(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

Oooooh. Nigerian…:drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face: that would suffice. But think positive about those nld Afghans. Picture yourself growing them. Better yet, picture a seed run​:grin:


Power of the mind! I love it. I just ordered couple packs of Tirah from RSC and Kholm from Afghan Selection. While i wait Ill go through these and do NLD selections again. Ive not tried any of these two yet.

Pz :v:t2:


Tirah is going to be a good one. There are a couple…the old Sativa grown by the Afridi tribe and a local hybrid blend of many area genetics too. Can’t recall what RSC has… also Tashkurghan supposed to be Sativa Dom.

So expensive! I can’t force myself to buy from this guy.


Just dumped an a** load of pollen on the ladies. Pollen was dated 8- 26… I’ll know if it was viable in a couple days And just collected some more pollen this morning… The males are just about petered out, Lasting around a week more than I expected and I am very thankful for that. Now that I have used up a sizable batch of collected pollen and we have some rain coming, I can safely move the males around and put them in a room or tent with the ladies And not worry about the pollen contaminating any of my Other plants.
Check out the 3rd picture up. This plant has the strongest smell out of All of them except Joe and Is definitely the most sativa looking of the bunch. It’s either a feral plant or perhaps it is more representative of what would have been found in Afghanistan a decade prior to the Soviet invasion.
The 2nd photo down Shows a plant that looks like it wants to turn purple.


I picked another little Bud off of Joe yesterday( no fresh stigmas) and looked at it under a microscope. Very surprising but the resin glands are still clear/ yellow at week 11 end.


Out of likes great pics awesome thread


Very interesting thread and the strain seems very cool

Congratulations I liked to read this thread (sorry I speak bad english)


@Upstate are these going into a Future seedbox or do i need to whore myself out to you for a year to get hold of em? :drooling_face:

Pz :v:t2:


Laughing out loud! But I’ll second the question


It’s a Co-op run, so that means it’ll be in a 2023 box.
Wiki usually gets posted either at the end of the grow, or when the cultivator has confidence that enough mature seeds have been produced. :bear::+1:


Thank for the info :heart: You saved my ass… Literally!

Pz :v:t2:


I’ve grown the Tashkurgan (from TRSC). I would call them fat-leaved classical Indica type plants. Also showed some purple. I have some pics…

Kholm and Tashkurgan are the same place (Northern Afghanistan, Balkh province) , so I would assume that the Afghan Select plants/seeds are pretty much the same as the TRSC @LonelyOC


OH very Nice plants, like the last pic it looks like it has a tiny bit of NLD in it. Yeah ive grown lots of TRSC aswell and some of the seeds are sourced from farmers, but most are reproduction runs by TRSC themselfs or outsourced. Alot of the description from TRSC isnt reflected in reality, it might be the different environments but still. I dont really trust them as much as I use to. They have really been struggling finacialy for years and some of the descriptions are quite hype in nature. So take TRSC with a grain of salt, we have no idea what the actual seed reproduction runs look like, If they select or not. Their afghani seeds isnt hard to germ which tells me something have been done, since every real afghan seed ive grown have had a super hard shell which had to be cracked by hand.

Afghan Selection is not a reproduction. Its a couple If guys in Afghanistan who resells seeds from individual farmers. In a region there is many different farmers with different cultivars. So something called hindu kush could actually be many different cultivars going under The same name, just because they are from the same region. So the region Balkh got lots of different family/farms, all with their own cultivar. IMO Afghan Selection seeds have little todo with TRSC and since Afghan Selection is afghani people with deep roots in the underground production of hashish, i trust them more then TRSC atm. You can write to them on Instagram and talk about afghani cultivars with them and youll see how deep their knowledge goes in the subject.

These are just my opinions and shouldnt be taken as facts. But i hope i got my point a cross :grin:

Pz fam :v:t2:


Interesting. I only had1 " indica" type out of Tashkurgan with all others having the same form as this Peshawar. Nice plants😁

This is a coop seedrun. There is no signup because i am only TL2 and can’t setup a wiki. Seeds will be going out in the Spring Box. I already have enough ripe seeds off of Joe for some males and have a cutting of Joe too, so i could make another attempt at a reproduction should this one fail for some reason. There is enough time before Spring to get this done even if I had to start over. I still have 4 different collections of pollen and the male plants are still Sending out pollen. The oldest pollen I have at this point is dated August 29th and I collected 3 times last week. The next couple days our humidity levels will be down in the mid fifties and it will be a good time to pollinate again. We had 2 days of heavy rain but the plants were under cover after the last pollination and didn’t go outside until they had pollen on them for 24 hours. I don’t know If the pollen took yet and the pollen i used and the pollen from August 29th are the only 2 collections that I have any concern about viability. The females and males are still not in the same room together due to the storm that rolled through. It was raining too hard too quick for me to bring the males to a tent. When I lock all the plants up it has to be dry inside.
So long story short, you guys will be getting seeds for sure. It’s definitely harder doing a seed run outdoors than it is indoors but I’ll get er done.


Lots of the landrace seed sellers use the same collector. It will be under the title of sourcing…“genetics sourced from” etc. Angus( rsc) sells seeds from the source Or does mention if they are reproductions. Generally when he 1st gets A new batch of seed they are from the source and within a year or maybe 2 years they will be reproduction seeds. I think part of the reason Afghan seeds have been germinating more easily is because our troops passed out Western genetics all over Afghanistan… And the nicer plants that pop out of an indigenous reproduction are used for the following year, so the Afghan seeds you get from some Afghan farmer may have come in part from Sensi seeds or any other Western seed sellers. Some recent collections from Afghanistan, namely Balkhi from rsc have tested at over 20% THC… Traditional Afghan varieties do not top 11% for the most part and a 15% plant would be something special…
There are nice plants to be found in the real seed company lines but these are raw unselected landraces for the most part and I have found that you have to grow at least 10 plants to find 1 nice 1 With any landrace, even if seeds were only taken off of fantastic plants.
If a reproduction of p1 plants was done indoors afterwards with sub standard plants, It might take 2 generations for you to pull something nice out of the seed as the 1st generation will be crap. Nicer plants will show up in the following generation with some luck.
I also would trust the judgment of an Afghani farmer over anyone else @LonelyOC


So everyone whos going to get the spring box get Peshawar seeds aswell? Or is there a different form of sign up? Sry for my stupid questions :grimacing:

Yeah all grows ive done outdoors have been a mess, could be that im at plant zone Zone 5a: -28.9°C to -26.1°C with no sunset at summer and almost 100% darkness at winter. Not the best climate for cannabis. Im very impressed by your results even though you have had some problems with rain and such.

Yeah, i dont want to shit on TRSC and I had alot of contact with them before, but now a days the customer service is declining and the description of the strains are more and more hype. Like calling ordinarie sativa highs “trippy” and such. Also the thc number have been inflated from what they where before. I get it, selling a strain with 7% isnt the best marketing now a days…

I hope more people get to try Afghan Selection, some may be scared by the prices. But If you talk to the guys behind it youll understand why they cost what they cost. Youll get killed If some caught you with bags of seeds in Afghanistan and they have to smuggle it through multiple countries. Its an expensive operation and one i would be glad to spend my money on.

Pz :v:t2:


@LonelyOC Everyone that signs up on this thread will receive the Peshawar seeds in the spring box. Whoever is able to set up a Wiki on this thread that is fine by me.
What have you been growing at your place that you are having such terrible luck? I am Zone 4 and though things are difficult it is not impossible to grow anything here, including equatorial sativas. You really have to choose your genetics properly and if you choose equatorials you have to get Highland varieties that can handle some cold. Of course mold resistance is a must. Photoperiod Is the most difficult hurdle to overcome.
I’m not so sure moving seed around Afghanistan is quite as difficult as the seed seller would have you believe. The seed was the same price before the Taliban got back in control. Even the Taliban themselves are in large part financed by weed( hash) sales and it is just as common to grease Palms over there as it is over here. The fact is every patch of plants in Afghanistan produces well over a million seeds, so $20 a piece?! Give me a break! At those prices each seed better come with a little piece of hash wrapped around it lol. I’ll wait for the reproduction😁


Great info. I want to add something regarding the Tashkurgan, which I only thought about later… there’s a really nice book called Afghanistan, Fortress of Canabis. It’s very well done, I have a copy of it, tho I think it’s being re-released or released with more pictures or something (the website says it’s coming out in October 2022, but I’ve had my copy for over a year now. Anyway, the guy that wrote the book is the guy that sourced the Tashkurgan seeds for RSC - they’re one and the same, and the pictures in the book are basically the farmers and place where those seeds are from. It’s very well documented and the book, as I mentioned, is very well done. That said, I will have to check out the Afghan Selection catalog


OH Nice! Thank you for making it clears as day :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Dunno, its what the guys at Afghan Selection said and I know from sources that taking seeds out of the country is halal, dont ask me why. I dont know a shit of the muslim tradition, its just what ive heard. But at the same time more hype strain vendors have the same pricing for their lottery ticket seeds.

I would love for the prices to be lower, it crossed my mind to do reproduction runs of their seedlines for OG, from the last time we spoke about them. I wouldnt mind spend the money for 3 packs of every line to reproduce. Problem is that im only able to do indoor grows so it wouldnt be the real real thing. But still a good genetic base for the community to experience and hopefully start to use in crosses so the pool will expand.

When i was a teen i did alot of gerilla grows with autos. But since the weather gets so bad in late july/early August. I was only able to do indicas, which im not the biggest fan of.

Pz :v:t2:


Thank you for posting about this book. Just bought one :heart:
