Coffin_Dodger's Continuous Chronicles of Cultivating Chaos

Despite some issues things still look great over there @Coffin_Dodger. Hopefully AC will replace your controller or give you some otherwise good news to get things back to the automation you had setup previously. Glad that the workaround has been within your acceptable range in the meantime. It’s always something I suppose. Have a great day!


Ain’t that the truth! Just sent off that email, so we’ll see! Thanks for the well wishes and dropping by, @Jpaul . Stay warm and
Stay up!


Perhaps there were too many watts running through the controller.


They are usually rated for watts or amps :+1:


The story reminded me of a scene at my friends place where he had a gang plug in the wall where 2 plugs turn into 6. Then he put a computer, tv, etc etc on there and even though it didn’t go over 15 amps, the thing would eat a tiny piece of the metal on the plug until you could smell vaporizing metal and the plugs got hot.


The device (outlet) is always a good tell tail sign you got a problem! All of us should be using GFCI’S it is a device that is always monitoring all and trips very quickly, kinda like OCPD (Breaker) :sunglasses::peace_symbol:

Here are some illustrations⬇️
IMG_4549 IMG_4550 IMG_4551


I have wondered if GFCI would be a good idea, and settled on it probably being overkill at this point in my set-up, but these “in-line” style plug and play ones look like a great solution. Your recommendation means a lot here, @OhNo555 . Thanks! :pray:

That may yet be the case, I’m honestly not sure how their proprietary “UIS” cables work. I know the Controllers are feeding off of the device(s) attached…

The room’s on a single standard circuit with a 15amp breaker (which we might end up upgrading just to cover possible expansions) but we’ve got everything spread out pretty well, and a buffer of surge-protectors on everything.

Thanks for dropping by and the suggestions, y’all. It’s been a pretty smooth week with some adjustments. I’ll be updatin’ here Wednesday mornin’, as usual. Catch y’all then, and Merry Christmas and Happy holidays, y’all. Have fun, be safe, and make it one to remember.
Stay up


It really is the best way to go :+1:, might seem like over kill, but I have access many electrical :zap: fires :fire: over the years and the damage would have been minor or minimal in most cases if at all as these will stop it before it gets going! :wink::upside_down_face::santa::snowman_with_snow::christmas_tree::facepunch::tophat::sunglasses::v:


Monthly checks of all plugs and power bars for abnormal heating is strongly recommended (especially the high current ones like your lights). Catch them before they go really bad.

Lately (in the last few years) I’ve seen new power bars that ‘loosen up’ after a couple insertions and removals, those can be ‘bad news’ down the road.



Great point loose connection will create arc and that causes heat. Remember that devices are plastic and constant heat is no good! :+1:


Yes exactly, it is a vicious cycle, as the weak contact heats up the heat accelerates the further degradation of the contact… causing it to heat up further.

Usually (almost always) there is ample time to notice and fix the problem before ‘bad things happen’, if you are vigilant.



Heyhey, everybody!
WHEW! What a week, folks. Been the usual run at the end of the year madness around here, while we ride out the last of the 4x4 rodeo. Don’t mind things bein’ a little messy, we’ve got good smoke, plenty of tea and coffee, and stories to tell!

The week started out smoothly enough. I shot off another e-mail to AC Infinity RE: our Controller 69 Pro / T3 Humidifier issues, updating them to the problems we continued having, and the hot :fire: wire. :fire: We let the huey be, keeping it OFF until @JustTieflingThings could test it out with a different UIS cord when lights came up. I went off to work, and she went to checking things out. When she did, she saw that not only did the second UIS cable heat up quickly in the same way as the first when connected and allowed to run, but the whole DSCBD 30:1 side of the tent had fallen under the weight of their buds! :exclamation: :exclamation:

We had figured that they would need additional support, given how spindly the branching was, and the stacking we were seeing at the colas. @JustTieflingThings had wondered if we shouldn’t put a trellis above the Scrog, and we missed that chance. She warned about it a few times over the following weeks, but I figured we would see one or two fall first, and that would be our sign to get on it and train up what may need it, or even order some yo-yos. I was very, very wrong.

The uniformity that a Scrog can give is great. Unless the buds are uniformly too-damn-heavy for the poor girls to bear. In this case, they give up like dominos. Hahaha. It was stressful to see for her, I’m sure, and she did her best to tuck things up and close shop, having taken the UIS cable out of the mix again, and resigning to running the huey in a more hands-on fashion for the night. It was again just the same when I got home, having only a couple hours before Lights Out to speed-train up the fallen branches. Some had taken a bit of a beating, and looked a bit flattened by the tent sides, some had nearly super-cropped bent fully at points, and some were being held up by others and not much else, teetering. We got what we could tied up, and hoped for the best.

While I was sleeping, AC Infinity finally got back to us. They have apparently heard that there are many such problems with running a T3 through a C69 Pro and would be happy to ship us out a replacement- as soon as they’re back in stock. In February. Okay. At least it’s sorted, and we don’t need it nearly as much as the grow goes forward from here. But, damn. :man_shrugging: :unamused: :thinking:

When JTT went to check things out that night, while I was starting work, the plants already looked a hundred times better off, and she finished up what she could, tying up quite a few more.
While the front of the tent now looks like a Clive Barker inspired shibiri nightmare, we’re pretty happy with the response from the plants. They’re so damned resilient.

Things calmed down a bit for the next couple days in the garden, while they ramped up elsewhere, and by the end of my week, Christmas parties and get togethers were upon us. We had a great time all round, and hope you all had a great time keeping whatever traditions are close to your heart. We picked up a few things for the garden, too!

When it came time to feed this week, we were set to begin heavy defoliation and some pruning, in preparation for the end of this run. It was great opening up the canopy and really getting in there and a chance to see everything up close and at hand for some hours. We plan on doing more through the next week, to steer the crop’s ending weeks toward the more dominant colas.

Feed this week was off-set to mix as we have been doing, with 40 Gallons calculated to a 35 gallon mix. It was also reduced over all, targeting a PPM closer to 1000 as the plants start their decline toward ripening and harvest.

The environmental parameters have stayed consistent enough for our (and it would seem) the plants liking, as humidity has become our only contest. JTT has been handling the huey, allowing the plants bursts of up to 55-60% before cycling off and letting it coast unless the VPD gets out of hand (~>1.5.) All plants seem happy for it. The NB side of the tent is certainly happier for getting some extra light with the training against weight we’ve done for the other plants. We have dialed the ** target VPD to 1.3 kPa VPD** as of today.


  • :spiral_calendar: 96 Days from Seed :seedling: , 40 Days of Vegetation :evergreen_tree: , 42 Days of Flowering (12/12) :sunflower:
  • :seedling: The DSCBD have out-grown themselves! We’ve had to do some late training to keep them up. The NB on the other hand, have enjoyed the extra light! Everything is still thickening up, and stacking beautifully. The smell over all in the tent has gotten much sweeter.
  • :flashlight: No change in light yet this week, as to not further stress them.
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: Reduced feed per schedule. Tap water was still quite cold, starting at 48 * F and increasing into the 50’s quickly. At end of feed day, we are at pH 6.0, 58.9 * F, and 1010 PPM.
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: Average of 73.3 * F, 56.1 %, 0.98 kPA VPD Again, this is skewed to scale with previous posts due to losing a controller’s data set. We have seen an RH +/- 5% of 55% for 75% of the last week, for instance.

In other garden-related news, Jessi the Girl the Mail-Cat worked through the holiday, delivering a present from my old man- a little 6 Gallon wet/dry vac for the garden! It’s sure to help in tight spots and with getting the last of the solution out when we change the res. @JustTieflingThings got a big-ass bag of green veggie seeds to get us kickstarted towards growing some food, Kratky-style. We’ll be building those buckets and starting Arugula first, per her request! The day after Christmas, Jessi brought in TWO letters from the friendly north, as we added Uncle Fester Skunk #18 (courtesy @DougDawson ) and Cali-O X C99 (courtesy @smokenhike ) to our little seed vault. We’re grateful for the chance to have and grow such stunning and historic genetics. Thank you both again.

And thank you, dear reader! We hope the season continues to bring you all that you have wished for, and you spend the last of the year warm and sharing of plenty with those you hold most dear. Thank you for reading along, discussing the issues we face along the way, offering support and tips, and all the stunning encouragement. Thank you all for the community we found here this year, and we’re looking forward to all the hope and potential of the next. Let’s go, 2024!

Stay up


Wonderful update @Coffin_Dodger! That stinks that AC can’t get you a new 69 sooner than Feb…but at least they acknowledged the issue and will ultimately make it right (so long as they follow through). Your plants are prrrrty and I’m sure the smoke will be top notch. Grow on my friend! :heart: :100:


Finally pulling up a chair like it’s 2024. :partying_face:

Q: What does DS in DSCBD 30:1 stand for?


1 Like

@TricycleOfDoom - Doctor Seedsman. It’s their fem line from “Asian CBD genetics.” I saw @Gpaw vouch for it, and that worked for me for dipping our toes into the wide world of CBD dominant bud. The Missus is a big proponent of 'em. I’m looking forward to it, with such a unique nose and all, the smoke should be interesting. Even more looking forward to her using it in all kinds of other processing.
Thanks for dropping by and you’re more than welcome to stick around! I usually update on Wednesday mornings, which are my Sunday-Nights. Hahaha. Gotta love overnight 4x10 work.
Stay up


Happy New Year My Friend!


Screenshot (10)
Got the curse of the disappearing hearts, but we appreciate it and you, @TopShelfTrees1 !
Stay up


Haha I love that! Put a big smile on my face, my pleasure. And thank you as well :pray:t3: I hope 2024 is filled with joy, laughter, good times, great health and an abundance of wealth for you and yours. :clinking_glasses:


i can vouch for seedsman’s CBD lines as well. have grown out 2 of the CBD strains. have a 3rd in reserve.

  • cream and cheese cbd 1:1 - unique scents and flavors. the high is NOT for rec use at all. that part of it is disappointing. but to chase off the chronic aches and pains it does very well. i have made oil and gummies with it. extracts nicely.

  • Purple Kush Auto CBD 1:1 - despite it being a low dose THC/CBD plant, the high is quite nice and VERY relaxing. have made oil and gummies with this one also. this one worked better for abuela than the cream and cheese. relaxed and quite sleepy.

  • peyote wifi cdb 2:1 - this one i have not grown out yet, but will vouch for anything seedsman crosses with their peyote purple cut. tasty and potent. it might make it’s debut next summer. will see. i have a LOT of seeds to get through and not enough space or time.


I’ve grown a few Seedsman strains, but only CBD so far was their Pink Kush CBD 30:1 Auto. Really good decarbed and in my coffee. : I loved their Blue Dream and Jack Herer.