(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

Supposed to get up to 2’ of snow today. The birds agree with the forecast.

They are waiting for me to feed them. 3 more trees full of birds like this one. There must be 300 today. Evening Grosbeaks, Redwing blackbirds ND Grackles. Mostly Grosbeaks. Little Piggy’s. 40lb of black oil sunflower seed every 3 days now.
I need to start a go fund me page. Lol
I’m Upstate.
I work for bird and cannabis seed😁


That’s cold…
And what a “adoptive family” have you there :rofl:



Same here my friend, I have a couple squirrel’s that like black oil sunflower seeds lol I’ve put out peanuts for them and the blue jays eat them.


Lol. My wife and I call them Blue Jerks​:rofl::joy::rofl:
They have a throat pouch similar to a chipmunks cheek pouches. They tip their heads back and “chug” seeds and nuts like a college student chugging beer. I’ve learned to accept them and even like them now. They are aggressive pigs though.


We have about a foot of snow coming today as well, we have some big oaks so the squirrels have plenty of acorns, which I keep finding in my workshop and wood stacks lol.

We feed the birds with black sunflower seeds as well, but not as much as you do, I thought a 50lb bag a month was heavy going lol.


It’s 2 -3 feet expected here now. Ughhh.
Where are you located?


That sucks, our winter is running late but it started late as well. Our snow is almost gone, so it’s a pain to be getting more, we have 2 dogs and one is small so she hasn’t had a decent walk in a month now, but we have rain forecast at the end of the week so hopefully it won’t sit long, fingers crossed.


Crazy how the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. I have been in TX for a few years now and always get jealous when I hear about heavy snow back home in Colorado. But then we DID get a blizzard and it was a huge fucking mess haha! Funny when a bunch of guys in their 4x4 trucks still get themselves stuck in the snow. Driving in winter conditions is it’s own thing completely. Takes finesse… :ok_hand:


Its 68 out and Im about too head outside to smoke a bit in shorts. I thank whatever deity is listening at the moment that we dont get snow down here.


Same here @Habitt , and I just planted cucumbers, melons, carrots, radishes, beans, cow peas, lettuces, and pumpkins…direct sow outdoors!
Also a bunch of chamomile, mint, thyme, oregano, basil, meadowsweet, and self heal!
Here’s the cover crop they went in with:

Yeah, summer sucks here, but spring starts in February/March!


Nice veggies and spices, we’re a way out yet for starting any garden, frigging cold af right now at 29 but it’s supposed to be 60 on Thursday lol wtf. I need some spring sunshine.:peace_symbol:


One of the 3 females born from Joe is getting PISSY like Momma. YES!!! I’m stoked you guys and gals should be able to find pissy plants in the bx seeds if I’m finding one before the bx. I’m stoked I’ll have some pissy pot to smoke soon
I’m naming the new find “Miss Piss” lol.
Pics soon.


I wish! I envy your early spring. This is early morning on the 11th Pretty cool lighting.


I looks like Bigfoot! :orangutan: :heart_eyes: :sloth:

That’s an interesting subject about the natural nutrients being taken advantage of by the plants and the farmers. I have two plants that have come up as volunteers the last two years, in the same spot the mom grew. I’ve been letting them do their own thing early and just watch them survive.

They may sprout by the end of this month but will likely still be exposed to freeze and snow before I would plant anything. I met another local here (32ºN, 6400’ elevation) who puts his seeds out in March, right now. He lets them sprout naturally and they adapt amazingly well, and especially if the seeds that dropped like mine, have been there since fall. It’s like putting mother nature back in control.

My volunteers, I mostly just watch and don’t feed or water. There is one spot, next to my back door, that has come up in the same spot the last two years. By spring it’s usually just baked clay with cracks like the Afghan deserts, lol. Still, it finds it’s way up and out and grows there all year.

The other one, comes up in a pile of rocks next to a gate. It’s amazing to watch how they out perform us, with all of our nutrients and bro science and hard schedules, haaaa.

Try it sometime. Leave some seeds in a pot or dirt after harvest and when freezes hit. Or, depending on your climate, put some out now, even in cold temps, and it will know when to come out. It’ll also grow without water or nutrients and still produce flowers like you had something to do with it, lol. The water thing may not go the whole season but in some areas it’ll grow just like all of the other flora in the neighborhood, without touching it. :v:


Yeah, 64º here, yesterday and today, but 3-4 inches of snow back tomorrow with lows in the mid teens. It’ll do this all spring.


Very hard to kill a sprout early in life. I’ve had tropical sprouts survive below 20゚. They are tough as nails born outside.

As long as that snow covers up the sprouts they will be fine.


The new pissy plant, Miss Piss( my wife lectured me about my name choice) also has lots of Pinene in it. Strange combo. Fingers smell piney after touching resin, but the air smells pissy.
I’m not yet sure if it’s a pissy pine smell or a piney piss smell lol.
If anyone on the overflow list is looking to grow the peshawar now( before this fall) I can send to you now with the bx seeds included.( though the bx seeds are still too fresh for 100% germination)
I don’t want to exclude tl3 members or those that signed up early from the opportunity to try these now/before fall. If someone from the regular list is interested in popping them soon, we’ll figure it out.
I suppose I should wait and see if anyone is interested and go from there.
I don’t want to complicate things, but I did tell everyone that the seeds would go out in April and I have enough to send out packs right now, including Joe seeds with the originals.
I’ll start filling packs this weekend.
One other thing, and I surely state the obvious here, these plants need to be grown one of two ways for a good yield. Looking at the bean Pole plants and then looking back at Joe, there is no comparison. Topped they can really produce.
Un topped smaller pots and sea of green would probably be best.
I’m thinking topped is #1


I’m pretty sure thats Chewbacca’s mom. -definitely a wookie…. (Beautiful)


I might take you up on that but I sure have a lot I want to do. I’ll be running a few things inside starting now, and outside comes up in a couple of months, but putting seeds out now to let them harden is great for summer plants to be strong.


I know I do/ would like the bx for spring :slight_smile: but I don’t want to seem greedy :slight_smile: lol