(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

I’m happy the light missed me by 2 feet and landed top side down. It never even shut off. Missed the small lambsbread table by an Inch but the cord caught the cups and up rooted 2 and dismembered the 3rd one. Could have been far worse. I feel lucky.
@GMan ain’t no room for sissies😁


I counted 46 beans, 47 a couple of times.


Sure as hell, I came back home after therapy and one of my barely re-potted plants was on the concrete upside down with a little green sticking out the edge… :man_facepalming:

As usual, I scraped up the carnage and gathered it all back into the pot and put it back in the sun for a bit. I don’t think it was fatal. :roll_eyes:


Mazar/ Nepal sounds like a neat combo. Nepal should add some better mold resistance. Which Nepal strain?


I like to think of such treatment as an education for the plant. Be good. Or else…:rofl:


Picked a few more seeds from Joe and now the early seeds are ripening on the other ladies. Looks like 2-5 seeds per bud from when the males were in the room. Some buds were hit harder than I would have liked. That last hand pollination was effective. Not a white hair ( fresh stigma) left anywhere on Joe. Nothing escaped the pollen.
Oaxaca/ Peshawar in the works. I have HIGH hopes it will be good. Tirah/ Peshawar coming whether I wanted it or not lol.


these were from the real seed company

and yea,i’m hoping!! it did amazingly well in regards to mold

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Man! I am bummed I missed this one. I would definitely put together a trade for anyone that is willing. If you are interested please reach out!


Right! She got the message because this morning she is praying mightily. lol… Looks stronger than ever, haaa.


It’s looking like there will be extras.


I got the moroccan beldia from ACE coming. I know it is supposed to be lower THC but that’s actually what im going for with a breeding project im working on. Cant wait to try another pure sativa next season with yours!

Would you say ACE is more “authentic” than khalifa?


That’s incredible. Should I go edit the list? Or is there additional overflow? Sry I just got to trust level 2 and I don’t want to blow it haha


@FeloniousMonk I have to get seeds counted first to say for sure that there will be extras, but it’s looking good. I’ll post here if I decide to add another overflow to the overflowing overflow lol.


I’d say the opposite is true. The Ace version is low THC because the hashplant fields are not selected for potency and they have been infected with hemp pollen from Europe over the years.
Also, it’s my opinion that the Ace version must have Pakistani genetics in it. The old Moroccan Beldia was grown and selected for potent bud( ganja) and is semiautoflowering, not having been converted into a hash crop until the sixties when hippies taught the Berber farmers living in the Riff mts how to make dry sift. Due to the climate drying in Morocco over the last 800+ years, the sativa’s learned to “autoflower” at a young age Or risk running out of rain/ ground water before they made babies. Rains come early in Morocco from snowmelt and from the sky, but the summers are very dry. True Moroccan will begin flowering in April as the days are growing longer, when 5 or 6 weeks of age. The Ace version is not auto flowering, which tells me there are those Pakistani genetics in there, which were mixed with the Moroccan plants to increase resin and yield back in the eighties. The Pakistani genetics have now contaminated at least 95% of Morocco’s sativa landrace genepool.
I’m by no means saying Ace version is no good or that it does not come from Morocco.
Also, the Hash that many Europeans remember was predominantly the Pakistani Moroccan mix. Prior to the 80s, sativa hash could be found in abundance. Afterwards, it became rarer.
Today, some farmers are turning back to their original landrace as it is more dependable and more drought tolerant even though it yields less than the hybrid.


I will have to also look at khalifas then after this season.

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I’m planning to also make seeds with the plants I have and will happily contribute to anyone that missed out on the signups. I have five females and will be hand pollinating some branches with each of the five male’s pollen.

@Upstate hey I’m also happy to donate some postage to you as that overflow list will add up quickly.


Excellent you’ll be making more seed. I don’t think you will have a problem getting rid of some of them lol.

I got it covered Thanks. Every time I forget to bring stamps to the Post Office I buy more stamps. I forget so often I don’t think I even need to buy any🤣


Fascinating theory. Thanks for sharing!

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Well I’ll be camped out like aunt Carol on Black Friday, ready to trample the weak and hurdle the dead when the doors open. :muscle::older_woman:t3::shopping_cart::facepunch::boom::crossed_swords::fire::shopping:


That’s awesome and I will definitely keep you in mind. Honestly I am so in love with Landraces right now that my plan is to multiply the seeds as well as soon as I can pull that off. I like the idea of using all available males in order to keep some diversity. I realize it may mean more selection down the line for anyone that grows them, but that’s the fun of going back to the genetic source right?

Sounds like you got a nice 50/50 split on males and females. Any chance you have pictures? Maybe you have already posted them further up in the thread?