(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

You can’t even begin to match outdoors indoors. No comparison. I’ve been growing outdoors for 30 years and probably did 10 or 15 runs indoors over the years. Outdoors rocks in comparison.


Stripped down another plant last night and probably picked off another 700 seeds or more so I should be up over 2000( the amount needed to cover the sign ups so far.) seeds at this point no problem. Still 2 plants to go through although one of them was been picked over a bit before.
The seeds for round 2 are just arriving at their destinations. I did end up dilly dallying with my germination of Joe seeds and I’m glad I did. We should be germinating our seeds at roughly the same time now I hope.


Congrats on your success @Upstate :heart::v:t2::facepunch:t2:


It’s been 2 months since I harvested Joe And I can give an accurate smoke report now.
1st off, I love this smoke. Excellent head high And 0 come down. One of my favorite qualities about this strain is that it is just as potent right after it is picked as it is after a cure. The taste is also just as good fresh as it is cured. I honestly don’t notice too much change in potency so I suspect most of the THC in this one is Delta 9 With very little THCA. In an era when weed gets very little or no cure on a commercial level, this is an excellent quality.
One thing I did notice is that it is possible to gain tolerance to this strain. It could be because I had been smoking the same plant all day every day for about a month but the Perceived strength over that time seemed to diminish by about a 3rd with everyday/ all day/ night use. After putting it away for a solid month and smoking it again it is a very strong head high that lasts well over an hour. Probably closer to 2 hours. I’m very much looking forward to seeing what the babies from Joe look like😁


That’s really good news. Especially, regarding the terpene staying power. When it comes to the legs of the high, I wonder is that location/altitude/terroir specific or strictly genomic.


I like those strains too.
Nice work on the beans, you say your doing a second round too?
Very interesting indeed.



I’m happy with the results. It would have been nice to have even more seeds than what I got, but the weather wasn’t cooperating at the time of pollination. I really had to squeeze it in between rain and dew. Not ideal. Hoping for another 500-1000 seeds from the remaining plants and then more from Joe in 2 months+.

Yes. A Backcross of Joe’s offspring back to Joe herself to include in the spring box. The seeds will be mixed at random with the other seeds.


Looks like there’s about 3040 seeds from this summer’s pollination Which means everybody on the regular list and everybody on the overflow list will be getting seeds. If someone can please add another 25 slots for the overflow sign up I would appreciate it. I’m thinking I can handle another 25 in addition to that But let me make some progress filling envelopes 1st
Edit. Make it 50 more now. @zephyr


I’ve done a bit more research about the Peshawar regions climate. The city of Peshawar, Pakistan receives about 16 inches of rain a year, much of it during the mid summer monsoon during July and August. Rain is nearly non existent during the harvest months of October and November. However, The region North of Peshawar, Pakistan, in Nuristan, Afghanistan ,high in the Hindu Kush mtns, is much wetter, receiving over 30 inches of rain a year. The North slopes can be even wetter, quite similar to Ny. After growing these genetics in wet, humid NY outdoors, the lack of fungal issues on the leaves or botritis in the flowers, links these genetics with wetter Nuristan. In fact I have yet to grow any dry area landrace that has not succumbed to the pressures of our wet climate here.( not true. Beldia holds up) In my mind a dry region ancestry of these genetics can be ruled out. ie they do in fact hail from Nuristan and most likely the wetter Eastern portion associated with the Afghan town of Peshawar. Chitral, Pakistan, a much more well known ( and also a wet area) canna region, lies to the East.
This resistance to the wet elements tells us the ancestry of these genetics imo.


First tails are peaking out of the next batch…


Hola @Upstate

I came to similar conclusion
with the Lashgar Gah .
We did not have any mildew this yr
But none of us did had any this yr

No rot on my plant even kept to freeze
The lashgar gah is very resistant



I grew my Uncle’s Afghan for 25 years and it rotted for over 20 of them. If those peshawar genetics I just grew were indeed from dry peshawar Pakistan itself,when I left Joe outside after I harvested the colas it would have rotted to mush. Nothing did. Out to week 14 the buds held up, Surviving numerous frosts. Peshawar city in Pakistan very rarely has any frost, Including in the Winter.

Sounds like some beautiful genetics. Very interesting that they did not rot on you. Helmand is very dry. You are also thinking that these Lashkar Gah genetics originally come from a wetter region?


8/9 peshawar tails are growing. I hand cracked the 9th seed today and had a 10th I was attempting to crack when it went flying through the air and got lost.
I took that as a sign and stuck with 9😁
@deeez99 Do you have yours started yet? @GREANDAL @Wuachuma Did they make it to you yet? … I think some seeds are taking their time reaching the destination.
@LonelyOC I have some Joe seeds for you too. Your distance from the States here would make it difficult for you to participate in this next step but I do remember your offer to help and grow lots of micro plants and I also know that when you make more of these seeds you will do the right thing and put them in the right hands.
@zephyr Or another T L3 can you please add another 50 slots to my overflow list? Total of 100. Pretty sure there was some more people that wanted to sign up


Wow, thank you for thinking of me. :pray:t2:
I will spread them around Europe. :fire:
Joe take over!

Pz :v:t2:


I’m counting on it😁


I just need to figure out the specific plan for distribution of the overflow seeds, give me a little time on that.

The co-op can’t always handle overflow stock, it’s at the discretion of distributors. unless the project breeder makes specific arrangements for distribution independent of the co-op.

Do you have anything lined up for overflow distribution?

G-pas okayed the initial 50 spot overflow list, but I don’t know what the specific plan for distribution was.


Yes, they arrived Wednesday. Forgot to tell you earlier.


I believe @Upstate was going to handle overflow himself.


Yup. I got the 100 overflow signups covered @Zephyr. Just need you or another tl3 to add some slots for me😁


Thanks upstate, people will definitely appreciate that.
I guess I forgot, you probably told me that when I made the overflow list in the first place.

Adding 50 spots, and re-opening the wiki…