(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

I was wondering why he wasn’t answering my messages, too.
@deeez99 Nice looking plants. The one with the pointy buds has the same shape nugs that Joe has. I’ve only seen the pointy buds on that particular pheno, granted I’ve only seen 15 plants.
Whenever I see that cola shape( any strain) I get excited. Always a good smoke, assuming potency.

It comes on quite suddenly. It looks like you are as far into flower As I am. Maybe even past mine. I can’t remember if I mentioned it here or in the Tirah Valley thread But I apparently did not fully unplug a 430w light one night, so the plants got a 36 hour light cycle a few weeks ago. It seemed to slow them up.

Only a true sativa lover could get excited about this, but I think you’re right. A 14 week Afghan😁. Who’d a thunk it? Some will go 14 anyway. 11-14 I think.
maybe 10-11 for the bx seed.
This country has a love affair with Afghans, so this repro is a good way to nudge indica fans into Sativa country without them leaving their comfort zone.


@deeez99 I hope you make a few seeds with that one. I have #4 pollen in the fridge…
@drgreensleeves same thing


My plants smell like shit and your plants smell like piss.


“no mom, it’s supposed to smell like dog shit”

:grimacing: :scream: :man_facepalming: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


Kinda smells like a porta potty eh.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Very interesting


@upstate I plan to top them in 2-4 more days unless you object ? I hope at least two of them are male (of the big leaf) and hopefully at least one is pissy , @upstate when you say pissy do you mean ammonia or curry?


That is a seriously interesting read :no_mouth:
It’s kinda sad tho we lost so many landrace. Nothing is pure anymore.


Oh they are out there! just not as abundant as used to be and require more work but they are still out there somewhere lurking in the shadows just waiting to be worked :slight_smile: lol


Like a well used litter box in the crazy cat ladies house type of pissy lol.

It is sad, but if popularity increases quickly enough there is still a lot to salvage. There’s lots of pure landrace strains available today if you know where to look, though no doubt in some countries many or most have been lost, relegated to seed collections or backyard farmers. The hardest hit are Jamaica, Mexico, Thailand, South Africa, Colombia, Morocco and Afghanistan.

Grow them how you’d like, but I recommend topped for best yield…


Last 2 pics are the runt, Miss Piss. Nicest one for sure. Turns out it is not the heavily serrated leaf plant. I was mistaken. It’s the shortest plant, but also the best node spacing, resin and flower size. I found a tag I’d forgotten about marking it as the runt so I could keep track. It’s a pissy pine smell on that one.

Serrated leaf pheno is 100% fruity, really nice Resin. First pic. Some extra stem on this plant, but huge seed size= huge calyx potential. Topped is best for this one.
Tall pheno got absolutely hammered by pollen so I’m afraid I can’t properly judge this one. Smell is straight pine like last summers tallest plant. There is more stem on this one than the others and with wider node spacing. Topped is best. ( 2nd and 3rd pic)
All in.all only the runt would be considered a proper indoor plant, So if you have a lower height to deal with you will have to phenohunt or do lots of training/ LST.
All of them look like great smoke. I can’t wait. Even the tree will have some smokables. Sativas generally have less Resin than Indicas and rarely get much on sugar leaves like Joe has. Seeing a Sativa strain this consistently resinous, even limited to calyx alone, I know I’m in for a treat :grin:


I can mix in seed from the tall tree if you’d all like me to…only hit yes to include these bx seeds in the mix. If 15 people hit the thumbs up I’ll include them. It’s likely they have potential to get huge outdoors.



Miss Piss. I can’t get a proper photo, but mark my words, she’s Kick ass. Beautiful Sativa Resin. Will be golfball type buds on this one.
Also, for those of you afraid of a 14week flowering time, if some of these do indeed go that long, they can be grown 12/12 from seed like other Sativas. I’ll try one female like that to blaze a trail this summer👣
I added chicken poo a couple weeks ago and the lower leaves are yellowing and dropping anyway, like all old sativas seem to do.


Yessir, that’ll be me 12/12 or 13/11 rather. Straight up from germ, no house training whatsoever.


@Indoornesian I think if you went 12 12 from seed or 13/11 and went from a solo cup straight into a 5 gallon, they would still get as big as mine. Nice feature.
These are on a 12 1/2 on 11 1/2 off cycle for my convenience.


how many feet do you think it would get to with flowering from seed? I’m running into space issues with current grow and don’t want that to happen again. I usually top but have been enjoying seeing this runs original structure.


Do you have one or two grow areas? @CocoaCoir
Blue light is best. Keeps them shorter. I’m using an eye blue metal halide bulb for flower. Early I use t12( or t5? .I don’t know. 32 watts each bulb. 8 bubs)fluorescent 4000k
I could have kept these shorter easily. I put them in the 5 gallon to give them size.


Oh i just have one indoor tent 2x4x6 @upstate and am thinking of growing a couple beldias outside soon.


That’s a tough space for tall plants that will need training or topping= wide canopy. Where are you located? State or country…
You have plenty of height, but you would have to do some serious training/ topping. Can you start them outdoors, get cuttings and flower them indoors?