Coffweed Attempts x4 GDP, 2 KSS, 1 Frankenstein, and 3 DoMeFast Autos in a 4x4

Yeah dude my plants in veg always droop for an hour or 2 before lights off, and I’m using hempy buckets so over/under watering isn’t really a thing.


They got a small slurp. Lights turned off as I was doing it, lol. I’ll be back in sixteen hours or so and I’m sure they’ll survive. I can give them some more attention then!


Numbered everything and feel better already. I’m glad I gave them a little drink last night. They’re all showing some moisture on the meter so am going to let them ride until lights on at 7pm tonight and then give the more dry ones a drink and a few might get skipped over for now.


Just a little bit of water (1000mL) amongst the tent at my stop in outside of work tonight.

Thinking of topping / cloning tops soonish.


Going to have to edit Frankenstein out of the title for this grow (sadly). I was really hoping to be 10/10 on those seeds but the 1 I popped off the pack has been giving me a hard time (I blame myself really).

Tried to sow it directly into moistened soil. Failed.
Tried to soak it for 12-24hrs and then paper towel germinate. Still not happy.
Tried to spray the now somewhat drier paper towel with some coconut water mix (mostly just water). Waiting, but not feeling too hopeful that it’ll pop. It’s just one seed, but it’s a very special seed for me coming from JP.

Any other ideas? It’s been 90% humidity and 75-80F where the seed is trying to start it’s life.

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First pictures, right at lights on:

Second set, a few hours later:

It’s wild how much they perk up!

Watered almost everything — a little heavier handed. Using the moisture meter, lifting pots, and just trying to get a feel for it and pay attention to the plants.

The Frankenstein seed is still not happy — so, I did what I’m hoping is the equivalent of lighting a cigarette at a bus stop (and thusly triggering the nowhere to be found bus to show up immediately). I put another seed of a randomly chosen strain that I recently received in the paper towel with the one Frankenstein. Time will tell.

As always — any advice is welcome. I really don’t know what I’m doing beyond reading and watching videos and trying to pay attention to others here. Grateful for this community!

Oh, almost forgot the autos update:


I know this is a few weeks old now, but do you have a PAR meter? You can download one for your phone and use paper as a diffuser, truth be told the paper isn’t accurate but it’ll give you an idea on what your ppfd is on your plants.

For veg, most cultivars only need 400-600ppfd and 600-800 for flower.

Too much light will stress the little ones and honestly just waste your money!
Most growth happens after lights out :heart:

You’re doing a great job, brother! The Maui is looking happy too!


I need to get on the app and get some estimates for PPFD and DLI calculations. Winging it now — lights recently went up to 40% power, so definitely not full strength. They’re also a few feet away at least. But — I’m all for being accurate!


If you’re ever looking to try something different:
For Veg:
12 hours straight light
5.5 hours dark
1 hour light
5.5 hours dark

10.5 hours light
13.5 hours dark

I was able to sex 90% of my plants in 4 days at that sch.

Most life grows in the dark :wink:

This isn’t something I came up with, John of Snow High Seeds talks about this in the first part of his interview on the potcast, and recently @noknees informed me that the veg cycle is an old greenhouse technique known as gaslighting. I’m guessing it’s because it’s the length of the dark hours that triggers flowering and not light hours, and halfway through the dark you throw the light on for an hour, breaking the night cycle and gaslighting the plant to stay in veg.
I’m currently giving it a go and my plants are loving it!
He also makes the point that nowhere in nature is there a true 12/12 light cycle so he chose the 10.5 hours of light.
DJ Short taught us that if you flower at 11/13 you’ll see phenotypical expressions you wouldn’t see at 12/12.

Just some fun changes to the 18/6, 12/12


I used the app called Photone and worked well.
I since bought a proper PAR meter and use it every few days, sometimes daily when in flower.

But you’ll get an idea of what’s going on in the tent since you are God and control the sun and moon.
The plants in the center are getting the most ppfd and the ones on the edges are probably getting a few hundred less.
In veg it wont be too much an issue as plants will stretch towards the light but in flower you will see a diminished return on your buds for sure!

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I’ll check out the app! I’ll also check out that light cycle on a future grow — this one I already have a plan stuck in my head. That said, I’m so new that I’m very very open to trying just about anything within reason.

Dialing in lighting for sure, finding intensity and whatnot. Learning what would be best and honestly just trying not to kill any plants (which I’m sure will happen eventually in any case).

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What have I done, lol. One plant has some noticeable leaf stuff going on. Leaving it alone and also not watering today. It’s on a Kyle’s Sweet Island plant — I pictured it, a close-up, and then the other Kyle’s Sweet Island plant for comparison. The one with the leaf stuff is right next to the humidifier.

Anywho — happy to be cruising along! No news on the seeds yet.


Germination Update

The Frankenstein seed is still just doing nothing — any ideas for a difficult seed? This strain is super special to me as it came from JP and really seems magical from the description. In any case, if I can be 10/10 and not 9/10 with these seeds I’ll be a happy stoner.

The (Triangle Kush x Guerilla Fume) x Blueberry Diesel from @Rhai88 though popped quick! Updates to come! It’s going in a solo cup tonight with field capacity hydrated Build A Soil Light. I am beyond stoked to be growing anything with TK in it.


Momma was a beauty and crossed to the BBD plants who bring excellent terpene profiles I would hope this would bring forth a winner. Pleas share in our Discord as well if you don’t mind would love to follow along!


Will do!

Just went in a solo cup and I raised a shelf up to my cheap Barina “LED” lights that I usually use for mushrooms. It’ll go into the veg tent once it’s had a minute. Hopefully the lights being close help the stretch — I also left some room in the cup if I need to bury any stretch.

Can’t wait to grow this out! Thank you :).


Looking good brother. Have you heard of SIPs? A city picker from Home Depot will eliminate your watering woes. Added every watering is crazy, i think Jeremy would agree.
Grow on.

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I haven’t! I’ll be doing some homework — although I’ll say I like the feel of hand watering.

Speaking of. Watered. They seemed to need it! Lifted all the pots out to do so and think I realized an early mistake I made. As I was watering some of the soil cratered in. I didn’t pre-settle the pots well with moistened soil. Oops! Anywho, I think they’re happier plants now.


All those BAS goodies would rock in a SIP.

Under the hood of a sub irrigated planter. Cover crop, fungus and all kinds of life. Get 1 and try it your next grow, you won’t look back. Can you get some worms? Red wrigglers. Bait shop?

Micro nutrients can’t be needed every watering, or biology. Do you have the rootwise for flower?

Those are the 2 I have for flower. Mega Phos I can vouch for, the other is a sample. No BAS local.


Edit: I imagine BAS 3.0 and lite can complete a grow cycle without Big 6. Use it to reamend for next run.

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You’re about to have a mushroom pop out of there! Haha, look at all that life!

I do have some Rootwise Microbe Complete — also I agree that these soils come heavily amended already and I could probably get away with only water for quite awhile.

I’m sure I could find some red wigglers here somewhere locally. I’m a little afraid to add living things, lol — but I’ve read they’re very good.

Current collection of amendments:

Rootwise is Life. They have a flower specific one Rootwise Bio Phos I think. Worms are really good for the next cycle and the one after that.

City Picker will change your life. :wink:


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