(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

Peshawar x Frankenstein
Peshawar x Cobra Lips
Peshawar x Goji OG
Peshawar x Sour Bubble
Peshawar x Oaxaca
Peshawar x Acapulco Gold

Just spitballin some ideas. Pay no attention to me.


Dibs😁 this will be done during round 2…coming up soon.


I made some Peshawar x FogDog this summer and handed off a bunch of seeds to Corey, seedmaker extraordinaire. :partying_face: I am hopeful he takes them to F3. I think it’d make an awesome auto. :grin:


Well good and bad news… The good news is that Joe withstood the elements including rain and frost before finally succoming to old age. Not much further molding ( budrot) which is quite shocking. So, Excellent resistance to moisture with Joe. Another( dome top) has gotten some dry rot from being outside during a rainy day. It seems to stem mostly from the 1st calyxes to ripen along the main stem. If I were growing this outdoors in a wet or humid climate I would certainly pull those off as soon as I could, and certainly before the buds enclose/ envelope these early calyxes. Once buried they can cause trouble. ( i caught it early. No worries)
The bad news is that Joe produced no further seed from the late pollination. I’m kicking myself for not harvesting the whole thing, but I thought i could get more seeds out of it. They got close but didnt finish. I still have mini Joe coming along nicely. Thinking again about when to start Joe’s offspring for Peshawar round 2 i realized there are just 5 months til the spring box gets sent out. I need 4 months to make and dry seeds so i need to start within a month. I’ll be cloning again and uppotting mini Joe to size her up a month and her progeny will get just a month of veg time before flipping to flower. I’m mainly looking for males for pollen here but adding in seeds/ pollen from other growers would be an awesome bonus. If the 3 of you that were interested in joining in round 2 Can work it into your schedule so that we can work together send me a message and let’s get this organized. Otherwise this will just be a backcross of males from Joe, back onto Joe to reinforce this pheno and put seeds from this into the Spring box with the other Peshawar seeds.


We’re Getting there…

Joe seeds getting mailed today for the backcross . Joe Transplanted into 5 gallon container for some size.
There is one “TicTac” container that says Joe? I always do that if there are seeds found that are not on the branches I pollinated. these will not be included when i send the seeds in to the coop.


Ha I do the same thing. If its a different branch nut same plant then I keep the seeds seperate


I’m game. More characters…


AlllRighttt :slight_smile:

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@barefrog did you not sign up? :thinking:
Got you on the overflow list at #45 but you need to add yr country.

Better safe than sorry.


Hola @Upstate

Did it They only had big flag




Wow… I love and collect landraces. Back to the roots.

Good crop.

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Fixed it!

:green_heart: :seedling:


Big Thanks



It’s hard to believe, but the biggest peshawar plant, after being mostly deseeded at this point, has started throwing out fresh flowers. Flowering began july 8th i think…so at week 12 she is still going…a GREAT sign imo. This particular plant will make massive Sativa flowers if unpollinated.


I saw a noticeable difference this year once the nights got colder and we had some early morning frost one specific plant in particular became more pungent. I cant normally smell them from my front door but then i opened the door in the morning and it was like i was standing right in the patch.
She was a hashplant X called HashVirus.

In NY and almost always grew indoors and with the changing laws decided to do a small patch outside and growing outdoors in NY just felt right. LoL so much nicer to be outside under the sun than inside in tents.


Chopping the Peshawar this weekend. There are some stubborn seeds that refuse to ripen. Once chopped the plants will ripen them quickly. So far there are around 1500 seeds I’ve gathered, so i expect to get 2000+ no problem from round 1. Round 2 should give me enough seed to fulfill my Peshawar seed obligations to the Freaker’s as well.
Joe seeds were just sent today to the three individuals that will help with the backcross. Sorry for the delay. I’ve been under the weather.


Full! Lol, ive been following along… missed out! Nice work @Upstate I’m sure I’ll see some floating around later on :grin:


@Jinglepot Oh there will be plenty of seeds floating around. I’ve hardly gotten any seed yet off of 3 of the plants and I won’t be doing that until they dry. I transplanted Joe into a 5 gallon container a couple weeks ago So by the time there are males dumping pollen she will be big enough to make an additional 1000 seeds at least.


Me too
I just had my first outdoor NY harvest. It was a bunch if tiny plants to make more seeds. But still, its a first for me.



Interesting weather - we had a nicer November than September - had IC Tsu lovin’ the temps and went 4 weeks longer than I anticipated :wink: