Coffweed Attempts x4 GDP, 2 KSS, 1 Frankenstein, and 3 DoMeFast Autos in a 4x4

These did all go straight from solo cups to the 5/7gals. Staying tuned to the plants!

My next round of plants will be one tent / one cultivar. Right now one of those is in a 1gal, the rest in solo cups. The plan for them is solo → 1gal → (5 gal?) → 15gal. I figure four 15gallons in a 4x4 will be solid.


Cut the majority of leaf off the clones. Staying tuned there.

Sprouts are still a sproutin’ — I’m very excited to be running a full 4x4 with these in 15gals (hopefully) and the one already in a 1 gallon is just ahead of the game and will have some extra veg time for me to do things with it. Beyond stoked that there is any Triangle Kush in the mix — and everything else sounded good as well (Gorilla Fume, Blueberry Diesel — yum).

The current run is a mix of happy and kind of sad. I can’t pinpoint why the sadness but have a few theories. It’s basically my first run so I’m not surprised I’m a confused stoner at the moment.

-As much as I’m trying to let things dry between watering — and think I’ve improved or am at least kind of getting the hang of it — this is still an area that could probably be causing issues and could use improvement.
-The soil. The BuildASoil plants are happier than the Mother Earth Groundswell. I’m going to try a feeding of some BuildAVeg soon. I imagine they’re going to like their top dressing in about a week as well.
-Lighting is a toss up. I can get so much info from a PAR map online and the Photone app but both are just guesses (PAR Map probably most accurate tool). I’ve got them cruising at 70%.
-Fan placement — I don’t think anyone is getting blasted but the air is moving. Low probability this is a problem area.

The Maui is getting there. Not quite done yet. Still trying to wrap my head around how it seeded itself and I can’t find any male bits. Someone tell me there must be some…somewhere, lol.


When was the last time you gave them any calcium and magnesium?
When did you transplant into these pots?
Have you fed them since?
Just curious but what is the PH of your water?

Two plants are not looking excellent…

Also are you finding actual seeds on the Maui?

Three look to be quite saturated…

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I’ll get some pictures of the Maui bits that I imagine are going to be/are seeds when the lights come back in a few hours.

As for any feeding/anything at all outside of just distilled water, I’ve given them very small amounts of:
-Coconut Water
-Big Six
-Quillaja Extract
-BTI (mosquito bits)

The distilled is almost always 6.9-7pH. I once watered a bit with some tap. Didn’t test it. That’s on me. I’ll run some and see shortly here and report back on that.

Today was a no-water day — and tomorrow probably will be too for some of them. I am really trying to wait until the bottom of the pots read between the lowest and one tick higher than that on the “dry” scale of the meter. Testing at a few points but it seems obvious enough when they’re dry dry. I’m also lifting and moving them so can feel the difference for sure.

I transplanted them into these pots from the solo cups. Let me check back in the thread. 36 days. Needed to check that myself!

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Ditch the meter!
Pick up the pots now and feel the weight.
Wait 2 days and lift the pot. Does it feel light? Heavy?
If it’s not light don’t water!
Wait another day.
If they are starting to get droopy then yes water them, otherwise you’re potentially going to get root rot in the center of the pot as far less air get there. Your pots are drying fast on the sides because of the fabric.

I think you might be starting to have mag deficiency in the two that are yellowing.
You gave them lots of stuff but I wonder what the calcium and magnesium ratios are?

I’m giving gypsum and epsom salt every week. 1tbl spn/gal of water.

Also squeeze the bud lightly you think has seeds.
You’ll know if it’s seeded by now.

Cheers :potted_plant:


Made a stop at the grow store on my way home from the doc. Got some General Organics CaMg+, and some more rooting gel for future clones.

Popped into the container with a sterile syringe and pulled out a heavy dose, will be applied! Also officially ditching the meter. Lifting and timing —learning from the plants.

Now to get high and see about that Maui plant.


Reconfirming very very seeded. Gloved up and touched one. 99.9% sure there are going to be lots of seeds — oy! Still can’t find male bits. Maybe when it gets chopped. Before the others start flowering. In any case, here are some photos as the end can’t be too far off.

Some interesting stem/leaf colors popping up.


Beautiful colours indeed … :heart_eyes:


Thank you @George! At this point I’m waiting for those colors all over and then calling this plant good. Kind of curious to inspect it on chop.

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I was wondering, do you live in an apartment or have neighbors close by? Leave the window open in the room?
Curious if maybe someone else’s pollen came in… :person_shrugging:

Gorgeous plant regardless. Can’t wait to see what’s inside those seeds


Trailer park – but a nice quiet corner cozied up to unmaintained land. Also a lot of farmland nearby so who knows. In any case, off to the races early today – go go gadget coffee!

Hope y’all have a fabulous day out there!


Slight space change in the closet. Playing with shelving and lighting for seedlings and baby clones here.


Not much to look at yet but built a little male isolation chamber with passive airflow. No fans.

It’s a thing I’ve used for mushrooms (fits four shoeboxes). Slapped some cheap 0.3micron filter patches on the holes and off to the races! Now I just need a dude.


Getting frosty up in the small tent. I think I’ll feel relieved when I can chop this plant and dry/cure. I’m still concerned by it and how it got to be the way it is.

The other tent, some plants started getting some GO CaMg+ (5ml / gal), BAS BuildAVeg (NPK = (11.18)N - (.82)P - (2.6)K, Calcium: 5.58% Magnesium .22%, PH = 6.5), and a little bit (1/2 teaspoon) of BAS Big Six. A few were not ready for water yet and will get it when they are. Updates to come. Not the happiest tent right now.


You WILL feel relieved dude. Finding out your plant has has been pollinated by hermie flowers is a terrible feeling in my experience! In all likelyhood it was just in her genetics and her mom was a hermie too. Will be nice to move forward with a new batch of genes.


38 Days, 4x4 w/ 4x GDP / 2x KSS / 1x Do Me Fast

Here’s the whole tent:

Here’s the jist of what I’m doing to fix this:
First and foremost, watching my watering. Yes, you can see some moisture in a few of these pots. That’s from yesterday – and I assure you those pots were almost bone dry. I’m doing my best to ditch the meter and I could feel how light the pots were. I verified with the thing. A few pots though I’m still waiting for them to dry back. I’ll lift and see again in about 12 hours.

Next, I’m getting them some nutrients. They haven’t really been fed much up to this point so I’m hoping that helps. They’re getting a mix of CaMg+, BuildAVeg, and Big Six.

Raised the light a few inches. 70% power as it has been for a bit now.

One little TKxGF/BBD:

This pot has some moisture on the bottom getting wicked up still.

The six. Some of these are doing better than others:

The untouched/untrained/just doing its thing Do Me Fast Auto:

The Clones and The Babies
Clones are…not doing much. Getting misted a few times a day. Waiting. Hoping. Babies seem happy.

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Why are you using the big 6?
You may be ODing your plants with this shit.

I did a run where I only used their craft blend, 2-3-1, worms casting tea, and some recharge, gypsum and Epsom salt (calMg), and the plants were excellent the whole run.
BaS is going to sell you a ton of shit you don’t need. He’s a smart guy but he’s also a business man who’s profiting off new growers who are easily persuaded by fancy talk.

I also up-pot a lot and in small increments;
starter pot ~>1 gal ~> 2 gal ~> 3 gal ~>etc

I use coast of Maine when buying soilless and with a small amount of research I learned that a 1gal will have about 12-15 days of nutrients before I’d need to up pot or feed.
5gal was about 35 days before needing to feed.

Garden talk with Mr. Grow it is a great podcast for entry level to advanced. From buds to veggies. Learned about natural farming, proper feeding and watering, etc.
I don’t listen anymore as he had a ‘breeder’ on who said he made s1’s of another breeders work and was selling it. Chris didn’t say anything in regards to the douche move and I stopped listening after that.

Grow from your heart with Rasta Jeff is another great podcast resource. He’s in CO as well… I still listen from time to time. I’m running some of his testers outside and his work is stellar. Give a listen.

Read this, it may be of some help!

You got this brother. I’m always being humbled by my plants and ALWAYS researching and learning in my free time.

I hope something in here helps you out.

**also a mag deficiency takes about 30 days to see visual signs which mean once it’s there it can be a big task to correct.
Magnesium is at the center of all plant cells so it is very important. A deficiency will effect calcium up take I believe.


Noted and I’ll be checking those links out tonight!

I (luckily) haven’t used a lot of the stuff (Big6). Just wanted to round out potential missing nutrients. The pots waiting for water haven’t gotten any. In any case, mostly just waiting and soon I’ll add a top layer of soil/BuildAFlower mixed and flip — waiting probably another week or two as I want the Maui plant to finish up first. We will see though — learning!

Thank you for the suggestions and help!

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Home. Lights on. Guess what’s getting water tonight? nothing

They’re also going to be alone tomorrow night as I’m off working until closer to their “2pm”. So, they’re going to dry back — and that should be just fine I’m hoping. I’ll do a quick check tomorrow morning for anything that is bone dry — but I don’t think I’ll find any candidates.

Time to study and try to relax a bit. Hope you’re all having a good night out there OG!