ColeLennon's Outdoor 10x10 "Gauntlet of Med Clones"

Damn, you got green grass there already!
The recent warm and rain has cut my yards snowload from waist deep to probably 16-20", lol.
It’s been a hard winter, but we need it. That snow on the CA coast was crazy though, right?
I’m looking forward to spring. I really need to get on my bike more. I’m like a quarter mile from wilderness range. :slightly_smiling_face:


What selections are you leaning towards this year?

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I can’t make up my mind. I have to wait and see what the shops are going to sell and from what nursery. Then ask them to grab me clones of a specific strain when they re-order. I know they will all be 8 week strains. I’m not betting on another Oct 19th pull. I want to grow everything :rofl:


Green never leaves the valley. We get leaves changing. Just doesn’t stay cold enough to kill it all. We got like 1/4 inch of snow for sec. :rofl:


Cant say the same for me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well, I guess my grass is underneath all this snow somewhere…

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you likey huh!

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I do like that one A Lot!!! I like anything that grows 10 inch top colas.

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Williams wonder was a legend in my area during high school mid to late 80’s. Never seen it or smoked any. But people always talked about it. We also had another strain called monkey paw. That I did get my hands on a couple of times and it was the best around. I finally sourced monkey paw a couple years back and it was decent but not a keeper. I did make some f1 with a white widow male. I might need to start a few of those soon and test them.


Yeah, there is a lot of traits. I like about Williams wonder and chemdawg. This one is moving up on my list.


Sounds like a good one to me. Heavy yields, easy to grow, and high thc levels. What’s not to like.

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Exactly :100:

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Those guys have a nice lineup :call_me_hand:

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Yeah, they do. It’s tricky grabbing them though. They don’t sell to rec public. They sell wholesale to lic med growers and pot shops. They also only sell quantity. So I have to ask my local shop to grab me something other than top strains they put on their shelf. I did it last year with the blackberry fire. Just catch them on a re-order in May.


Takes a little hustle to get what you want.
I like it! :v::slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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I got 2 each of my first two clone strains for The Gauntlet 2023
Wonder Dawg

Williams Wonder x Chemdawg

The other 2 are Purple Queen is an indica weed strain made from a genetic cross between Hindu Kush and Purple Afghani marijuana strains. Purple Queen is 22% THC and 1% CBG The PHK I was looking for.
They have been overwatered and underfed. They need some love and I am going to give it to them. I wanted these genetics. So I settled for them being a little malnourished. They are in good hands now.

I am also growing 2 of @Bobgrows 90’s kush.

I have the first four under an LED in my spare tub. As soon as the Purple Queen dries out a little. I will feed them with a micro shot of balanced nutes, kelp, microbe and cal mag. I just hit them with a spray of

They are going to get sprayed a couple more times in the next couple of days just to be sure.


Aww yeah! That’s my kind of grow :+1:


Nice score buddy! Look fine nuff to me , you got this .

So you start inside ??? @ColeLennon

Wonder X Chem gotta be something wonderful. Pics are outstanding . I


The Gauntlet 2023 begins!


I have all the gear for my indoor just not the space. So I will just baby these along until I can put them outside in “The Gauntlet”. I am excited about all three of these strains. Those Wonder Dawgs look really nice.