Community grow show

So I am out of work. As I feel we all are to some extent. And I am having a urge to pop some more beans. But I can’t decide. So you guys will. The polling will remain open until Sunday night. Then the show begins. But I want to make this a community experiment excuse me I mean experience!!!

So to start you will help me figure out what I’m gonna occupy some time with.

I challenge you to do the same so for a week after, so ending the 31st sign ups to grow along will close. Please add your name below if you want to grow along!

  1. Name here

The rules will be like most I have seen but will allow some flexibility.

All seeds must be started in soil, no soak, no cracking, just soil.
The soil can be what ever you would like.

I will limit the feedings for the entire grow to 7 feedings. This must be a scouts honor type thing and documented when done.

The seeds must be started in a 16-20 Oz solo (preferably clear but any will do).

The vegtime on this will be the fun part as it all is going to come down to when it pokes through the soil. Once a documenting picture is uploaded thirty days will be allowed to veg.

Now the flower stage will happen in a 1 gal of your choosing. (Obviously the same soil is needed). So flower day is repot day.

All methods of watering are allowed as long as feeding is upheld to just 7 times.

All lighting is allowed.

Final chop time is 60 days from flowering start.

The goal to see who yields the most and has the prettiest plant.

There will be two people chosen once everyone is finished.

The two winners will receive a octopot grow system with the 13 gal cloth bag as well as a pack of seeds to grow in the new octopot. I will also send along 8oz samples of roots organic foundation, grow, bloom, and oregonism xl. As well as a 8oz sprout tonic from mountain organic botanicals. But wait there’s more!!!

The next five runner ups will receive a pack of seeds as well, at four separate times through out the year.

I hope you all enjoy the growing togetherness!!!

  • Jack herer (Mel frank collection)
  • Sparkle Berry (Deep ELLUM)
  • Super Chem (farmer joe)

0 voters


Could you clarify the feeding bit? Do you mean only watering it 7 times in 60 days?


Feedings would be fertilizers, water as you like.


I like this idea, however I’m using organics and basically the soil is feeding the plants daily. But in the traditional sense usually top dress every 3 weeks. Is this alright,?

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As long as it isn’t more than 7 times throughout the growing cycle.


I lightly feed every water in my setup. Guess I can’t get in on this one lol. :frowning: maybe next time. Need to pick up some supersoil.

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I will follow along, cut my teeth on lurking lol, there is no edit button if you meant add it where it says.
wont let me vote either?

I vote Jack Herer by mel frank, oh i need to be a supporter? well dont have that title but have more then once in less then a yr donated. I will follow anyways!

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What a great idea!!! Wish I had the time so I could jump in. Good luck to all who raise to the challenge!

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Alright so we have sparkle berry to get started. Instead of signing up. Just post below your are interested, I’ll add your name to the list. And it will close to sign ups on the 31st at midnight. Just to make it better. @LemonadeJoe if your on with it, and If you are a member or supporter than For every participant that enters I’ll donate a dollar to the site and everyone’s who finishes I’ll donate 10 a person that completes to the grow. Spice things up a bit. (Gonna have to cap the finish total maybe so I don’t do myself in lol)


I’ll give it a shot. Is this limited to one plant or can we plant as many as we like and choose our favorite?

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I’ve got 13 sparkle berry going. So start as many as you like. And cull or use what you would like.


Decided to throw down a little harder


Go for it!!

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I don’t know if it’s true but I was told plants don’t like the clear cups something to do with lights and root growth,maybe it’s an old wife’s tale lol

I just started a Girl Scout cookie tonight

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I’ve only had issue when I over water. But the clear cups are fun to watch the roots grow. I’ll have you do a side by side and find out now lol. Welcome to the show!

I use the clear tubs myself but I put tape on them lol
Put I started buying solo cups just to see

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I thinks its more of a light and water make alge. But you would need them to be in there for a while. So not sure if that theory works.

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The more I think of it it’s bullshit because had a clone sitting in a jar of water for 2 week the jar was just sitting on the window sill lol

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Popped some snake oil and got the one gallon buckets amended for when it’s time to transplant. This was me opening the vault and letting my little one grab one out. It was this or Huckleberry diesel. This was first so here we go with some more.


Good luck I’ll sit in for this grow

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