Coffweed Attempts x4 GDP, 2 KSS, 1 Frankenstein, and 3 DoMeFast Autos in a 4x4

What a night!

Pulled my first two males.

Took my first clones! Also topped six plants. Left the probably female auto alone!

Watered them first.

Time to get really high on some TK x Jet Fuel Gelato.


Started with a few fan leaves. Ended up with this:

Just on GDP 3 — for now. Curious how this will go with topping. The main stalk isn’t bendable. Feels woody already. Don’t want to fully mainline but will be doing some LST to try to even things out. Or at least that’s the plan.


Looking good brother!

I find lst is best done when the plant is thirsty; stems and branches are much more pliable.
Trying to bend after watering will possibly break stem and branches.

Big night for you :facepunch::partying_face::potted_plant::pray:


Bit of a ramble this morning yall. The coffee worked. :coffee:

@JohnnyPotseed Thank you for your kindness and genetics — although I’ve only got one living out of my first four try’s — that’s not on you at all and I can’t wait to get a whole tent of Frankie’s going asap. Gotta do right by your work! And your strength! Watching your journey through health recently has been eye opening and also inspiring. You are a solid soul and human (and I can only hope to make it as far and be as strong as your stoned ass!).

@CaptainRon I intuitively was completely wrong on this one. I thought that they would be more happy to bend after watering. In any case, some LST is in the plan for sure where it makes sense.

I’m kicking myself a little as I feel like I didn’t set a strong enough “plan” for this grow. I guess I’m learning things left and right and that’s good enough for this time. That said, I’m hoping to get at the rest of the grow with a bit more of a strategy in mind. The title of this post should be now “One hermie, two dudes, seven females, some TKxGF/BBD, and a celebration of life and organic things — with Coffweed”. It’s a party up in here!

Now that they’re all topped with the exception of the auto, and the one lollipopped and defoliated a little bit — I’m going to give them some time to recover and then probably go in and do some serious defoliation/lollipopping if needed (want to do less of this)/and LST.

I guess I feel like lollipopping is a bit too much but who knows — maybe it’s just what the doctor ordered to help the plant focus its energy up top.

A lot of the main stalks are already pretty thick and solid so I’m not sure how much bending there is going to be at this party (that’s okay — you should see me do yoga — every body is different, lol). I’ll be playing with LST for sure though.

Annnnnywho — not even going to go down the tap vs RO / bubbler-trash-can-system-2000 water rabbit hole. Even though I kind of want to. I watered with some tap gasp last night. Straight from the faucet. Today I have a few gallons of tap sitting out to remove chlorine, if there is any (I assume there is but I don’t know aside from it’s 328ppm on the TDS meter today).

Or the BaS reputation rabbit hole. I imagine in truth there are some great minds there, and some…not so great minds that might sometimes answer the phone. Who knows. Sending them love too though — it’s rough out there and I’ve been loving their products and YouTube videos. Like anything taken with a grain of salt — but it sure seems like they’re trying (and also a business, which I respect). I don’t love doing sales myself but gotta pay the bills and I agree with trying to get behind something you believe in.

Drink the coffee.

Love out to all of yall. Have a fabulous day OG and thank you (seriously, thank you — one day I’ll repay the time with seeds!) for stopping by my learning escapades into the world of cannabis. I’d be lost without yall. Maybe less confused. But probably wrong. Happy to be here!!! Grateful.

This morning (their “noon”) after a hard start to their day:


Yeah man, that’s a girl. See those white, whispy hair-like fuzzy things that appear at the nodes. They seem to grow out of the bracts/calyxs starting in preflower. On reg photo plants it usually takes like 5-7ish weeks to see the preflowers. And usually seems around node 5 or 6. We used to call them pistils. I’m not sure but I think people now mostly use the name Stigmas. They can also come in colored on certain strains. Several I’ve seen have pink or purple pistils. :slight_smile: Later in flower pistils come out of the flowers themselves in profusion. Like a spiked head of white hair. Those die back during mid-late fkowering usually turning shades of orange to brown. And mostly stick to the buds by the end. Perfectly normal.


Man, I wish I had someone to tell me this stuff back in the beginning when I was growing late 90s bag seed. :rofl:


This community has been invaluable!

Three more TKxGF/BBD popped 3/3. Into solo cups with BaS Light with some coconut and aloe mixed in.


A big morning for the plants! I took a tad of the weight off. Kind of went to town! Hopefully this was a good move. It seemed to really open the plants up to some good airflow and also allowed for some LST on all the plants except the auto.

Turned out to be quite the pile at the end of clipping!

I’m proudly wearing my Overgrow The World With Love shirt that just landed today

Hope all is well out there for yall— I’m trucking along and somewhat exhausted but the adventure continues!

Much Love from the Coffweed Secret World HQ.


…and we have some more life! I bet the other two will be up by tomorrow. (tk x gf / bbd)

Also transplanted one that was ready(ish) into a one gallon.


Another sprout popped up— and also a “noon” shot of the 4x4:

I think they’re going to be happy plants :). Especially after they get a nice top dressing in about a week or so — giving them some time still but starting to think about when to flip to flower.

I feel like this plant is just loving the light right now:

Top down:


Something is a little off — I can see it in the leaves but am unsure what it is exactly. I’m going to keep on the not-overwatering train for starters. Otherwise, I’m thinking it’s time for a top dressing in preparation for flipping to flower. Maybe that’s what they need as well, a bit of food.

Question for y’all — when would you flip?

Two KSS on the right. Four GDP on the left. Do Me Fast auto in the back. TKxGF/BBD on the right.


Looking good dude. It’s tough because some plants are just natural heavy feeders, while some aren’t, regardless if they are the same strain or not. So if you do the exact same thing for every plant, things are never going to be perfect. With that said, things don’t have to be perfect, over all your plants are looking healthy man and are primed to make some nice flower.

I say you’re good to flip at any time, I would probably give it 1 more week.


Plants look great from here. Front left and back middle look a bit soggy. Let em dry a bit. I would top dress and flip in a week.
Great job.


Seen it once, possibly in March a small fraction of them were on the tent floor. Just put em back, even the dead ones. Liquid EWC doesn’t aerate the soil. Worms reproduce and introduce microbes with them as they travel. They process organic materials and make em plant available in real time.
If growing organic with compost plus dry amendments and plan to reuse soil worms just make sense. Good compost like Malibus often has worms. Nutrient processors that make more nutrient processors.



I have bought this instead:

I will look for worms under the pots in the garden where they use to hide, I understand changing to organics it’s not like changing your shoes, I will have to learn from scratch but I know I will find here in OG knowledge and support like yours … beer3|nullxnull


Mega Worm is just making me chuckle, lol.

Worms! The good stuff.


I somehow ended up with two days “off”. Of course, there’s still a lot of work to be done, but I can actually attempt to sleep in tomorrow. Woohoo!

It’s morning time for the plants in this 4x4 and the sprouts/clones, evening for the 2.7x2.7. Once that smaller tent finishes up I can sync schedules a bit better. I went a little too hard on one of the KSS plants for training, but that’s okay, snip-snip and more for the rest of the plant.

Watered in a little BTI with some aloe to the plants that were dry. Left alone the ones that weren’t.

Not sure if these are taking or not. I’m spraying them lightly with a fine mist of distilled a few times a day. No visible roots on the sides of the cups yet.

Three for three out of the new seedlings! Waiting. Probably a tiny watering soon. Tiny. @Rhai88 passed these lovely genetic on – I’ll have to update in their discord as well soon.

The 4x4, re-arranged so that the Mother Earth Groundswell Pots of GDP are on the far left, and the BaS Pots of GDP in the middle. The KSS on the right is also in BAS, as is the auto and the seedling.

Do Me Fast from JP

The two Mother Earth Groundswell GDPs. Not quite as happy. One got water today. One didn’t.

This GDP seems happy.

So does this one.

This gal lost a few lowers because I trained a lilttttle too hard. Whoops.

This Maui plant concerns me, lol. It’s seeded and I can’t find any male bits. I chalk it up to they’re there and I can’t find them. I don’t love that – but I’m hoping to still get some smoke out of this plant. It’s my first ever little punk of a plant.

Time to unwind for the night. I think it’s a Mr. Nasty night (lovely strong smoke – funky smells to say the least). One day I’d love to grow some. Anywho. Thanks for sticking around – this community already means a lot to me and I’m grateful to be here!

Also, if y’all haven’t tuned into JPs auction – Round One is finishing up and Round Two is starting. I know I’m hoping my paycheck tomorrow is solid so I can contribute more to the auction. In any case, I’m sure JP and Rose are grateful for any help and it’s pretty cool that this community has strong enough ties to do this sort of thing. Sending love and healing wishes your way @JohnnyPotseed.

Have a good night OG.



^^^^^Cut at least 3/4 of those leaves off. They’re fighting to keep em alive instead of
producing roots.

Yeah rd 2 is gonna be epic. Starts Monday. Enjoy your time off.


Edit 3/4 off each leaf


Just curious, are you flowering in these pots?

I don’t recall any up-potting? I wonder if the issues you are seeing are related to a restriction within the root zone…
don’t quote me on that. One plant does look to be unhappy which could be it needs food or a bigger pot…

With a variety of cultivars it can get a bit hectic as all will have different feeding/nutritional needs, watering, light needs, etc…

Looking good though!
Enjoy sleeping in :partying_face: