(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run


:green_heart: :seedling:


@Upstate Wow, wow, wow! I love the look of these afghanis! You are doing a fantastic job. Ive also enjoyed a couple of NLD afghans that had some fantastic daytime highs! Some where racey and mind bending, it will be really interesting to read your smoke report of Peshawar! In some regions these type of cultivars are considered the best of best hashish in whole Afghanistan and are praised upon by hash aficiandos all over Europe!

Pz my friend :v:t2:


Awesome picture Upstate! I’d like to nominate this for Photo of the Year.


Thanks buddy. I take more bad pics than good ones. This is an exception. Joe is a beauty and looked so nice with the sun going down.
@LonelyOC it’s a real Heartbreaker the Afghan sativa gene pool has been eliminated. Did you just pull some narrow leaf plants out of a land race run or is there someplace else to actually get an Afghan sativa? Anyone looking for a modern day Afghan Sativa type landrace is best off getting Tirah Valley Pakistani landrace from what I have read. Here the Afridi( going off memory here. Not sure about the spelling) Tribe still grows the local sativa landrace. Other tribes grow hybrids.

tirah valley.

I think those might be cannabis fields at the base of the mountain

 I did find one small spot of mold on Joe a couple days ago, so this strain isn't immune to it, but I'm very impressed. Granted we are going through a drought this year and it's only seen rain a few times, but humidity has been consistently in the '80s and '90s percentage wise and the plant has only gotten around 6 or 7 hours of sunlight a day. Definitely not your typical Afghan.

I did both. We got alot of afghans here is Sweden that got connections back to the villages where they grew up. So i got seeds from this community to grow for this community. I got 5 cultivars all allegedly came from different region of primo afghan NLD. They made hashish from these plants but i always snagged a flower or two to smoke :laughing::laughing::laughing: Im sorry but i dont know regions or names, they wouldnt tell me(all they said is that its from Afghanistan and their home villages) but i could tell that they where landraces and not any “worked” cultivar. The beans had to be pinched to sprout and the taste where not the best. Smoke where Kinda harsh, but its expected from hash plants.

This got me interested to try more strains from Afghanistan and Pakistan for other patiens. So i bought tons of seeds from places like Afghani Selection. Couldnt find any pure sativa lines like the one i got from these fellows here in Sweden. So i selected for NLD within the lines and they quickly became 100% NLD. All selected NLD where uplifting and the high reminded me alot of lebanese hash, without the CBN finish stone.

The 5 mysterious afghan cultivars i got from the afghan fellows where alot more electric and racy then the IXs i later made myself.

Thats why im eager to hear your smoke report because your plants look quite similar to one of the cultivars i was given, lime green and bushy. The other four had early fall colorations and where more spear like. As from what i remember from this cultivar was that it was uplifting with no stone, but it didnt have any ceiling at all. So If you pushed yourself and smoke alot of flower it would turn into a mind bending cerebral high with no body effect.

This makes me think that there is alot of cultivars from Afghanistan that we cant get our hand on. Before i took the seeds i had to promise that i wouldnt share clones, produce any seeds or use them for breeding. My mission was just to grow them and when they didnt wanted my service any more i promise to cull them all… Which i did, i do regret that but at the time i had a reputation to think of and needed the space for new patients. Now its all old stories and experiences.

Pz brother✌🏻


@LonelyOC Sucks the Sativas are guarded, but I understand. I have a way of sniffing out rare strains. Now that i know the Afghan Sativas are still in country I’m on a mission. I WILL find some more😁. Happy to hear this one looks familiar to you. The other plants have a more upright Sativa structure, although flowering was triggered before they had time to fully develop, so this could be due to the stretch being more obvious on these. I’m hoping to find a 12-14 week plant in the offspring.



Bummer, dude. I don’t think I’ll ever understand that attitude, but props for respecting it :+1:


Just smoked some Joe for lunch and wow. This stuff is electric. On the verge of rapid heart after half a bowl, but never got the rapid heart or the jitters. Just ready to get back to work. My kind of smoke!.
For those of you that like your amber resins and live in humid climates, you’ll have to keep an eye out for mold. Joe went thru a rain and was put away for the night wet, though with a fan and fresh air. Still found a spot of mold ( luckily before it went to spore.) Just a day later. If this was a guerrilla grow there would likely be severe damage from mold if you left it out past mid peak potency. Up til the resin glands go cloudy she’s pretty bombproof, but afterward is susceptible. No stem rot so far, either. Hope the other plants hold up as well. This is a great stretch of weather for seedmaking here in the Catskills. Highs in the mid to upoer 60’s today. If this pattern holds til Saturday 2 or 3 of the ladies are ready for pollination. I’ll zip them up in a tent with the males for the evening and keep them out of the wind the next day.( Hoping I can repeat with the same ladies two weeks later but if not I have a bunch of pollen set aside. ) the following weekend the males should still be dropping pollen and the remaining 2 or 3 plants will get zipped up for the night. After next weekend i expect the males might start to peter out and if thats the case will hand pollinate if the plants keep throwing new flowers.


Chop time for Joe. Leaving some lower buds that have seeds in them and I’ll hit any fresh stigmas with pollen today. Still have not pollinated the other plants. One is definitely ready and will be getting done today. The others have another week or so. When I looked a little closer I realized the buds weren’t as thick as what I thought. That’s good anyway because I have to transplant yet. A couple plants will go into a 10 gallon container so I can be sure there is enough food for them to mature all the seeds and then will move them to their final home with 10 plus hours of Sun each day.


Wowz that is just amazing


Joe at harvest time.
Plan is to pollinate the others after work.


Awesome is an understatement of how beautiful Joe turned out! Congrats to these wonderful buds, im excited to read your smoke report of Joe!

Pz my friend :v:t2:


That looks frosty as hell and in general very pleasing. :ok_hand:


Anyone that knows me knows that i love my full on Sativa… Highland Oaxacan Gold.
I find myself reaching for Joe just as often. Its great smoke. It will be a week before its fully dry but early smoke tests are very very promising and that’s with no cure at all flash dried on a heater or in my car during the day with the windows mostly up. Everyday I go to work with the heater on full blast and urine smell pouring out the windows​:sweat_smile::rofl::joy::joy::rofl::joy:. So nasty!!
Last nights Peshawar smoke had an added Trancelike quality to an alert high. Very nice. Clearly Sativa…yet clearly Afghani too.


Get you a dehydrator my friend. Works for quick drying bud, mushies, fruits, and meat lol


No doubt that is an excellent idea. Do they make one that plugs into a car cigarrette lighter😁?
Seriously though…how long to dry at what temperature? This time of year i have about 12 hours of patience. I’ll pick in the morning and if it isn’t dry from being in the car all day it goes in the microwave after i get home. I love sampling.


Wow, im so happy for you! Sound for how you describe it that its not one of the afghans i grew. They had a wierd taste that i couldnt place, same with the smell. No catpiss though. But in a way, that makes me every more excited because it means that there are even more sativa afghanis out there!

Congratz :heart:

Pz :v:t2:


Thats how i felt fr the sample of NLD Afghan that Bodhi gave me at emerald cup.
Bliss, tranquil, and very aware.

Like he said, its perfect for meditation


About like 4 hours on 125F got it pretty crispy just recently when I was sampling. Obviously not the best tasting or smoothest but that’s a quick dry for you. Standard wlamrt one the white one.


Damn, do you know which cultivar it was? Im on the hunt again after @Upstate have been so inspirating! Ive also threw out a hook at multiple afghan, pakistani and syrian contacts i have here in Sweden for NLDs. Probably wont end up with much. But it resulted in that ill probably getting some negerian landrace seed in January. A guy i know is going there to visit his family and he know where to get seeds there, which is suppose to be strong trippy sativas. I hope he comes through for me. :heart_eyes:

Pz :v:t2: