Colloidal Silver FAQ

Greatly appreciated!

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Cool, I did not go through them all but there are likely a couple that have all the answers. Definitely a good topic to have organized :ok_hand:

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There is also a few methods I’ve come across to make your own colloidal silver spray if that’s something you would want to do, Im sure someone on here has a tried and true method for this instead of buying premade bottles. Could be cheaper depending on how much you need.


Most people here use STS rather than CS, but either can be homemade with some distilled water and a few other things… for CS you just need a silver rod and (I think) a battery - 9v, maybe? For STS, you need a little bit of silver nitrate and sodium thiosulfate. There’s a thread for STS instructions here - Sebring, the gentleman in the video who’s also the distributor for the forum’s seed runs, sells supplies on his website sometimes.


Heres what I had for CS… STS might be easier

Items Needed:
● 9-volt battery
● 9v Battery Connector (less than $2 at a hardware or electronics store)
● Pure .9999 or 999 Silver (yes it must be pure)
● Distilled water (yes it must be distilled)
● Alligator clips (Optional: but will make things much easier)
● Soldering Iron (Optional: only needed if you want to use alligator clips)

When you first connect everything, you may be surprised because it will seem like
nothing is happening. You will know if it worked by the next day because the whole
process will leave a silvery residue on your silver. You may need to use sandpaper or
something else rough to clean your silver each time after creating a batch of colloidal
If you don’t have a soldering iron and would still like to solder alligator clips onto your
battery connector, then I recommend going to a hardware store and asking someone if
they will help solder it for you.
Remember to keep your resulting colloidal silver solution away from any light or it
will deteriorate and turn a dark gray color. If this happens, then you can no longer use
the solution for creating feminized seeds.
Avoid most problems when making colloidal silver by:
● using pure (distilled) water
● using pure (999/.9999) silver
● giving electrolysis enough time to work so you don’t get a weak solution (at least
● make sure the solution has as little contact with light as possible until you use it


If you want you can check out my tread, I made CS with a 9v battery, some copper wires and silver wires. Really simple and worked perfectly.


This is what I use can’t be bothered making my own
240ppm works a treat this is the only brand I use made thousands of seeds using this

Once a day for 12 days,I like to do it when I first turn the lights on in the tent,then it has all day to dry out,some plants don’t like it but I bin the plant after taking the pollen,

First rule my friend said to me when he showed me how to do this never smoke the plant after spraying even one branch

So I stick to that rule,I’ve never tried STS I don’t want any chemicals like that in my house ,


I am not sure about smoking it, but CS is not toxic when ingested. The blue guy that everyone always posts was taking LARGE amounts for an extended period of time. And besides turning blue, he was actually perfectly fine. Unless you are intentionally trying to turn yourself blue and working hard at it, you are highly unlikely to accomplish it.
It has anti germ properties, and can be applied topically to cuts and scrapes, infections, and can also be ingested in appropriate amounts for health reasons also.
editing to add: Silverware is/was silver because it keeps your food utensils germ free.


From what i have read you do not want to smoke it. whatever bud it comes in contact with is no longer useable…


Was thinking about making my own CS…also found this brand…they make it in 500-10,000 PPM!! :astonished:

Anyone used this brand before?


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Yes I’d avoid smoking it too, but seems edibles would be fine. I don’t know, double check that and make your own decisions.


500ppm mite burn the shit out of the plants


That’s the brand that’s available for me too in Canada and was wondering if it’s good. Can easily be diluted but I don’t want to waste my time if it doesn’t even work.

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I tried an off brand sold at the local grow shop but the stuff doesn’t work. Sprayed every day for over a month now. They are only showing nuts, but no pollen is dropping. Some of the nuts have fallen off onto the plate, but none have any pollen in them.

Will try again with a new cs producer.

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I didnt even think about edibles… Hmm… Did some digging and came across this post that I think might contain some good information on this subject. Hard trying to find anything related to smoking CS since they test on mice/rats, a lot of it is opinionated. Some do, Some don’t. Personally I would not.

This as well. ToxicityofAgNPs.pdf (714.7 KB)

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Cool! Yes he seems to have seen the same info I found when I looked into it. I have personally used it externally and internally with no bad effects. Just here and there for specific things, and as a germ killer it definitely works.

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I found this;
Silver Wings offers products in 50,150,250, and 500 PPM. IS COLLOIDAL SILVER SAFE? Yes , dlver for iue to the unparalleled silver particle size, Silver Wings Colloidal Silver can be safe for the whole family. Properly prepared pharmaceutical grade colloidal silver is safe to use in higher PPM strengths and concentrations.

I found Colloidal for immune system and even in a nasal spray. Wouldn’t that be about the same as smoking? They both end up in the lungs.

:green_heart: :seedling:


I was reading a thing in the paper while back turned a lady blue from drinking it lol

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Colloidal Silver is completely safe for human consumption…just make sure you don’t consume the extreme concentrated 5-10K as is used for livestock, usually mixed into 100+ gallon horse troughs…

I take it daily! Up the dose I little if I ever get sick…


EDIT: Don’t smoke cannabis treated with CS!