Coffweed Attempts x4 GDP, 2 KSS, 1 Frankenstein, and 3 DoMeFast Autos in a 4x4

I’d like to pick up some of their flower stuff — I’ve heard only good things.

So, how does the city picker and others work? I’m assuming it’s a reservoir with some holes in the plastic above it so that the roots grow down through the holes and thus access the water? Do you need to start it with soil and water the soil normally until the roots grow enough? I’m curious about all these wicking systems and how they work / how they affect the plant. I imagine being in soil that dries up is very different than being constantly submerged in some sort of water?

Now diving down the rabbit hole of how wicking systems work with nylon rope, etc. interesting!


^^Glitterbomb in a City Picker 1 bag BAS 3.0

Communion in Earthbox Happy Frog.

Yes. Plastic with holes.

Thread will keep you busy for awhile.


Definitely going to have to try some SIPs at some point soon!!

Kicking up the humidity a little to 65-70RH.
Temps around 74F.
150-260 PPFD with lights at their current distance and 50% power.
No water today.

I want the temps to regulate a bit and have recently made a few changes that I’m waiting to settle in and see how the plants react. Most of them seem to be doing okay to me, in my limited knowledge. One though looks unhappy. It’s a KSS (Kyle’s Sweet Island Skunk). There are two in this tent and the other I’ll post below to compare.

Here it is:


and here is the other KSS plant:

The tent:

The three Do Me Fast autos from @JohnnyPotseed are cruising right along! (might even have germination on that one Frankenstein seed that was putting up a fight!)

Watering tomorrow if they need it, which I bet they will. Otherwise just trying to leave the temps where they are. I don’t want to run the AC more than I am for fear of cooling down the tent too much via the lung room. It’s at 70F and seems to be working well for this tent and the tent a bit back in the closet that tends to get hotter.

Grateful to be here!


You’ve been lurked. Thanks for not being afraid to share getting those green legs under yourself proper, @Coffweed . Solid start, with serious intent. Love to see it
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Mighty fine looking group of girls ya got going there, my friend!


Thank you JP! Hopefully you’re writing from home and today treats you well!

All of your seeds will be grown out with much love!



alive! Mwuahahahaha — ha.


Happy stoner.

Thanks @Rhai88 and @JohnnyPotseed for providing :fire: genetics.

It’s a:
(Triangle Kush x Guerilla Fume) x Blueberry Diesel


Hellz yeah you’re one of very few who have popped these. Tag me! Keep me informed!


Set to watch, my friend! Gonna be fun


A bit droopy in this shot but lights just came on. Gave them a drink and headed off for the night to the girlfriends.


Still haven’t opened the sprouter. LITFA ftw.


PPFD 300
DLI 21.6
Tent Temp / RH 74.3F / 61%
Lung Room Temp / RH 69.6F / 45%

Watered today. Each plant got a good drink of at least 1000mL. Less for the three younger autos but all of the other plants are on their 5th/6th nodes so they got thirsty!

I also raised the lights higher and raised the intensity of the lights to hit a 300 PPFD measurement at the highest center point of the plants. The PPFD is a bit lower around the edges where the autos are.

Definitely still learning and noticing things here and there I wished I did a little differently — notably noting what mix of the Build A Soil Light and 3.0 I used in each of the BaS pots. One of the Kyle’s Sweet Island plants is still somewhat angry looking based on the yellowing edge of a few top leaves.

Tomorrow will be a dry day which works as I’m working away from home — just leaving them alone to do their thing.

Setting the dehumidifier a bit higher so it doesn’t have to work as hard out here. I don’t need it to be approaching 35% RH.

Soon comes topping and cloning! My first cloning into rock wool but it seems simple enough. Clean cuts. A few nodes. Rooting gel. Sprouter. There have been a few great posts I’ve read here alongside some videos and things I’ve read elsewhere. Letting the autos be as is.


Just a picture before work.


Great job capturing the vibe.


The vibe is good! If only the vibe would be faster on this little plant but they’re still young, lol. I’m outta likes or I’d like your post!


Watered a little more for a few of the plants. Otherwise just letting them be. Picture taken shortly after lights on. Feeling a little droopy.


Looking great brother! You’re doing an incredible job :purple_heart:


Thank you! I’m trying — and also trying to leave them alone, lol.

I did add a new fan to the tent today — a nice green seemed fitting.

This Kyle’s Sweet Island plant is unhappy (leaf yellowing) but also seems to be doing okay. I’m just watering with distilled now for a while.

…and this GDP plant got whoopsied by me on transplant. The whoops being I put it way way too low in the pot. I feel like it’s choking for air (but also doing its thing growing branches to reach up for the light). It needs some love. Maybe a repotting with a base layer added? Is it strong enough for me to hold it and have it not fall apart doing that? Or should I just lollipop the heck out of it?


A little (for now!) cross from @Rhai88 — just popped one.

(Triangle Kush x Guerilla Fume) x Blueberry Diesel


Okay! So, I’m debating when to top/lollipop/defoliate or what if any combination of the three. There is also one of my plants I really want to raise up in the pot or need to take off a lot of the lower growth — it feels buried. I’m worried about trying to take it out of the pot to fill the bottom more. Would it be liftable by the stem yet or is that never advised?

Very open to input. Going to get snipping and cloning soon though!!

On about the 6th node popping and starting to feel like a little bit of a jungle in the veg tent. A short jungle…but a little weed jungle nonetheless!