Colombian Gold mutant - center shoot REGROWS after severed off!

I may be wrong and you may be right… I think I got fooled…

If that is indeed fem, then this mutation does signify fem trait. I’ll wait to hear a few responses before I move it back w the others… possibly do I have S1’s ?!


That’s really interesting, I think I saw the same thing this year on a Colombian gold male I grew. I started 3 C.G’s last december, and one male just shot up and flowered out real early compared to anything else in the tent. During pollen collection I topped it nearly in half, maybe 6 or more inches, it was a gigantic single spear growing out of a 1qt container. A week later I came back and the plant looked exactly like it did a week earlier before I topped it - it completely regrew it’s center spear and more flowers too!

It took a second time pinching off just the flowers to get it to grow two new nodes, which just immediately grew into new pollen sacs. That plant was the thickest stemmed, most vigorous growing plant I had ever seen up till then

I have a tiny tiny amount of pollen from it that I’m wondering what to do with mixed with an equal amount of another c.g. male that responded normally to topping - it grew two new big branches that flowered out nice, but it was also much slower to show sex and flower out compared to the other. I wonder if that’s related?


Yes, It sounds like a similar pattern, regrowing center shoot from severed tissue and the sexing was late occurring as well. The female was potent and good, had that inadvertent CG x Xmas trial run. I remember mike28086 and Greenfingers liked their female so it definitely told me it’s prime one. Glad I have it shelved to grow again, but I still have a jar of 1 year CG. It’s back up for when other jars run out, if they do :rofl:

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