(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

@deeez99 I received the pollen today, thanks! I appreciate the extras😁. Especially the manga rosa beans.
Pollen seems to be in great shape. I’ll use it this weekend or tomorrow.
There is pollen from.#4 and # 5. What do you think? What does your gut say? Use one? Both?


Nice! there must be wild brook trout in the headwaters

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There’s some nice Brookies around. Not many get big. Usually 9-12 inches is a good one but an 18 or 19 inch fish gets pulled out once in a while. There are some ice age strains of brook trout, one locally and in the Adirondacks. Extra dark on the back and bright red bellies. Really pretty. There was a strain native only to one pond near Andes ny. Tunis Lake was its original home but its gone there now most likely. A population was saved and moved to Huggins ( Cables)lake in the Catskills, not far away. This strain grows very fast and produces extra bulky fish. Right near the headwaters of the Beaverkill, birthplace of American fly fishing, any serious fly fisherman should put this area on his/ her bucket list. There is a local campground ( little lake), numerous hiking trails and a couple other Trout ponds and lakes. It’s gorgeous back in that valley too. The upper 15 miles of river is Owned by the Rockefellers. I enjoyed trespassing on their thousands of acres of posted land in my youth😁. Ooops, Did i say that? Rich pricks. They never leave the mowed yard and don’t want the dirty peasants on land they will never even see. Screw em.


Getting back on track…

3rd pic down is tall girl. Lots of stalk on this one but the nodes tighten as the plant ages. Outdoors or with better light the lower branches would get longer. I think it would be a really nice plant. But I’m Missing a photo of the Runt. Shes real nice. I hope to get a good picture tonight.


Glad the package made it safely. I like them both but if there are only a few new branches with fresh pistils then I’d say to just use the #4.


There’s well over another 1,000 fresh stigmas. Probably much more. Will go 75/ 25


Ohh, that’s cool idea/way of doing it, I would have never thought of that lol, that way you keep the diversity while moving the selection forward , thank you for that

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I think I have probably been there in your back yard back in the day, for me, it was like 66 to early 70’s I trespassed all over that area and of course Beaverkill and private waters. Now as an older gentleman I pilot my 25 foot tri toon Ranger with a 200 horse Mercury on the Great Sacandaga and tangle with very large Pike. I had a lot of good years chasing steelhead and Atlantic Salmon and fishing with Switch and Spey Rods, I still love it but my neck injury put me in the boat


I think this is the “runt” Peshawar…its the one with the double serrations. Really nice plant now. All 3 ladies smell really strong. They all have a few seeds on them and likely more soon.
It was too cold to move Joe for pollination,
So i took one for the team and pollinated amongst my other plants yesterday, using pollen from plant #4 from @deeez99 and some more from my favorite male. I sprayed the other plants off with water but i can’t move in the room without hitting Joe so i surely spread some pollen around. Will keep the fan off and spray water on everything including Joe this time. again So 5 males total were used for the bx with most pollen being used from my fav male. Thanks again @deeez99. I went heavy with your pollen last night.


That was 20 days ago. It’s 6 feet tall now. 3×’s flowering stretch with these on average. Could possibly grow these 12 12 from seed like other sativas.
@drgreensleeves how are the plants?


I keep forgetting that after a month The exact day of the month a post was made is no longer visible. Because of this I am not sure when I did the 1st pollination but I picked a seed last night that is far enough along that it will sprout. It has color.
I was really hoping to figure out how many days that took . Does anybody more responsible know lol?


click/tap the timestamp in the corner of the post and you’ll get the full info :+1:


Sorry I’ve been super busy I’m pretty sure I got the gnats under control now I’m just waiting on them all to bounce back I’ll give a better update in a day or 2


Did you get some sand? I’ve got some of those little bastards myself right now courtesy of black gold castings. There’s wood in there too I might add which annoys me. I’m paying for worm shit not firewood. If the gnats get any worse I’m going to dump a 1/2 inch of sand on top of the soil for mulch. The shop vac worked well hovered just over the soil for now.


Definitely a beautiful plant!!! Are you still sending out early beans?


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Aha! Thanks @ChongoBongo , I’ve seen a lot around here, but that was a new one!
That’ll help me out in my grow journal :bear::+1:


This was the 13th February, the weekend were the 18 and 19, you saw a good forecast for those days … beer3|nullxnull


I will send them if you want them now or instead wait for the bx seed to be included.
@ChongoBongo i meant to thank you for that. Great tip!
Thanks @George… this was the middle pollination. There was an earlier full pollination in mid or late January sometime i think? Maybe early February…but before this I mentioned dusting just one bud very early in flower to track how long for a seed.


You need some predator mites! They’ll wipe out the fungus gnats.

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They aren’t anything really @Ottafish but thankyou. . Just 20 gnats total. I like the idea of predator anything though. Its a Great way to go. When I can buy something like that at the local store I will definitely do it
I should order ladybugs for aphids… Unless you recommend something different… Spent hours yesterday looking the plants over. Wifey even helped. She’s very thorough when she’s on a mission. Her mission was Joe. Joe is Nearly bug free but every so often you’ll find a clump of aphids at or near a branch tip. I Must have missed hitting that spot with neem oil so they congregated there. OR i interrupted an aphid orgy. Gross.