Coming out of retirement and first time with autos.

^^^^ and i concur, also grow way more than i could ever consume


Oh I will enjoy it, I’m just setting low, easily achievable goals to start. I don’t like saying “I want 10 oz a grow.” and then getting sad because I got 3.

Single mothers, you pimp you. :wink:


I kid a little. But you do make someone’s day when you give them a nice bag of free weed with no strings attached.

And plants too. Getting people started feels great. You can just see the shifty smile come out.


Yeah where I’m at I honestly wouldn’t trust a single person to get started with a plant. Now a bag, I know plenty of folks I would toss a bag and not worry about it.

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Depends how legal it is I suppose. Last season I set up/coached 4 new growers. It’s like being in a secret club…like overgrow


Where I’m at a single plant is a felony. I’m thinking but not sure, that I know a guy that got busted for beans in the floor board of his car, that he had tossed there when he was rolling. Like zero actual flower and they got him on the beans.

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So depending like foreigner said going bigger is nice cause it give you that space to expand.

Though keeping with the 2’x2’ discussion, that Vivosun tent above, a marhydro SP150 or similar light, and a 4" fan and filter combo and like other mentioned a Ac infinity T4 cloudline would be a good choice for that, and either one of their 4" carbon filters or one of vivosuns, and all you would need is a circulation fan, growing media, seeds, a pot, and nutrients megacrop 1 part being probably the easiest then a couple of tools such as a EC meter and pH meter or drops and your good to go. Will probably be around that $4-500 mark depending on deals and coupons and the rest.


See right now that’s what I pay for a little over a months worth, and my connect is being a shit head. So after consideration I thought “I should just grow it, after the investment, it pays for itself in a single harvest.” I can do with out long enough to get a first grow done.


And after that every harvest is basically free


Exactly. I’m looking at this as a way to both save money, and get the joy of growing my own. At least then I know exactly what I’m getting.


Once you figure out your equipment and seeds for your first run, the next thing is to understand how leds effect your plants. Some of the things I learned were that pH is VERY important, use a cal/mag supplement and light distance. Getting my water to a pH of 6 and using 7ml/gallon cal/mag supplement to what is already in my nutes and moving my lights up, resolved all the issues I was having growing for the first time under leds. You have a great resource of expertise here on Overgrow. Good luck! :v:


Thanks, that’s one of the things I’m not sure on. I know that blue spectrum is good for veg, and red for flower. Do I need an LED that I can dial in, or would a full spectrum work? I keep reading that “Full spectrum” led’s are usually short on either the red or blue end, which concerns me.

Thanks for the help.

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Not to get into the technical details which havent been talked about elsewhere on these forums many of times most all more modern pre build led lights and our diy options out there will be suited for both, you honestly don’t need a light that switches or a “full spectrum” which are just sales points more than anything.

Marshydro Sp150, or TS1000 or say a ViparSpectra Pro P1500 are all decent cheapish easy to get prebuild growlights that would suit a 2x2 for both veg and flower whether running photoperiods or autos.


Just re-looking at those above as im more into the DIY options, witht hem all beign the same price The ViparSpectra P-1500 probably would be my choice between those three above followed by the TS1000 then SP-150 in that order just due to form factor for a 2x2 as the sp-150’s are long but narrow instead of square.

Mephisto, night owl and Rocbudinc. Those three names hands down are running the auto industry.


So I definitely am digging the Mephisto stuff. Night Owl I couldn’t find a website for just them listed in seed banks. Same with Rocbud, and the Rocbuds I found on platinum seed bank, and they don’t have any pics of what it looks like grown. Thanks for the advice.


Those are the reddit pages for the companies. You will find grow logs and endless amount of information on every one of the strains they offer and when they’re offered.

I’m currently running a freebie of mephisto’s and it seems like it’s going to be a great grow. I’m half way through it now.

Hey bud, just reading through your thread. So a few things, getting a oz from a plant be it auto or photo should be fairly easy. The first plant I grew was an auto grown in a 4 x 2 and it yielded 3.5 oz cured. There is no reason you cannot get 2 or 3 autos into that space if you want to go the auto route. Many folks grow them happily. That said I think there is more variety and less unstable genetics in well bred photo period plants. The only difference in an auto is it was crossed with a very low THC strain of Russian pot called Ruderalis. The Ruderalis plant grows in Russia where they have less hours of light so it adapted by flowering on it’s own without the need of a light schedule change. With a photo period it requires a change in the hours of darkness to trigger flowering which basically mimics the coming of fall with longer nights. When they bred photo period plants with Ruderelis they managed to combine that trait creating auotfloing plants that are much better. There are some ups and downs to autos. Here in Canada I find them great for outdoors with our shorter summer. I can start them early indoors and than have a mid to late summer harvest. Here when the days start getting shorter the cold comes on to quickly some years and causes issues of not having enough time to fully ripen. So in my case auto’s can be helpful as I can take advantage of them not needed a light change. Now the down side is you can do much less training on an auto as it is on a timer so it can affect yield greatly if something get’s messed up. With a photo you can just let it veg longer to get healthy again, with an auto it just keeps heading toward the end.

As for lights, I like min 30 watts per square foot of good led. With the 8 square feet you are looking for I would be aiming for 240 true watts of LED. You can grow with less but that’s what I shoot for. I use a 600 watt HLG Rspec and an HLG UV bar attached giving me 630 watts in a 4x4. Look at the power draw of the lights, not the supposed wattage. For example if you hit Amazon you will see tons of 1500 watt led’s which only draw 150 watts. This is a marketing scam. They take each led max voltage, add them all up and say it’s a 1500 watt light. Clearly when it pulls 150 watts from the wall it is not, it is only driving the LED’s at a small percentage of their ability and since it only uses 150 watts the light will never be more than 150 watts. Just something to be careful of.

Ok I am going to stop typing now, didn’t mean to give such a long winded response. Keep in mind I am no expert and don’t claim to be. Just passing on a few things in hopes it might be useful to you. Good luck with your grow, I hope it turns out better than you expect.

Yeah I read up on autos before I decided to go that route. I like the idea of a fast turn around, and I think I’ve figured out how to get more room in my place so now I’m looking at a tent that’s 36x36x72. That’ll give me enough room to let them grow with out having to worry about forcing them to do anything to quickly.

That said, I know photos are more ‘stable’ and have been the norml (haha double meaning) for a long time. I’m just trying to make sure that my turn around time is short, because my initial investment is going to be what I would be using to get flower to smoke.

Thanks for the input, and seriously don’t think that was long winded, it was packed with information.

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I second that…I’m averaging about 5 oz per plant with Night Owl and Mephisto. This growing game has everything to do with starting with great genetics…with these you will be more than satisfied.