(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

Narrow leaves for an Afghan. Real smelly. Good yielder. No mold, mildew or pests. AND it’s pissy. Pissawar😁 is a better name. Or Piss pot. Or Miss Piss. Lol. I’m really liking it.
Humidity % has been in the 80’s and 90’s and the plants are all holding up well. Buds are approaching pinky nail size on the 5 other ladies. Time to pollinate the other ladies before too much longer. Joe has been hit already on some lowers. Going to hit some more inner buds as soon as the weather cooperates. I want to let the buds in the others form a little more first( and let the roots tap into the new soil a bit).


the 5 other ladies…
Four of the five of these females were topped and folded. The tall lanky one( last picture) was only topped. Normally I cut a lot more off of the top when i fold. 6 inches or more turns plants into a bush to a greater or lesser extent but I didn’t want to lose any plant mass so I only cut off an inch or two. I think clearly the way to go with these is to top them when they are much younger. They definitely want to get tall. These are 4 to 5 ft and the containers vary from 3 to 5 gallons with most being in 5 gallon. Also, to state the obvious, they want some extra nitrogen at the start of flower. Just top dressed with high nitrogen 10-3-1 and high phosphorus 1-12-0 bat guano 1:2 ratio and all plants had a compost tea with some molasses in it for some phosphorus


So much depends upon a red wheelbarrow… anyone know the rest?


glazed with rain water

beside the white chickens

Beautiful family shot … beer3|nullxnull


You got it brother! Seeing that red wheelbarrow next to my plant made me think of that poem. Interesting poet, Cummings was.


I’ve got a spare packet of Peshawar pollen in the freezer. I’d be happy to send it to you. Send me a PM with your info.


Cool I appreciate the offer @PineTarBastard. I have a Pure OG x Chem91 and a Sparkle Face I put outdoors on July 30 with the intention of getting a little stash. After vegging them to three sets of leaves, they had some serious stink. I’m at least three weeks away from being able to pollinate them and I’m jonesing to make a few seeds, but I have a feeling one of them is going to herm on me.

I’ll get back to you if things look promising. I don’t want to waste the Peshawar pollen. It’s possible I might have to run them until the end of October for the seeds to finish.


If you have a 2nd extra packet, I’d use one. The plants are humming along. I think by next weekend I’ll be pollinating. Maybe sooner. The males are flowering quickly and i doubt there will be much pollen left after next week. I want to catch the very tail end of the males flowering cycle and zip them up in a tent with the ladies and a fan for a few nights.


Oh yeah. Nearly forgot. I’ve snipped 5 small buds off Joe over the last week. None of them have lasted long enough to get a proper drying, So I can’t give a proper smoke report. However, I can say that the weed smokes like a sativa And it’s great for daytime use and work. . Even with a quick dry -in a hot car. I’d say Joe is at early peak potency right now. Going to give it one more week for flowering I think, But it’s possible harvest will occur anytime, including this weekend, With the exception of the seed branches , which need a couple more weeks. I think we are at week 9 now. Maybe week 10 if i started flowering on june 21. Resin glands are full sized, clear/ yellow and oddly, Amber tinged with no cloudy glands yet. Clear resin with Amber tips would be a good way to describe it. There is still an overwhelming catpee aroma😁. Flavor, though not well developed with a Flash dry, is on the sour side.


Send me a PM and I’ll try and get it in the mail today.


The 2 males in isolation.
They use much less nitrogen than the ladies. Will get closeups of the flowers today. LARGE calyxes compared to everything else.
Smoked some more Joe last night and was taken aback by the large leap in potency since last week. Good smoke, even flash dried in a car.


Heeeeey Joe…where you goin with that BUD in your hand?


Damn near pollinated this weekend. A couple ladies are about prime!


What is that in Billy Roberts hand? :eyes::dash::dash::dash:


Wow, great song! Never heard him sing that. Thought it was a Hendrix original. Thanks for the listen.



Ya think thats what heaven looks like?


Will that dog pour some extra Nitrogen? :see_no_evil: Looks like it won’t need it :sweat_smile:, superb finishing. … :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Wow, looking great in here!


Crushing it