(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

Yes please. I would love to start them asap. Please add me to your list of early mailings. Im on the overflow list , lucky #95. If you prefer you can sent it out with the oaxacan x peshawar in a few weeks.

I feel a bit icky accepting these without sending some genetics your way. Please let me know if you would be interested in some Indian genetics from cocogenes. I have his unworked kerela chellakuti and couple other id like to send your way. Or some of todds reproduction of original haze, as well as skunk#1.

Thanks for the opportunity.


Ok. No problem. No greed involved. Makes me happy to see them grown. I would love some Chellakutti seeds if you have enough.
People on the overflow list are easy to take care of.
@GMan you should pop a couple kashmir/ malana beans and see what you came up with😁. Maybe add Peshawar in there too.
@drgreensleeves no problem.


Small update on smells start of week 7 or 8.
We have miss piss of course. It looks like she will be nice and resinous. She is the shortest of the three and has the nicest buds. Good node spacing.
She is also the most resistant to aphids of the three.
The Runt, now the second biggest, is very fruity. Smells like berries of some sort. Nice Resin too. Needs to be grown topped.
The tallest plant has that pissy pine smell with citrus mixed in. This one is loaded with seeds. Far more than what I wanted. There are new seedless flowers, so I’ll at least get to try it. Nice Resin and large calyxes.
I took photos but they are awful. Will get new ones soon.
@deeez99 how are yours looking?

Here’s a couple Joe bud pics.


I really like that shade of green.lime/slime color

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You mean the crosses that came out of them? I think i will. I need to start popping seeds I’ve made just to test them. I’ll just have to find room for them all, ha… I want to test the Oaxaca /Lemon Thai, too. :sunglasses:


Yes, your kashmir ×Malana and vice versa. You are like me. Making hybrids faster than you can try them. So many varieties!
I bet you could find a volunteer to grow some


That sounds amazing!


You bet. I should have at least 10-15 beans of the kerela chellkuti for you. I got to smoke on some 20 week flower pheno. It was totally brown, subtle terps. After a few months of sitting is when it began to really shine as an excellent daytime, happy, fairly motivating flower. Should have kept a cut, but as i mentioned it was only after atleast couple months of sitting and stabilizing when she showed what she was bringing to the party. I actually plan on trying to get more directly from cocogenes.


These pictures are only 2 days apart :slight_smile: I still can’t get over how vigorous they are :slight_smile: lol but that said it looks like there is at least 3 possibly 5 like Joe I’m hoping for a high male population hopefully a pissy male or 2:) I’m putting it out there in the universe :slight_smile: I’m asking for a blessing, oh great ganga god bless us with a bounty of fertility :slight_smile: ps sorry it’s still a battle with the gnats some has recovered completely but not all but it’s headed in the right direction :slight_smile:


The two on the right are like twins. Wow. Hopefully Joe Types. They are looking great.
I see the leaves are lifted on the middle plant and the plants below and above that one the leaves are above horizontal now too. Almost praying. The other two are growing…
Soon as you can I would top for best yield.
Way to stick with the fight. I appreciate the determination. Don’t feel like you have to save them all. I see improvement in all of them, but if you don’t notice a difference with those little ones in particular, do what you have to do. I’d try putting soil under their roots. Tap the plants out of the pot and add dirt underneath the rootball with a handful of castings mixed in there. Sometimes putting that taproot in contact with new dirt( if it’s there…) or just giving the roots more depth, snaps them out of it. Probably they just need a little more time.


3 Joe pics then the other Peshawar.


Good luck with that. I tried ordering something from them a year ago. They returned my message a month ago…no friggin joke. Big time disappointed but I truly hope it goes super smooth for you.


Yikes, thats no good. I think the guy does a lot of traveling. I must of caught him at a good time as the order was smooth and quick. I really like the chillum i purchased from them as well. It was the one for 40ish bucks and not one of the expensive ones. Just a heads up, he does have an instagram page and responds quickly there.


I sent him 6 messages over that year. Half of them were via his Instagram. It was on Instagram that he responded to me but that message was sent to him 7 months earlier. I’m sure he’s a nice guy but that kind of service sucks huge and I’ve lost all trust. I’ll leave it at that.


Fair enough.
If that were my experience I too would be annoyed.


Looks like some big ol’ chonky seeds in there.

Honestly very pretty plants. My hat’s off to you.

I’m thinking back to some pissy nuggets in high school. Once we placed the smell we couldn’t unsmell it.


He was on a sabbatical living with monks.i don’t know the rules he lived under but that’s why you didn’t hear from him. No service. He’s getting his Doctorate too, so school is always taking up time.


Yes, thanks. Nice seeds but the true chunkers are coming from the tall one, another pissy plant as of last night. It’s pretty well seeded.


Sorry been away trying to catch up with life, it’s just been the last couple weeks that my knee finally feels healed and strong enough to work on my backlog of farm projects. Knee injuries are no joke.

I moved all the ladies outside yesterday as I needed to clean up the grow room and try to wash off a bunch of aphids that accumulated by my neglect. I snapped some pics of one of them but they are all pretty much looking similar currently.

The long branches that stretched are starting to get a bit floppy with the flowers growing now so I’ve had to tie them up a bit. There is resin starting to build but no overly strong smells just yet. If I stick my nose up in the buds I’m picking up more floral scents and one has a more floral/fuel smell to it. Kinda sad I’m not picking up the kitty pee smells like when they were in veg. Maybe that will develop more later on?

They were very vigorous growing during the stretch and now it seems the flower development has been more slow going. I think I’m at about 7 weeks in flower right now so maybe halfway?


Ahhh. Well that changes things. Now I’ll respond to his message and and do the deal