(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

great smoke report super well detailed, now I’m really excited and looking forward to having these beans

thanks @romanoweed for requesting the smoke report​:+1::+1::+1:


The science community owes you a noble prize my man. @Upstate

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I made it to the 4th hit of the 2nd bowl and had a big cougher hit. I tapped out. Layed down, eyes closed, tingly back. At first i just listened to but then Watched an episode of Friends, cracking up. it’s really good smoke. Feel good smoke. You’ll like this one. Had a couple topper tokes and I’m ready for another episode.


I enjoyed reading your smoke report, very descriptive. Sounds like a up fun high. I really like smoke like that… thanks for the scientific research, I know it wasn’t easy, but somebody had to do it…:grinning::grinning::grinning:


These were grown in upstate new york? i love the mold resistance! i grew a mazar out last season on long island and once October hit…things went rapidly down hill :grimacing:


That’s the kind of report that gets seeds in the dirt! Well done brother.


Wow, what an awesome report! I can wait to try it out myself!

Pz :v:t2:


If you cracked up with Friends, then for sure is a good smoke.



Afghans are tough to grow in ny. Sorry she molded on you. You can actually find mold resistant Mazar plants but its the luck of the draw and the exception, not the rule.
The Peshawar were finished inside. I don’t yet know for sure these will finish up here above 1800 ( weather is more severe above 1800’ here). feet, but down your way it would. Joe took a pounding and saw frosts/ freezes after the end buds were harvested. Hardly any mold and no frost damage. Tough plant.
I’d guess a Halloween harvest at this latitide. I’ll eventually get it down to oct 15th if that’s the case. Could be earlier or later.


oh man,it hurt! lol…she was such a beautiful plant,but she got hit with some Nepalese pollen,so not a total loss,this upcoming season should be interesting!

Good luck on your plans with joe,she definitely seems special


Great smoke report! The whole thing read like a seductive and intimate romance novel :laughing:

Still have a ways to go before being able to smoke anything over here but they are still coming along despite a nasty aphid infestation that caught up to me real quick. Don’t want to spray anything at this point but not sure what any other good options might be.


@Upstate When you launch your seed lines someday, be sure and put smoke reports with them. Makes me purchase seeds when I was only there to look almost every time.


First 50 seeds or so…


Nice color to those little nuggets of goodness


Nice ! Why did I feel the need to count them tho!


Lost Coast Plant Therapy says you can spray up to harvest. It’s all natural oils like thyme and peppermint. Check out the website to see for yourself. I have some but haven’t had to spray late, yet.


Thanks for that. The aphids will be hard to find soon as the buds fill in.
I’m going to look into that spray or make one myself. Found probably 100 (wingless) adult aphids yesterday. Apparently, they need no partner to reproduce and can give birth to live young or eggs. You have to keep with their reproduction capabilities, or they can get out of control quickly.
Anyone use organic dish soap before? 7th generation (95%) plant based dish soap is what I have. I put several drops in a glass Swirled it around and quickly rinsed it with cold water. Then I filled the glass up and took a drink and tasted no soap. It seems to disappear with water very quickly so I’m considering using this…


Lol. How many? I was guessing

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I’m happy to report that peshawar branches are tough as nails and extra flexable. My light dropped from the ceiling and landed on my plants, but no branches snapped somehow . They bent all the way to the floor.


:rofl: :joy: :joy: Man, I just left you in another thread of you telling me how you offed one of your other babies! You are just like me. It amazes me at all of the stuff that can and usually does go wrong with gardening.

Bob Hemphill swears by that Plant Therapy. There was another large grower who uses it, too but can’t remember.