(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

I’ve heard about the Syrian, Lebanese and Sinai autoflowers. These regions aren’t really known for Sativas With an electric high though.
@drgreensleeves Lebanese is probably an old Hindu Kush. The Himalayas grow big pot trees.
@romanoweed No body high at all. As for Afghan autos My Uncle’s Afghan will Auto flower in a small container. I would imagine other regions Near where this is from have similar traits. I’d try Nuristan


You may be right with Nurtisan, cause its said to be semi wild.

I once read that among various Chinese Landrace samples , the wild ones were always the fastest flowering, like 30 Days flowering, wich is insane. but makes it sense, that nature doesent need months of flowering, it wants to suxseed .

Your uncles strain sounds cool, already forgot how it looked on the few Pictures i seen.
Hey, and i think the peshawar is an old line, not bad looking, good find.


I thought the Hindu Kush was part of the Himalayas ? And in the migration theory that about half of the strains came through/from the Himalayas thousands of years ago? There are some that believe that it all came from one region/seed and that different environments is what creates the different expressions , if I’m wrong please enlighten me so I don’t continue to spread disinformation, @Upstate thank you


They are separate mt ranges but pretty much flow into one another. The Catskills where I live are considered a part of the Appalachians though technically the Catskills are not even mountains. They are one of the oldest land masses on Earth and are actually the remnants of an elevated plateau millions of years old, tilted( in elevation) from the Hudson river down towards the Susquehanna.


It’s really beautiful up there , I’ve worked on y’all’s power plant a few times , the environment/ecosystem reminds me of/ is very similar to the Pacific northwest to be more specific kinda like the rural area around like Bellingham WA with all the waterfalls and different kinds of trees it’s really pretty


You listened well drgrensleeves.

  • To a degree the heritage and travel of a strain, and outcrossing of the strains on the way to its “destination” might define what a strain IS, and how it smokes and feels.

  • To a degree the Adaption over time whilst residuing at a “destination” might define what a strain IS, and how it smokes and feels.

If you ask me, ive seen not seen much evidence that would lead me to the one or the other theory. IT might exist in some genomic Data, and that i just cant read it. i mean thats something for professional Scientists to read such data correct. i suppose.

I have nothing agains the idea that Seeds travelled far, and were shared fast. My goal was to point out to adaption, simply because nobody mentions it… Its not ment to claim every sinle landrace is highly adapted to where it was found. Some might well be recently imported, like say JAmaican, just as example. Might be just an Indian heritage, and very shortly brought into Jamaica, hence not very different to an Indian Landrace… right?

Sometimes you may find hints to it in history, namely a clear abundance of cannbis use before a Moment in Time.
But still, abundance of something is a pretty lossy proove, because the proove is in nonexistence. You see its hard to find a good evidence. with alot weigt i suppose.

Its hard also to proove adaption too, so… i dunno, and am not knowledgable in afghan region, i dont even wanna start learning about it…

For me phylos might be useful evidence for a certain ratio of “foreign genetics”. ? the problem is that some say phylos is made up data… who knows?


My personal theory is a little on the fringe side of things I think /believe/possibly could be that story of the migration of said seeds dates back to pre Noah’s flood around the time of Atlantis/the great sea faring people’s of old same people who passed the knowledge of ayahuasca to the people of the jungle ps I could be wrong but it feels right oh and I don’t trust phylos either they did so much dirt that nothing they do or say can be trusted


lets say it like that: i dont have superb evidence at all for Adaption, however, never since i brought Adaption into discussion , and extensively, never somebody said: this is totally wrong, and doesent exist because scientist XY says so. to a degree it might happen.

Bouth theories : Importance of heritage, and importance of Adaption seem to be etablished Concepts of how Landraces ARE.


Damn @Upstate! You’re killing it with these landrace threads. I can’t believe I’ve missed so much of this one, and now have to go back to really enjoy it. Just from looking through it you have so much history and photos of the regions. I love that stuff.

But, one question I can’t figure out but seem to keep seeing it referred too… What is JOE?! lol

I think I saw a pic that said “joe” Peshwar, so. I’m assuming it’s a pheno or a clone/cut???

I’ll be trying to catch up on the thread. It’s gonna be a cold and snowy week here so I get to hang out and do pot stuff!

I hope to get a bunch of stuff organized and processed, like seeds I’ve made. I owe ya and may have some cool stuff made with what you sent. Thanks for being the landrace man! You really bring a thread to life. Cool stuff. peace Gman


Funny you mentioned Bellingham. It reminded me of home when i briefly visited while staying on the other side of the Cascades.

Which Power plant?

That’s insane. I’ve heard it claimed that a Berkeley student made a tall 28 day strain. May have been debunked, though now I’m rethinking that.

[quote=“drgreensleeves, post:637, topic:85447”]
the migration theory that about half of the strains came through/from the Himalayas thousands

For sure people and environment change cannabis rapidy. Hard to say what % came from the Himalayas, but i think a lot did.
@GMan thanks. I’m having lots of fun😁.
Joe is a special Peshawar plant. Short and stocky like Joe Peschi = "Joe Peschiwar "= Joe Peshawar or "Joe":grin:. I once read that Puns are the lowest form of humor. I heartily disagree. I love them.


I always announce out loud “The pun! Highest form of humor” every time I make one. Classic.


I can’t remember the name of it but it’s on the river and it’s a trash burner , I worked on the ash extracter lol I would be covered in soot lol boiler making is an awesome profession , walking around with a 2 1/2 inch end wrench on your shoulder is pretty damn cool :slight_smile: I worked on all the trash burners from Philly , jersey, buffalo, Catskills, all up the east coast a couple of them are in a bunch of movies lol and I’m blanking on the names right now it’ll come to me lol I need some weed that improves memory does anybody know of any? Lol maybe that’s just wishful thinking :slight_smile:


The lady Peshawar plants.
Here is the plant that lagged behind the others early on… Most would have tossed it I think. She has now caught up to or surpassed the size of the others. Nicest female so far imo. A real stinker with jagged leaves like Joe. .


Maybe down in the Hudson River valley then? Not much up here in the hills. A hydro plant is all i know of for local energy supply.


You would really enjoy this smoke. It would love growing in the shadows of the beautiful Alps, that’s for sure! Did you get on the overflow list?
@GMan did you? I already have enough seed to supply the coop sign ups and the 150 overflow slots, so everyone signed up is assured to get them…


thanks, but i cant recieve seeds now,
they look nice, but yeah… i cant


@romanoweed hopefully one day you can get seeds by the handful with no stress. I’ll have some seeds for you whenever you are ready. Very little mold issues so far. One plant had some in the seeded bud and Joe had a couple small spots that didn’t spread. This summer it will get a real test. No babying.


@upstate I tried to sign up on overflow list and I couldn’t. Said can’t tag more than 200 peopl in a single post.


Try it with out the “@” symbol like just 420noob @420noob


Strange. Should work. #89 is open.