(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

Yes if you click my username and then click the filter button you should find all my posts in this thread.


You learn something new every day. Thanks @deeez99 imma go peep them shits right now!


OK, that’s definitely in “the coolest thing I didn’t know about” category… :rofl: :+1:



@upstate here’s that update you asked for, sorry it took me so long but the infestation was worse than I thought lol sneaky little devil’s lol, for a little while I thought I was going to loose those 2 little ones but they are finally recovering :slight_smile: that soil drench BT works very well:) thank you btw to @CapnCannabis you saved the day:)!
And I just gave them some HB and SF nematodes :slight_smile: they will make short work of what’s left and kick off the nutrient cycling, oh and @FeloniousMonk I also plan to make seed so don’t stress it , somebody will trade you I know I will just gotta give me time :slight_smile: you know what the cat said when he got his tail cut off?.. It won’t be long now! :slight_smile: Lol


Your welcome so very happy and excited for you.Just don’t forget to keep up this is going to be in your IPM for now and the devil is in the details.They will come back if you slack off That BTI can sit in a bucket of water and you add it to your water.Don’t ever mix it with nutes use it as a stand alone in the water in between feed the nutes fuck with the spores.Keep up and you will never see an infestation ever again


Where’s the filter button? I didn’t know I could do this lol

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Glad the plants are on the road to recovery. Top leaves looking much better now. :ok_hand:


In the screen shot I posted with the red arrow. After you click the person’s username, the small window that pops up includes a button that shows the number of posts that user has posted to the current thread, click that button.


Guess that’s in a computer :sweat_smile:, in mobile you just use the loupe … beer3|nullxnull


Hmm mine works the same on my phone


Mine works on my mobile as well.


You’re right, I was looking up right like in the screenshot… icon_e_confused|nullxnull


Thanks, fellas. Sometimes, you can teach an old dog new tricks.
@deeez99 anything pissy smelling? None of the 3 other Peshawar ladies I’m growing has that smell. The smell is great, but it’s just now developing…and no catpiss.
Calyxes on one plant are just massive. Huge seeds, I’m thinking. There are ridges on the calyx like the stinky foot pheno.
Resin is building.
Up to 200 seeds now.
There will be another overflow signup. I don’t know how many yet. Maybe 50 more slots if I could get a volunteer to pack up those extra packs for me. Probably shouldn’t say that just yet, but barring any disaster it shouldn’t be a problem.
Anyone want to try OaxacaPesh? It will be one month and seeds will be ready. I would want them grown for Bud and not seed. Looking to see what they can do. Flowering time around 15 weeks± 5


!!! Hell yes. Nice looking leaves on the right, hopefully the little ones catch up soon, I had an Astragalus plant in my garden and was wondering why it stayed so small. Then I checked under the leaves and a bunch of aphids were plugged in sucking everything good right out of the apical meristem. It was the last mistake they ever made. I’ll just enjoy the show, sounds like I won’t get left out of all the fun. “It won’t be long now” :joy_cat:


In one month I think that my indoor will be full flowering or starting to flower.
So I will not be growing that soon.

Thanks for the offering.


Heck yes! Im all in! Sounds like some potential there.


I’m gonna have to say “hell yeah!” to that one :grin: I was debating taking your earlier offer about not waiting for the joe seeds, since I wanted to run some peshewar this outdoor season, but this is the next best thing if not better! The way you’ve described the cryptic labs oaxacan has put it high on my wishlist :drooling_face::+1: I wont lie I’ll be hoping for something earlier than 15 weeks but here in norcal at 39 degrees N we might have a shot at making it the full monty :eyes: if the weather is kind at least :crossed_fingers:


(Both hands raised) :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:


Sign me up!! @Upstate

That’s gonna be an amazing smoke I’d think!


" Anyone want to try OaxacaPesh?"

The high from that cross should be legendary: Expanding forehead, optical cornea decompression, gratitude + good vibes and laughter, drum and bass heart rate, a big ol’ grin and a sprinkle of pain relief, to boot. Party time. :rocket: