35 grams plus 32 grams dried/frozen budlets)

White Widow X Big Bud #JL - Nil
White Widow X Big Bud #AK - Nil

As for the initial Smoke Report on the Rainbow Kush, it is very well liked in our home so far. The taste is phenomenal, with a heavy vanilla-wafer and berry-cream quality on the in and out respectfully for me. @JustTieflingThings reports it as very smooth, with much less coughing. The high is definitely a two-part affair, as it is a great social smoke while it is being passed, but allows for a steady decline into a more pronounced body high and general easing of tension. Seems like it’ll be a damn useful smoke to have around for the end of the week/end. More to come on this front as we get acquainted with it and finalize the grow.

Had a couple of top-colas (RK#KJ) come in at dried weights around a half ounce, so that was neat. :metal: :crazy_face:

Here’s a less crowded shot of the front of the tent as it stands, now :arrow_down:

Some of the WWxBB, which is just powering right along: :arrow_down:

And, of course, our problem child, RK #SL Kushoff Contender, though she may be. :arrow_down:

I feel like there’s something I’m forgetting…

There almost always is.

Oh well.


  • :spiral_calendar: 100/93 Days from Seed 91/86 Days in RDWC Plant Sites ~53 Days from Start of Flowering
  • :seedling: RK #KJ has finished more or less, and harvest has begun with 805g of wet weight pulled. RK #SL shows some sign of bulking her budlets, and maturation. Both WWxBB given a lighter week for any stresses again. Both maturing well.
  • :flashlight: Lights were dimmed after feed this week, as well, dropping from a range of red-lining out at 74 DLI and 1144 ppfd through out the WWxBB canopies, to a range of 35-55 DLI and 450-875 ppfd.
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: LIGHT Feed Schedule per General Hydroponics this week. Solution level dropped from 31cm-21.25 cm in the past week. We saw a steady drift downward in pH, but slow enough that we did not need to buffer. Res temp averaged ~72.5 * F Results at pH 6.5 73.5 * F and ~747ppm or ~1.5 EC.
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: Averages of 77.25 * F, 67.25% RH, and 0.73 kPa VPD Leaf surface temperatures taken at -2 to -3 * F on average. Averages this week lacking canopy reading data set.

Tent :arrow_down:

Lung Room and Feed Chart :arrow_down:

Water, Solution, and Canopy Reading :arrow_down:

(No canopy pew-pew this week)


  • :spiral_calendar: 107/100 Days from Seed 98/93 Days in RDWC Plant Sites ~60 Days from Start of Flowering
  • :seedling: RK #KJ is harvested. 102g of additional wet weight plus 223g lowers, fresh frozen brings her total to 1.13kg of wet yield. RK #SL had several branches harvested. 177 grams of budlets into the Cannatrol, with marginal amount we forgot to weigh in fresh frozen larf. Both WWxBB still coasting through flower.
  • :flashlight: Lights have not been changed this week.
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: LIGHT Feed Schedule per General Hydroponics , "Ripening"this week. Greatly reduced EC. Solution level dropped only 31cm-27cm in the past week, though with much less drift of EC. We saw a steady, and steep drift of pH downward, but none so fast or alarming as to use any buffer before we had to feed again, ending the week above *5.7 Res temp averaged a degree or so higher through the week for using the A/C less. Results this feed at pH 6.5 72.1 * F and ~649ppm or ~1.31 EC.
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: Averages of 75.2 * F, 64.3% RH, and 0.796 kPa VPD Leaf surface temperatures taken at -2 to -3 * F on average. Been a fight with the early fall humidity this week.

Tent :arrow_down:

Lung Room and Feed Chart :arrow_down:

Water, Solution, and Canopy Readings :arrow_down:

(No Pre-Feed Water Data featured this week… but… lookit that clean bucket.)

Well, that does it for this week, and catching up on last week, and that start of harvest for grow 5 at that, and OG and garden time to restore my sanity…and…and! Hell of a time.

Gotta run for now and get myself ready for battle. Then back home, maybe a few hours of sleep, and off to it the week. I hope y’all have a steadier sea surrounding ya, and all the more, thanks for swinging through and checking on us. Appreciate each of ya

Stay up


Everything was back online right after I couldn’t do anything fun anymore. Classic ISP shenanigans. Just busy as hell through the work week and making that half-post didn’t pan. Sorry to leave anyone hangin! Thanks for the suggestion, Joe! And for always checkin’ in, at that. Gotta remember to go stare at some of your microscopy for a while! That whole inner-world of Cannabis you’re showing us all is wild.

Nice… Used to have a few connections with original Volcanos back in the day. Great machines. May end up with one soon enough. Hahaha Needful things.
Solo II uses the glass tubes that you pack, too. It’s about like packing a tiny bowl, really. Only slightly tedious. The battery life on 'em is stupid-long.

Stay up


OH YEAH! :sweat_smile: I forgot to mention the power outage. So there was that, too. Our first mid-grow power outage. While I was at work, none-the-less. @JustTieflingThings handled things like a champion, of course, but if you zoom in on the past week’s environmental data log, you see a BIG spike down on VPD and temp, and up on humidity. That was the power outage. Luckily only a matter of two hours, give or take. What do you all do in power outages? She made sure the tent was open, for starters. I’m thinking of getting a handful of battery powered bubblers as fail safes for oxygenation in the buckets.


Now I gotta go. Y’all be good.

Stay up


Good morning @Coffin_Dodger! We have a small backup generator that can run the critical items - heat, water, refrig, some lights, and 2 indoor tents, LMAO. We lose power several times each year from wind, storms or ice, etc, and it’s been great having the little genny running when needed.

All looking great in here, that Rainbow Kush looks and sounds like :fire: :green_heart:

Have a great rest of your day and week!


I had a power outage for 36 hours, and made sure to stir the buckets with a stick every 12 hours so the plants didn’t die from lack of oxygen.


I recently picked up a tiny 3w USB powered pump to use as a stirring pump in my reservoir, but 3d printed a venturi valve for it. You could pick up both of those things and some tubing, and then run it off a power bank to aerate your water.

(it’s entirely possible that bubblers use less power, I was just thinking an already-usb powered thing is more efficient than an inverter or such)


your kushoff contender is still going. (long ass auto!) it’s going to look like one gigantic bud. that’s sick! they do seem to fluff up a bit as they dry. not quite as dense as once imagined. regardless the smoke is smooth, tasty and potent.

glad you like the smoke too. it’s quite nice. we caught the vanilla flavors too. very pleasant.
(blimburn hate! Reeee!)

my kushoff contender is in jars right now, but they need a bit more time on the dry rack. they’re in the jars at 74%. need to drop those down.

nice work as always. your laboratory is rockin’.


@Til_Valhalla yep- it’s still goin. With her showing some signs of those little budlets fattening up and some more pistils fading, and the like, we’re giving her as much as we can. Hopefully we’ll have time this week end to really chop I to her, though. I know we’re pushing it into going too long and running into more heartache than not on that front. She’s been a weird one, and it’s been a trip, but a damn welcome bit of fun.

Thanks for the compliment. The flat-sided buds are a bit odd lookin’ to some, but it all smokes fiiine. Bonus- it stays put. :rofl:

Saw some gorgeous bud shots in your outdoor the other day. Can’t wait to see the finish.

@C_in_CT - is something like that usb pump rechargeable or do you just run it off and independently rechargeable source (ie laptop or battery bank?) Good idea. The bubblers I was thinking of are purpose made for bait boxes for fishing, like. Battery powered single output little things. Thanks for the suggestions!

@JoeCrowe - I can dig the necessity. And would see myself doing that. Late flower would be tricky with those root masses. Oof.

@Jpaul thanks for the compliments. The smoke has definitely been a treat. Hope you and yours are well. We’ve talked about generators and solar as well as upgrades down the road. Outages aren’t very common here, but you know the Scouts motto. Thanks for the input and always dropping in for the update, my dude.

And thanks, @Not-Notjosh . Appreciate you checking in, too.

Back to the grindstone. It’s… Still snafu. What can ya do.

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


The one I got is just a pump with a cord that ends in a USB-A plug. That’s what I was thinking could run off a power bank.

Those hefty solar battery packs for off-grid/camping use might be a good investment if you live in a place that occasionally has outages and you don’t want to deal with storing a generator. Or hit harbor freight for one of their solar panel packs and a refurbished battery place? I don’t know, I feel like a solar backup could be cobbled together pretty cheaply especially if you just need enough light to keep it on schedule and a small fan. If you’re just using it as a “keep large battery charged enough to charge smaller things off of it” source, even cheaper.

You could even pick up some of those usb rechargeable battery powered fans, charge them in waves on the power source, then run them independently until time to charge again. There are also solar (and/or usb) chargeable lights that you could cycle through.

I grew up in a household where emergency preparedness was drilled in and non-electric alternatives were prized. So I often think through ways to solve such needs.


You could use a marine batteries on a trickle charger . It would stay charged until power outage. They run pumps and fans and small lights for days at low levels.


Rainbow Kush-Off 2024 - Lone Star Edition :cowboy_hat_face:

ok. i have achieved the target RH of 65%. it has held steady for 48hrs.
weigh day.

Jar 1 - 36.5g

Jar 2 - 37.4g

Jar 3 - 32.3g

36.5 + 37.4 + 32.3 = 106.2g total
(roughly 3.8oz)

you probably have that weight in one branch. i’m doomed. :open_mouth:


Heyhey, y’all.

Welcome back to it! Another Weednesday, and another week working through our staggered harvests of the run toward the last of it. Been another hell of a week outside the garden, so things have been prioritized and re-prioritized and we’ve found ourselves where we are, for better or worse- but with another couple stacked Cannatrol runs in there, I’m reminded of some simple but resonant words of wisdom once imparted on me while hitch-hiking along the Mississippi: Smile. It ain’t all that bad. …and it ain’t.

But, y’all are here about some plants. So let’s get to it.

This week was real light on garden work in most regards, as things really start to wind down. Last week’s light-load into the Cannatrol of what remained of Rainbow Kush #KJ finished drying and went into Grove Bags for curing, skipping out the four day cure cycle in the machine so as to not hold up the line for such a lesser amount.

With the machine freed up, and the WWxBB still looking a week or two out from really being done, we bit the bullet and started digging into our monster of a Kushoff Contender, Rainbow Kush #SL and the WALL OF BUDS she threw at us. And kept throwing. And kept throwing…

The smells during the wet trim were very similar-to-near-identical to her sister, with a funky, barely-gassy, hint-of-skunk. Highly sticky work, if not more so than her sister in this way- trimming for a matter of ten or fifteen minutes then rubbing gloved fingers together was producing not insignificant little hash balls- leaving me all the more excited to see how this one will wash or extract otherwise.

While the budlets themselves ranged from large marbles to a bit larger than a golf-ball and none were all that photogenic, they were at the same time, surprisingly fluff-dense like the RK#KJ plant, and the sheer quantity of them was staggering. My biggest concerns watching this big old freak turn into what she did on us were a) Bud-rot or mold and 2) the entire plant yielding nothing but larf. We saw no indication of rot or other nastiness, and again, I was surprised that, while the budlets are small, and I’m sure many will dry down to little “popcorn” or “pearls,” they did seem mature. Gonna’ sample some of this plant a little later, for science, but so far, I’ve been pleasantly surprised with not writing her off entirely to hash-making and extraction.

…and that’s not to say she doesn’t have plenty of larfy stuff left at the bottom that will be going straight to the freezer. We took almost all of everything that looked smokably finsihed on her this week, but there are a few branches yet to buck into the Cannatrol, when this cycle is done next week, and a bunch of lowers that’ll get the freeze.

Rainbow Kush #KJ at 907 wet grams yield plus 223 grams fresh-frozen (Total Estimated Yield: 220 grams plus 223 grams fresh-frozen)

KUSHOFFCONTENDER Rainbow Kush #SL at 1,173 wet grams plus 250g fresh-frozen and 32 grams, dried and frozen early budlets (Current Estimated Yield: 269 grams plus 282 grams frozen)

White Widow X Big Bud #JL - Nil
White Widow X Big Bud #AK - Nil

Considering the stability of the solution this week, and the fact that everything is winding down- coupled with life getting in the way- we decided to skip out changing the solution this week, opting instead to top-off later on in the week with a bucket or two, as needed. Likewise, lights have not been changed this week, though we may dial them back a bit further to test that effect on ripening the WWxBB and save a little bit of electricity.


  • :spiral_calendar: 114/107 Days from Seed 105/100 Days in RDWC Plant Sites ~67 Days from Start of Flowering
  • :seedling: RK #SL is half-harvested. 996 grams of budlets into the Cannatrol, with 250 g fresh-frozen. Both WWxBB still coasting through late flower/ripening and thankful for the extra space. Some support has been added.
  • :flashlight: Lights have not been changed this week.
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: LIGHT Feed Schedule per General Hydroponics , "Ripening"this week. Level dropped from 31cm to 24 cm while all other parameters were much steadier than the last two weeks. Skipping reservoir change-out in favor of tapering the feed slowly by top-off with buckets of balanced tap water through out the week. Current feed solution at pH 6.1 72.5 * F and ~670ppm or ~1.36 EC.
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: Averages of 76 * F, 62.3% RH, and 0.883 kPa VPD Leaf surface temperatures taken at -2 to -3 * F on average. Still fighting fall humidity.

Tent :arrow_down:

Lung Room :arrow_down:

Solution and Canopy Readings :arrow_down:

That’ll wrap things up for this week. Thanks for dropping by, and as always, thanks for all the encouragement and good will. Not too much longer til we’re in the clear with this one, and onto the next! Sure to be plenty to learn along the way, for us at the least.

All the best to you and yours this week.

Stay up


We do what we must


sometimes you just gotta take one for the team…
(your sacrifices are noted)

i was wondering if yours was going to stay dense or whisp/larf out. i suspect you’re going to see some marked differences when dry is complete.
my outdoor RK went into the jars dense, but are drying/curing out whispy. smoke is still tasty and smooth, but handles more like a stringy sativa. a far cry from the grapefruit sized colas i harvested.
so far so good on my RK contender. another week before sampling.

how do you make your hash? are you using a press?


Wooohooo #400 post!
looking great CD, you’re gonna need a bigger cannatrol mi amigo :grin:
1st world grow problems, great job on the run :call_me_hand: