Coffin_Dodger's Continuous Chronicles of Cultivating Chaos

really? please tell me about their blue dream… how did it grow? was it a heavy or light feeder? did you do indoors or out?

i have a pack of seedsman blue dream on deck for this year outdoors. was going to do a “blue dream-off” as i have a pack from seedsman and a pack of “humboldt dream” from HSC. (though the HSC isn’t “pure” blue dream - it is crossed with PPD)


HAPPY NEW YEAR @Coffin_Dodger and @JustTieflingThings
Hope the year bring you big grows, big buds, and more seeds than you will ever need :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Keep up the interesting and informative updates we love catching up on :green_heart:


The blue dream was indoor, in hempy bucket with perlite and coco. I was following the Lucas formula at the time. Still like to keep it simple. No issues that I can recall. TBH it was like all the other blue dreams I’ve grown; HSO, Blimburn and Expert Seeds. The only odd thing, and not related to Seedsman, was some of HSO’s have that cat piss smell.

Blue dream has been my favorite for a long time. But I think it was the haze in it that caused me to like so much, so starting into into haze more now.

Seedsman’s Jack Herer was really great. First time I fell back into my sofa. Like bolt or something between the eyes. :smile:


Reading along.great write up. You said your going to take out the carper. You can get a custom made drip tray from vivosun…or a 8x4 is about $25…im no sure but i think there is a vivosun rep in here some where


good to know. thanks for response. appreciate you.

i am quite fond of blue dream also, so looking forward to seeing what seedsman can produce.

jack herer is on abuela’s list. i need to get my hands on those.


Your posts are great to read CD :clap: I’m sure people will make out a few legible in mine :laughing:

I’m using the controller Pro69 also with their 6" extraction and XL filter but definitely not utilising what I can…would love to add the clip fan and other bits.

Those ladies are looking beautiful of course, I’m also probably going to do the same with support, I have a elasticated scrog and was debating wether to use that as these small pots lollipoped may need it if bobble head…but I like moving them and fiddling :grin:

But yeah enjoying reading though previous posts too. :+1:


…and I’m damn glad to have your word on it, @Til_Valhalla . We’ve got the Purple Kush Auto CBD 1:1 on deck to try next year, most likely. Once this crop comes down in the next couple weeks, we’ll be starting in on Autos for the first time. Probably starting with some OG genetics there, though.

The Grower’s Dilemma.

Heyhey- @JustTieflingThings loves Blue Dream, too. I tease her about not having gotten bored with it when the market seemed flooded, but I’m a fan, too. I also think the haze undertones are what really drives the balance it seems to strike with a lot of folks. It’s definitely on our short(er) list. Hahaha
The Doctor Seedsman doesn’t seem picky at all, took to Scrogging very well, has great over-all structure, but can get top heavy with a quickness. The vine-like branching we see in em might be solved with a longer veg if we run them again. Very interested in the final results, and sure to keep y’all updated.

And a happy new year to you and yours, @LzBoy . I appreciate you always checking in and dropping support, and I’m glad we crossed paths this last year. The community we’ve found here with the likes of you is something special- tugs on those core strings that make us human, I reckon. Lookin’ forward to a full year of it, and seeing what great things you get into! Those first temple balls looked killer! All the best, friend.

Right on! Thanks for the tip. I’ve been looking mostly into pond-liners and construction drop-vinyl type sheeting. Would ultimately like something along the lines of a room-sized drip tray essentially, bringing that material up all the walls a foot or so, in addition to covering the floor. I don’t think I’ll run into anything but the original hardwood in good condition under the padding. Thankfully and hopefully. :crossed_fingers: hahaha

Thank you! I do what I can, if not for being a bit ramble-prone. It’s honestly kind of therapeutic for me.

Nice. I really do like ACI, their equipment is pretty thoughtfully designed and solid as all hell for the affordable price-point, compared to most canna-facing brands, just seems like there’s some issue with them fully meeting the demand they were able to generate, and really test things for all the variables. For instance, based on their e-mail back to me, I won’t be running the T3 through the C69 again. I’ll just let it have its own probe.
As they were a ventilation-focused company before pivoting into Cannabis, I have a lot more solid trust in their fans, both clip and in-line. Haven’t used any of their lights yet, and won’t have need for a multi-Meter for a while yet, but I know they’re throwing down in both those arenas, too. I think I even caught some pre-rumors of a heater.

Thanks to all of ya for dropping by and taking the time. It’s gonna be a great new year.
Stay up


Heyhey, everybody!

Glad to see everyone made it through the holidays safe and intact, and I hope you had plenty of time to spend with all those closest to you. From @JustTieflingThings and myself, from the depths of our little green and black hearts, we hope all the best for anyone reading this, through out this coming year and all those there-after. We’re looking forward to our first full year hanging ut with you all, and continuing to expand and learn more. Thanks for all you do to make this place what it is, and know that whoever you are and whatever that is, it counts.
Let’s kick 2024’s ass, OG.

That said! We here in the Dodger home have turned our eyes to the prize:

It’s the FINAL COUNTDOWN as we close in on our first harvest with all four plants alive and kicking. We are stoked to have pulled through this well on our third run, and started that giddy new-growers amazement every time we open the tent.

The week was a hell of a lot less turbulent than the last, for the garden’s part in life, that is. We have continued to prune and defol daily, stopping short of anything that coud really be called heavy or leaf-stripping. The plants are responding well to all of it, and the increased airflow makes us more comfortable considering the size of some of the buds and stacks we’re dealing with.

…as demonstrated by the lovely @JustTieflingThings . Thanks, JTT.

The smell is overwhelmingly sweet now, with less of a spice for-front and more over-ripe fruit. The ginger and nutmeg of the early flowering DSCBD has turned from spice cake to barely-rotten-clove-orange, with those other notable spices still lingering, now on the undertone.

Opening the back of the tent is my own personal treat and a much different smell altogether. The NB have gone from savory-sweet mushroom to caramelized onion sautee. The earthiness is still present, but is more carrot than potato- higher tones, less rich.

Feed this week was roughy the same as last, and though the schedule calls for “flush” next week, we plan on continuing at a reduced level, as we will be staggering the harvest of this crop, much like last, to allow for Dry/Cure cycles in the Cannatrol Cool Cure. That thing is a beast and I’m looking forward to using it again for more than storage. We will be chopping and bucking a kilo of wet weight starting the week of January 14th (most likely) , loading down the machine and letting the plants ride through the cycle, then repeating until we’ve taken it all (or get close enough that hang drying through the penultimate machine-run makes sense.)

Of course, all this depends on what they tell us, just the same.


In other garden-related news, Jessicat the Girl the Mail-Cat was busy again this week, as she dragged in a bubble-pack with a mylar inside for us from @Rippleseeds . Inside were FIVE packs, one each of Plat City Soul, Blueberry Band Aid Haze, IBL Sour D (Stony’s Cut) X Piff Haze, Malawi Gold X Heirloom Afghani, and Santa Cruz Soul. Thank you again for such notable genetics to add to our growing seed vault, the chance to grow them out, and for the inspiration you give folks around here to actively do great and good things.

Jessicat is expecting a new tower for the new year and all her hard work bringing in beans from the overwhelming generosity in this community.

That about does it for this week, y’all. It’s been a great one, even for us being a bit under the weather. As always, a big thank you to everyone of ya reading this, any discussion and questions, comments, constructive feedback, tips or tricks- Y’all are awesome.

Stay up!


Beautiful, love me some root porn in the morning!!!


Great update @Coffin_Dodger @JustTieflingThings !! Looks like everything is coming along nicely. Have you ran gear from rippleseeds before? Happy New Year and best wishes for 2024 and beyond.


have you done autos before?

i grew the PKA twice before. the first time was when i had no idea how to set up the soil for an auto grow. the plant was pitiful when it finished. got maybe an 8th off it.
the second time i grew it i had a better grasp on how to get the soil set, but used too small of a pot. the plant finished great. leaf to bud ratio was perfect (easy trim), big fat golfball flower. flowers finished off frosty and had some deep purple colorations. scents were earthy and incense. flavors same. high was surprisingly quite nice despite being low level THC/CDB. lasted a few hours. aches and pains at bay.

i have a MUCH better grasp on growing autos now and have an even better soil mix going. the autos i have going now have been tearing it up. i will at some point grow out the rest of the PKA pack. would be interested to see how the PKA turns out now with new soil and knowledge. :cowboy_hat_face:


I have a great set up for soil to grow really nice autos no fuss, really very simple and have been using it for years just DM me if you want to try it.:facepunch::wink::+1::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Nope, never run autos yet, @Til_Valhalla . I’ve heard there’s some issues with the roots getting cramped causing the plant to flower prematurely, and that kind of thing. We’ll be running em in our RDWC, so that much shouldn’t be an issue.
I know there’s some debate about other common tec, like topping, being less suited for autos, for not having the time to extend veg and allow recovery for the plant, etc.

Other than medium, is there any hard rules you stick to for autos vs photos?

When growing an auto you’re unfamiliar with, do you start heavy on feed and dial back to happy-medium where you find it, or work them up slow? My biggest concern vs. photos is probably the chance of burning them up front and not having the time for them to adapt.

Thanks for dropping by!
Stay up


i can’t really speak to hydro techniques. i’m locked into organic soil (medical grow).
however… considering your position and your questions:

keep the lights at 18/6 … always. no need to alter the light. some like to drive the plant hard and do 24hrs or 20/4. i think the plants appreciate the rest, so i stick with the 18/6. i have tried the 20/4 and prefer the results with 18/6.

as far as nutrients are concerned, i usually supercharge my soil with dry amendments, for both veg AND flower. when autos do their flip, they do not want for PK as it’s already in the soil ready to be used. follow up with monthly top dress.
as far as doing DWC… jeeze… i don’t have any practical advice (or experience!)… i guess i would be looking for flip signs around day 20-40 or so and start easing into dropping N and boosting P and K. i wouldn’t say to ever drop N as these plants grow fast and blow through the N pretty fast, and will continue munching N while packing on the flowers.

don’t get discouraged if you f^ck up your first run. autos are different and have different requirements. some of these auto strains are worth it when you get your auto environment dialed in. they produce some nice flower and decent yields for plants so small/quick.

have fun with it. and good luck!

hopefully someone else here does hydro with their autos and can give you a more definitive answer/routine for you. pretty sure there are more than a few.


In my short growing time, 2 auto runs. Non in hydro just promix.
The biggest thing I learned to use was DLI. Because they get usually 18/6 light for their hole life, they don’t need as intense light compared to regs at 12/12. As I’m finding out atm.
75% max on em with changing light hight till maybe the last 2 weeks, then full power if you want to try and push em.
1st auto grow… Only one made it, hermied 3 :unamused: but due to screwing up topdressing organically.

2nd auto grow, finding out about DLI…and megacrop 1 part 30 Oz :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But from what I’ve seen in your grows… You got this :+1:
Lotsa luck :seedling:


even your first auto grow looked respectable.
2nd vast improvement
i think they’re fun. they definitely work out great indoors over the winter.


Good morning, OG!
Hope all of you are keepin’ plenty warm and well, and have plenty of reason to look forward to the weekend. We’ve been pretty-well busy around here, :axe: so I’ll get right to it!

With at least the DSCBD 30:1 entering their harvest window, we had planned on a big chop over the course of my week/end, bucking and wet-trimming 2.2 pounds and setting up a full dry/cure cycle (8 days) in the Cannatrol, before flipping that into Grove Bags and repeating the process every 8 days. In this method, we hope(d) to make three pulls from this run, and allow the prominent lowers time to ripen as best they will, giving us ample material for decarbing and processing. This method will also relieve some stress on the NB plants, levelling the canopy more for their final weeks (they will presumably be the last to go.)

We posted up in the Ready to Harvest thread, and debated our strategy. Instead of working a full load out on the first round, we decided to take all the DSCBD that had begun to pose a real risk, weight and density-wise. We were tempted as we worked to take some NB for early sampling, but resisted.

When we had finished (Or really, when @JustTieflingThings had finished- she’s so much better a trimmer than I am, though I help where I can) and felt good with where we were at, we had filled the machine with about 229 grams (wet) of DSCBD 30:1, both #LG (predominantly) and #FW. We will be taking samples at the end of “Dry,” in about 2 days. When “Cure” is complete, we will load that into Grove Bags, and go in for another pull, this time loading the machine to capacity. After 8 days, we will repeat this, hopefully with another nearly full load, and finish out as need be. In our experience, the recommendation to hang dry for 24 hours before putting bud into the Cannatrol is unnecessary. That thing is awesome.

The smells in the tent have definitely developed, as the NB have both brightened a bit, with lingering savory pepper and spice, but a more forward, lighter fruit tone. The DSCBD, while being wet-trimmed, exploded with a STRONG fir, pine-tar, which pairs well enough with the gingery, cardamom and vanilla tones that have faded back a bit. The NB #FD have begun to darken nicely in many of the top colas. A wonderful contrast to the bright green and oranges of the DSCBD. :black_heart:

Feed this week was further reduced, as we began to cut additives entirely. CaliMagic, Floralicious, and KoolBloom have all been eliminated. We do not “flush,” but will continue to reduce feed through the final round of harvest.

In all, the whole tent has responded beautifully to the decapitations (:metal: ), and we are ready to get back in there! If we don’t wind up taking any major “swings” at NB in the second round, we will definitely take at least a sample of both.


  • :spiral_calendar: 110 Days from Seed :seedling: , 40 Days of Vegetation :evergreen_tree: , 56 Days of Flowering (12/12) :sunflower:
  • :seedling: We have begun a slow, staggered harvest, and took 229 grams (wet) of DSCBD 30:1 #LG and #FW on day F54. This has been Dry/Curing in the Cannatrol with 2 days left before sampling. The next chop will be a full load (2.2 LBS wet) to be taken on the 15th. All plants have developed rapidly in expression, with the onset of some signs of senescence and changes in over-all smells. There is a notable fir scent when wet trimming the DSCBD.
  • :flashlight: No change in light this week.
  • :computer: :non-potable_water: Further reduced feed. Scaled formula to 35 G US, filled to 40 Cut out CaliMagic, Floralicious, and KoolBloom. Water started cold, but with sub-350 PPM. pH will be allowed to settle high post-feed this week, as we have seen a steady and consistent drop in the last couple weeks, following feedings. Final after res change is currently **pH 6.3 and :arrow_heading_down: , 56 * F, 725-740 ppm (~1.5 EC)
  • :sun_behind_rain_cloud: Average of 73 * F, 49.9 % RH, 1.14 kPA VPD Again, this is skewed to scale with previous posts due to losing a controller’s data set, and includes dark-cycle stats.

In other news, Jessicat brought in a letter just yesterday. In it was a most generous gift from @Illicitmango , Mr. Nugget, and Mr. Token. Thank you again for the chance to grow out these Ketosis X ICC 98 seeds. And all the more for the stickers! They’ll find a great home on the seed vault, our tool cab, or clip-board. @JustTieflingThings loves to play stickers, as we say.

…and, THANK YOU ALL for reading, following along, watching, liking, offering advice and discussion, and all you do here and out there to make this place so special and all the rest of 'em a bit more tolerable. Whatever it is today, you got this.
Good luck to all, in all. :four_leaf_clover: We’ll catch y’all next week.

Stay up


Just beautiful @Coffin_Dodger @JustTieflingThings. Great update as usual and glad to hear you’re harvesting a bit and enjoying the results. Congrats and keep up the good work! I haven’t spent as much time as I’d like reading and viewing this post but just had to give ya’s a :+1: :+1: :+1:


Are u doing a puppet show .


Beautiful bud marionettes !