(complete) F.B.S.C. 1960 Lambsbread Preservation

That’s messed up.


Hope I make the cut YES - DiBs on the lambsbread - been wanting t0 get some genetics --theyare hard to find Thanks @Upstate

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Ok. That’s it for now. Waaaay more than 10 people. I’ll send to everyone that asked. Im remodeling our bathroom this week and need most of my time, so it will be a couple weeks. I always prioritize seed sending to people that are ready to pop the seeds. I don’t want to hold anybody up that’s going to grow these right away. If you are ready let me know.


Just to keep this “Lambsbread Train” rollin’ into the New Year, I’ll be Giving out Multiple Half-Packs in Mid-January, stay tuned. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You’re a good man @misterbee . I haven’t had any time to pack seeds. Let me know if you can use a whole vial😁


You finish all your prioritized “Honey, do”!! Everything else can wait, Bro. You know I 'preciate all you do. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I just got back all the Christmas Lambsbread I’d finally mailed out. Must be a new mail person, because they stamped every envelope non machine able and put a sticker OVER the addresses with a note to remove sticker and add postage. Sure. No problem. 3 hours later a hairdryer finally did the trick. The sticker was ripping the address names off the envelope. Mailed these the same way I have for several years
now. Anyway, they go back out tomorrow with a now (un)necessary non machine able stamp. Sorry for the delay. Got a bunch of Peshawar back too. Same post office.


Man, what a hassle. I appreciate you for jumping through bs beurocratic hoops to make it happen.


Well, be patient, you’re giving a hard time I bet to this new post officer with all your weird bulk postage :laughing:

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That’s nuts, so they thought it was to thick for the machine? A lot more work for you on their bad call!

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Trying to be patient. I wasn’t too happy about the sticker over the address. Almost Seemed malicious.

I don’t even know if she actually thought that or not. She asked what was inside and I told her seeds. She mentioned non machineable stamps were needed and i told her they would go thru the rollers and explained what was inside, leaving out the part about what kind of seeds they were, of course. She couldn’t have even tried the roller. The envelopes I mailed from other nearby postoffices all made their destination. The only possible explanations are that the roller gap was made smaller, or this lady is a dingbat. I vote the latter😁 until told otherwise. I’m going to enquire today. Cost me $10 more for the stamps ( she stamped the words non machineable on the envelopes, so now i had to use the non machineable stamps or repackage entirely and remove my old stamps). I nearly had to start over, use fresh envelopes and repackage everything due to the torn addresses that were happening the first few tries at removal and I would have had no way of knowing whose package even came back to me, as I’ve erased addresses. Luckily I thought of the hairdryer.


Crazy to hear about that bad call by the post office employee being made

Very OG of you to make sure they went out still with proper more expensive stamps!

You’re definitely one of the main folks here on OG that I see constantly putting so much time effort and kindness into what you do

I hope you have a good week buddy @Upstate


so much time and money lost… At least the beans are safe


Well question remains if she is going to screw with your future mailings.



It’s over - the energy has been shared between y’all…

everyone had a part to play …

Let it go - tomorrow is another day…

No reason to bring that energy (or even thoughts) back and worry…

Everyday things can and will get better - as we allow them to…

Now - who’s going to pop those Lambsbread seeds when they arrive !!!


I’m good brother. I confronted the offender about it and now I feel better. It’s not the few extra bucks I cared about. The sticker placement centered perfectly on top of the addresses seemed malicious and I said as much. Turns out it was. The mail person was mad that I told her last week she was wrong about the need for any added stamps and that the letters would go thru the rollers. She meant to teach me a lesson i suppose. She won’t do it again @Tejas. I threatened to file a complaint


Wow. That’s incredibly petty of them.

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I would be angry, and you handled that nicely. For some reason there is a lady at my postal spot that’s always in a bad mood too. Feeling my package all wierd and asking what’s In it? I just make something up but man she is always grumpy. We’re better people maybe she needs a joint? Well glad your doing better stay positive.


I just dropped off Some ofthe same exact Envelopes at a different post office and asked if they had non machineable stamps. She didn’t have any so I asked her if there was another way I could come up with the postage required, Like I had done at the other post office… Then she asked me why I was going to use a non machinerable stamp, And I told her the story. She Told me it was unnecessary and then asked where I tried to mail it out, and when I told her It was from the other nearby Post Office she said." Oh , that’s why", With a smirk on her face. She apologized and put a stamp over the non machinerable stamp to hide it So I didn’t have to pay any postage.:grin:


ahah so all went well in the end. You know which post office to avoid now (unless you’re in that mood).