(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

I went down to the local creek it’s mostly gravel but at the high water bank there’s a wash and I got some of that I haven’t had time to spread it around but the BT arrived today so I used that and I’ll add some sand tomorrow oh and the yellow sticky cards I got those hanging as well and I’m probably going to get some nematodes as well smh lol one way or another lol


Just be careful anything you smoke doesn’t touch the cards.
I forgot you had a bad case of the gnats from bagged soil. That Bt should knock them back. dry that sand out before you use it.


26 days ago…

Within a week the chosen males began doing their thing. Just 3 weeks since early pollination @George. Wow.


Look into using pulverized mustard seed, one 1/4 teaspoon diluted in a gallon of water and used as a foliar spray. Plants like it, and bugs hate it. Don’t use it past week 3 into flower, beyond that bring in “the predators”…


Yea never again any Black gold products. Gave me gnats really bad 2 years ago…


I’m thinking I will wait for the BX… variety is the spice of life as they say… :grin:



Hadn’t heard that trick. Sounds cheap too.


And gives another taste! :rofl:

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My own creation, tastes like mustard with a hint of phlegm.




Crappy pics of seeds on joe. There’s way more than you can see in photo. I don’t see anymore unfertilized stigmas after pollination the other day.


I would aprrechiate a very conclusive Smokereport- :grinning:

Does this give painreleave? i guess not so much as a fatleave, right?
does it feel similar to indian weed, so to speak?

is it motivational? because normal afghani is super unmotivational, but a good feeling…


Yeah it’s like Oaxacan high but a little" lower". It’s Get up and go weed. I love it for work. The only difference is if smoking only Peshawar all day and night and everyday too, tolerance buildup can occur after a month, but this effect is based on smoking only one plant. Certainly not definitive. I’d say based only on looks that other plants might even have a higher high than Joe.
I like the just picked high and taste best with this one. Put it right in the freezer when dry.
I have around an eighth left, including the double top buds. My back hurts bad today from shoveling snow so I’ll know if it helps pain. Definitely helps me forget i have any.

I probably ought to smoke some Himalayan 1st but yes I think it is similar
@romanoweed you’d never know it wasn’t if i told you it was a tropical sativa while smoking it. Except for flavor. Thats a giveaway


Then i think i found a good one with turkish delight. and so sorry i poromised ill send the moliotiko x turkish delight, but i … i just cant right now,

i had bit of pain the days i tried it and its very good for that, VERY good, i would say 70 percent gone, but thats honest rating.

i have too look if i can manage send you the promised seeds ., or just need to wait, cant say.

Now that you tell me its motivational afghani, well, probably you would find better medicine even than turkish delight, as afghani is special in a general,
my afghani long ago was pretty mystic, you know like landrace, very good to not get lost in details, VS painreleave ratios…(atleast i specualte this )

cool line,


I recall hearing that for medical users, the “stoned wich some dont like” vanishes with constat use, but the medical benefits stay. So the slight tolerance-buildup might be wished if one wants to medicate only .


Smart man :wink:.
Is there anyone that wants to grow this soon?


@romanoweed’s request…a Joe Smoke Report after 6 months cure. You really had to twist my arm for this one lol.

Joe end/ top bud
Delivery method: glass pipe
Serving size. One large thumbnail sized bud that fits in the bowl when compacted.
Servings: 2?
Holding in each toke about 3-4 seconds.
Taste is sour. After 2 tokes i feel it under my cheekbones. The heart beats stronger or is noticed more.
Great head high within 5 minutes at most.
3rd toke. I can concentrate on the smoke pouring out of my nose and type well at the same time. Its rare that i type well😁 at all.
The Burned weed in the pipe smells of incense. Smoke smells like perfume/ incense coming from the burning bud
4th hit. I push the bud down into the bowl but its still firm to the touch.
Heart pumping now but it’s not rapid heart.
Pretty dang high now. All in the head. Mostly the temples. I’d typically stop smoking now.
Pain level noticeabley decreased. Not so stiff. Still hurts though. Lower back is numb. I don’t notice the pain yet its there if i think about it. Pain is a secondary thought instead of the primary thought.
5th toke i thought the pipe was empty. Wrong pipe lol. Still going strong. Feeling real high but relaxed. High concentrated behind the eyes. I’m Wide awake but sorta stoned too. Buzzing in head.
I push the green edges of the bowl into the burnt center and take a 6th pull. Feeling spacey high now. Floaty. Loose shoulders.
A 7th rip finishes the pipe. I’ve had enough now…
but soldier on for science​:dizzy_face:‍:dizzy::dizzy_face:‍:dizzy::dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:
Bowl 2…
I find it hard to believe i could get higher but will try. Coordination is a bit awkward
Major head high. Expanding forehead feeling. Head numb. What pain? Lol. Its always there in the background…but i can sit in the same uncomfortable position and just keep forgetting to move. Pain is tolerable now. Its Background noise.
Could I work now ? Heavy labor yes. Brain work no.
Ok. A completely unnecessary 2nd pipe full. Eyes are heavy. I know i look fried. Not sure i can do this…


Sounds like a winner to me!!

:+1: :sunglasses:



You earned yourself a couple “atta boy’s” with that share. That is the Peshawar smoke report that I’ve been waiting on. Entertaining and educational. :martial_arts_uniform: :rocket:


upstate trying to push it, for science :grinning:

the heart-feeling like you described, yep, sounds like afghani, the uphigh sounds like afghani sativa.
heartpound sounds really distinct afghani, i think now…

feeling of being in the moment…