(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

I think waiting until the Fall will give you time to do what you need to do and mail out once, thus making it easier on you. For anyone that hasn’t packaged up up seed run, it’s tedious. @Upstate thanks for your dedication and desire to include us. :v:


I’m not expecting so many seeds this round that would warrant a second separate mailout from the sounds of it. Not 3000 seeds anyway. My goal was 1500 seeds this time, to add a few seeds from Joe to each pack of seed, so all the original plants are represented in a pack of seed, not to double the number of seeds being sent. I just have the one Joe plant to pollinate, same as the first run, granted its a big plant.
I think its better from a coop point of view to keep all seeds in one pack to simplify.
I’m worried the first round of seeds will be overlooked if there is an option for people to grow either Joe bx or the reg seed. Few will grow both. None will grow the regs… There’s too many strains out there to revisit very many twice and there is so little left of this particular ancient genepool I’d hate to help diminish it further. Remember i meant to get people to search thru all the seeds in an effort to find something like joe in hopes something even better Is found and so we can see all the different expressions, not to narrow the gene pool down to one female plant and her siblings. The seedless lady plants being grown now are to show what to expect from the bx seed and the males are for pollen.
If anyone is ready to grow a pack, once this bx is done, I can send it early so you don’t miss the summer season. The only reason I limit this at all is because there will be people that are on the regular Co-Op list that will want to grow a pack now and I will end up mailing to those peiple along with the 150 other packs I agreed to mail… So I want to limit the additional mailing i have to do to only the people that are going to grow them imminently before the fall mailout…otherwise I’d rather use the co op’s resources.


good call @Upstate , 1 shipment is the way to go, I would rather have Joe mixed in.

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Sorry man, I am not up on your run as much as I wanted to be. So did you do and open pollination and then a BX off clones you took off the plant you are calling Joe?

Edit: Never mind, I will go through the whole log as I see there were a number of twists and turns.


Well holly heck @Upstate , this run took a ton of twists and turns. Way to stay the course and get things done, big respect for that.


Lol. Don’t you worry buddy I don’t even remember my own thread​:grin:ha! You’ve got a lot going on. Even though you are Super DD ( hey i like that)you can’t possibly read everything. :rofl::joy::rofl:
Here’s a quick recap because this story is in 2 different threads and its confusing. I was gifted some original Holy Smoke Peshawar seeds…i can’t remember how many but maybe 7. I attempted germination and failed, but planted the seed anyway. Seeing no action i used the soil for a transplant for another strain and i see a seedling poking up on the edge of the pot. It was Joe. Against the odds she made it. Nearly entombed during transplant
In the meantime I looked for more Peshawar seed and after researching this unusual strain and knowing its rarity, I started a thread to try and get more seed for a coop seedrun, which I did get.
So it was a combo…starting a nearly failed pack as a headstash run which turned into a seed hunt/ OG effort which turned into a co op seed run😁
Naturally the only plant i grew for headstash turned out to be the standout plant in every way so i decided on a bx to give people a slighly better shot at finding a similar plant.
This plant, named “Joe” after Joe Peschi. (Joe Peschiwar lol.) The only cutting that rooted last summer was stuck in a ball jar full of water with a fish bubbler in it, in sun 6 hours a day, buried halfway in a half used bag of peatmoss to keep light off the roots.
The plant was meant for me to find and use. Its a survivor.
Interesting. I’m kind of like that plant🤔


So what’s your opinion on the secondary seeds? Like do you think they are unworked ? Worked in a different direction? Or from same region but slightly different micro climate? Or do you feel like it’s exact same gene pool that Nick worked Joe from? @Upstate


I like your idea of giving everyone a crack at finding a “Joe” or something more hidden. You have definitely put in the work and you have a lot of notes in both threads for us to use as guidance on what to look for. For that, I choose the second option along with alleviating the thought of two mailings. We can wait for the Artist to finish his painting, so to speak.
Just my opinion


I don’t yet know if Nick of Holy Smoke released a bx himself…with a plant(s) similar to Joe… or if i got lucky. What i can say is that there were other good plants from Malberry ( holy smoke repro seed?)seeds for sure. To my eye half of them were worth working with…but they never got to fully express themselves. They were young plants when put to flower. Maybe they were all nice. For sure the same genetic pool
@Indoornesian I think it’s a lot more fun when the results are not known with certainty. Along with Joe, I also have that stinky foot plant in mind. Hoping somebody finds one of those…and “Dome Top” was a nice plant…The Tall plant had 2nd most Sativa look…and nice smell. A plant looked like it wanted to be purple… Lots of options for finding a nice plant and for sure there will be plants very different than anything I saw. Probably better.


Hola Gang

You can’t get a full expression
of the plant in an indoor grow.

Only in outdoor in full nature
will they develop fully.




I got 8 above ground :slight_smile: , and we’re off! Lol


I’m going to have to agree with that. Plants love the sun, the soil, the fresh air. They love to be home like we do. I’m very much looking forward to the comparison though. I’m wondering if indoor Joe will have that same pointy look to the buds and the pissy smell. It certainly has that wide canopy with hardly any pruning. You could fill a tent with this one plant easily. (Soon i will.)
Outdoors I think this would be a massive yielder if grown in a big container or in the ground.


It would be absolutely gorgeous to see Joe in a 100 gallon smart pot with living soil or in ground as you mentioned.


If this Peshawar has few body effects, are there also Autoflowering Afghan Sativas?
Would be great for crossing to equatorial Sativa, beacuse it wouldnt reduce potency


I’m not sure at all about Afghans, but I remember seeing or reading about Lebanese landraces tending to auto flower…


The Lebanese are Indian if I’m not mistaken the Himalayas is more what your talking about ps which is the lineage of a many a great deal of different expressions


I’m actually half Lebanese, from my dads side, but I’m not completely 100% sure about the Cannabis there, as I’ve only been to Lebanon very, very young. I was just going off what I’ve read, but I will try to find where I saw that and link it just for the heck of it…

But as for like the people from there, we are a lot closer to Syrians(our neighbors to the north and east) or Israelites(also our neighbor to the south) than say India or Indian people…


Lol no you are right, lol my geography is off lol my bad and yes the Syrian that RSC has is auto/simie lol @Weednerd.Anthony


Woowhoo! We got a slow poke :slight_smile: that makes 9/10 :slight_smile: I love a good surprise