Coming out of retirement and first time with autos.

My next grow at least one of them will probably be some sweet zz auto from rqs.
I’m on the search for a good strain to help me sleep and i heard some nice things about the sweet zz.
But as an experiment i figured i’d try a run of some autoflower versions of different varieties to give me a heads-up of what to expect from the photoperiods of those varieties.

Imo it’s a lot easier to grow different kinds of autos in the same grow (or in a perpetual grow).
So nothing is really holding you back to just buy your autoseeds in the smallest quantities possible but buying from different seedbanks. You’ll probably figure out which ones you prefer as you go along

That’s a true statement. Right now I figure since this is my first grow in years, and it’s my first auto, I’m just gonna try and tweak the process to where I get a decent yield and then worry about branching out my strains. RQS has some nice purple looking stuff on their site.

When I lived in Washington back in the early 2000s I was getting my stuff from Canada, and for about 3 months I got this solid purple stuff. Then it just went away, best stuff I’ve ever smoked hands down.

I too had a bad experience with RQS autos. In my case, I grew their NL autos, one never flowered until I changed the lights to 12/12.

Memphisto is alright, but it’s hard to get hold of them. I like Delicious Seeds, Sweet Seeds, and Afterthought Autos too.


Damn… seems like i’m just one lucky bastard then. I think maybe i’ll rethink my buying habits a bit more drastically than i had first thought…


Looking at delicious seeds right now. That auto dark purple looks insane.

When I search for Afterthought Autos like 3 different websites come up. Mind throwing me a link?

Thanks in advance bro.

There is definitely a lot of good information here. Personally, I find autos introduce a lot of variables, and you have less control over your grow because you cannot decide when to flower them. As people have said, do not train or stake them, do not transplant. In my experience, do not grow autos outdoor, many will flower in fall like a photoperiod strain would.

What grow technique and or genetics did you have success with previously? I would be inclined to recommend you replicate your past successes.

A microgrow with photoperiod genetics would be just as effective to supply your meds.


I usually deal with him directly, he is local to me. Great Lakes has them.


Back in the day, I did it outside, my success was hit or miss. I suspect there was another grower nearby who didn’t know how to feminize his/her plants. Because despite not knowing of any other plants near to me, I would always get a lot of seeds.

Now I simply can’t grow outside. I don’t have a place, so I’m looking at doing soil in a small tent inside. I’m looking at autos purely because of the rapid turn around. Like I said in the OP, if I get more than say 28 grams a grow, and closer to 40 or 50, that’ll keep me in all the greenery I need to stay floating on the sea.

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And yes, I am going to like every single reply to my post. You’re taking time out to help me, that’s the least I can do.

Again thank you all for every reply.


Plus just as an FYI, I don’t decarb my stuff. In fact when I start growing this time, I have a home freeze drier. I’ve spoken to several people who use them for curing, and apparently it’s super quick and you get fluffy popcorn.

Welcome to the forum, as for the questions ill follow up with more questions to yourself.

What is a goal yield for you ? This will dictate most all other choices that will be made getting a grow setup going.

Consider your consumption habits, and time between harvests “10ish weeks give or take”, whether you want extra leeway whether space to play in or expand as the growing if the addictive part. Also how much space do you have or think of where you would like to put your setup as some such as myself is more limited in space allocation and what can be done.

Once we know that the rest falls in pretty quickly, consider a 2x4 tent a standard size that obviously depending on the grow can yield 100-400g+ in a cycle consistently, can go smaller and can go bigger just depends on goals.


Thanks for the reply. So as for yield goals. I would be satisfied with a solid ounce starting out. My end goal would be between 2 and 2 and a half ounces, 2 and a half gives me plenty of leeway for the next harvest. More than that and I could in theory take breaks between grows. If I can hit 100 grams consistently then I’m happy with just keeping one plant in circulation at a time.

As for grow space, I can probably fit a 2X4 tent pretty easily somewhere., I figure I’ve got room for almost 4 and a half foot tall. With maybe 4 feet in length, and 3 to 4 feet in width.

If 2x4 can put that out consistently then I would be extremely satisfied with that.

Well if your only looking for 2ish oz a harvest you’ll need very little space to do that even with that numbered doubled, others recommending a 2x2 would be a good suggestion or even say a 32"x32" though height will be your limiting factor as most tents are on the taller side at 6ish feet i’ll take a quick look around, also makes grabbing fans light and filters easier as you don’t need as much.


You know what. If I move some stuff around I can probably fit a 6 foot tent in here. I would just have to organize stuff in a different direction from how I was originally planning, but it’s doable.

no worries plenty of 2x2 by 4 foot tents out there by the looks of it, vivosun has a few examples


I agree with Mr.Sparkle, a 24"x24" would easily get you your 2+ ounces ler harvest. Plus if you really get hooked, it would make a good extra space if you decide to expand later.


And you said off a tent that size I could expect yields about what size?

that all depends on the grow, if you want numbers i just pulled 230g from 3sqft with 100w of light in 10 weeks from sprout with some autos, though thats a high yield for me and you could say im an intermediate grower so thats not something you would be getting till some time in.

Though say a 2x2 with a marshydro sp150 “134w” or something similar realistically id expect 100-180g a run


If you can I’d go as big as is reasonable. It takes almost as much effort to grow 5oz as it does 2oz.

You also might find that your grow becomes a source of pleasure rather than just a way to meet your immediate needs.

I grow WAY more than I can use and I get joy out of giving it to single mothers and whoever.