ColeLennon's Outdoor 10x10 "Gauntlet of Med Clones"

Bravo man that’s looks nice. Superb work.


Thanks man. Hope all is well on your end. :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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Hey @ColeLennon,
You wanna walk me through your tincture process again? I’ve been piecing it together from past posts, but I have several questions. To start:
It’s a QWET, right?
You don’t break the buds down a little bit before decarbing?
Why do you “loose lid” the jar in the oven?
And when/why exactly are you adding avacodo oil?
Get back to me when u can. Thanks bud! :slight_smile:

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I have only done it 5xs. Oil, basically RSO. I’ve made it with shake and buds. Since I’m decarbing in the oven. Then into the jar and freezer for 24 hours. I then add the freezing 190 and shake and stir with a wooden spoon 5 mins. It breaks all the buds up. They kind of dissolve into shake. Back in the freezer for 5 mins. Then filter thru a coffee filter. Pour the tincture into the Pyrex pan. Set on seedling matt 87degrees. Once evaporated. I put the pan in the oven at 200 degrees with a folded dish towel under one end, so the oil runs to one end. If it’s too thick to suck up into a syringe. I add a little avocado oil 1/2 tsp let it infuse about 12 mins at 200 degrees. Loose lid when your decarbing at 240 degrees for a hour will seal the lid of the mason jar. That’s why you leave it loose. All decarbing in the jar does is save you from really stinking the house up. I add the carrier oil. Avocado oil, because I don’t smoke the extract, I make edibles with it. Adding a carrier oil is optional.
I figured it out by reading another members thread. @ReikoX lays it out for you very well. :peace_symbol:
Not Just Another Tincture Thread -


This is basically how I’ve done it. But I evaporated with a double boiler method. Heat mat seems easier and less time consuming. I also usually do a shake after adding the frozen EC and decarb’d flower together, then put back in the freezer for 20-30mins. Then I remove, shake, and then start to filter. The coffee filter part is the most tedious.
I remember the first time that I did it. I didn’t want to waste the residue that was left in the pan. So I cleaned it up with my finger and licked it up. Bad move. Who can say they basically OD’d themselves on cannabis? I can!(not seriously) But I couldn’t feel my legs, lol. Rookie mistake hehe.


Yeah, I do a 5 min shake and stir. More of a pound & ground lol. Freezer for 5 mins and filter. Seedling matt takes about 12 hours. OD on cannabis. I’ve done that more than a few times. Kinda wish you would die!! Feels like it. lol :rofl:


Yeah, more time. But a set and forget thing. Not having to monitor the boil.

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Flower is decarboxylated in the oven first. So, it’s done. Only have to decarb once. No need to boil.

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I’m talking about the evaporation processes on a double boiler. It has to be monitored so you don’t burn the oil when most the everclear is gone.

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Right, I usually filter and pour into Pyrex on seedling matt at 10 PM it is ready to remove from the matt by noon the next day. So more like 14 hours. Most of it happens while I’m sleeping. At the advice of @ShiskaberrySavior I remove it from matt when it is a little runny. Let it sit and finish evap at room temperature.


The coffee filter just pains me. It takes forever.
I was just wondering if you had a better way, lol.


I bought one of these. I put a coffee filter on top of the mesh. Double filters 1 1/2 cups in 30-40 mins.


Not bad.
Gonna have to get me one a them.

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The synthetic ones work great.

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I like it. Works well.

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It does work really well. :100:

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Haha! Nice, and true. I’ve heard the way to come down is to eat a lot of sugar.

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Blueberry Muffin QT, returned about 8ML of oil. For shits and giggles, I added 8 drops of Purple Punch terps.


Where’s a good place to acquire decent terpenes?

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I ordered these to try them. I looked up the terp strain and tried to match them to the terp of the flower. I used Zkittles for the Dosido was ok. I skimped though on drops since it was my first. I used Wedding cake for the MAC and turned out awesome you can taste it in my gummies. Purple punch for the Blueberry Muffin, should come out killer, since purple punch has a blueberry main terp.

I used 7 drops in the Mac
5 in the Dosido
8 in the Blueberry Muffin

This is their amazon store. : Kind Terpenes