(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

Mediterranean climate w/ recent drought



I think California name comes from what a Spanish monk commented first time he arrived … Sun


Wait a minute…

That bear is supposed to have TWO heads…


:wink: :vulcan_salute:



I’ll tell you what I would do… I would consider growing the beldia indoors, where they will fit perfectly in a tall, narrow space and handle the heat like a champ. Grow Peshawar outdoors. Heatwave won’t bother it either.
With that said let me go thru a couple Joe bx seeds and see what we’re dealing with. I’m thinking of another bx while i still have a cutting of Joe. The plants should be a bit more stacked now, like miss piss, who btw is now 100% pine smell, no piss. The serrated leaf pheno is 100% fruity and has been so since early in flowering. The tall plant is now pissy/ piney.
The resin is really sparkly. Pretty buds. Calyx resin equals Joe’s in density, and the calyx’s are bigger in size. Huge sativa seeds.
@deeez99 seeing any nice Resin yet? It starts to come on strong week 6 - 8. It think my plants are behind yours due to all the seeds. No surprise, but the bud size seems directly correlated to seed numbers. The Runt was the least pollinated, and I pulled 200 or 300 seeds from it.


Tall pheno. These are really the only buds that are not fully seeded.


The seeds are ready in the above pictured bud. See the yellow? (,2 of them. One is slightly outside of and below a circle) 3 of 4 are finished seed.


It’s starting to build up but still no over the top smells, picking up some pine and citrus this morning when I snapped the below pics.

I had moved all the plants outside for the last 2 weeks to try and mitigate an infestation that built up while I wasn’t able to tend to them as I would have normally. I believe this has slowed my progress down with the mid to low 30°F nights and it’s about 12.5 hrs daylight currently here also so I need to get them moved back inside to finish up.

I’m beginning to feel more confident that I would be a great candidate for promotion to the stress testing department :rofl:


Did they get frosted? A mellow frost might wipe out the aphids. For sure tough on a plant. A few years ago I tried Malana outdoors here. They got 4 28 degree nights early in flowering ( mid September) and it stunted flowering a couple weeks. I don’t think it was the temps, but was the abrupt change from 80’s to freezing that slowed them up.

What stress you didn’t provide, I did lol. And @drgreensleeves batted cleanup perfectly :rofl::joy::rofl:
Let’s see…shit soil with gnats
Spider mites
36 hr on cycle mid flowering
Accidental pollination.
That nearly covers anything one person could do😁

No Hermies AND we have seed. We still win.

Yeah, you are about mid flower. Maybe yours are a little later than mine. Hard to tell progression once pollinated. They swell up so quickly.
I see nice Resin on a couple of them. Hopefully you notice some smells. Sativas don’t smell like Indicas do. The buds generally have to be handled or brushed against.


Yes the previous couple nights we had a light frost and it did seem to wipe out a good amount of the little buggers but there are still some lingering.

lol yes we made a good team on that front! Tough plants for sure but I’m now hoping for a nice smooth landing from here :crossed_fingers:



The one picture shows Peshawar and Tirah side by side. Same soil. Same conditions. The Peshawar are a light shade of green overall, even showing mild N deficiency, and the Tirah Valley are a dark green and with some showing an N overdose. The one pictured is purple.
Landraces don’t need much food. I never figured out why breeders ruin that great quality. ( Perhaps I’ll change my perspective someday)
The plants are getting pretty close. I think it’s end of week 8 now? Or 9? 2-4 weeks left. The one tall plant is ripening quickly. I pulled hundreds of seeds off it, and that may have altered the natural ripening, I don’t know. So 10/11 weeks for the tall pine pheno.


I would recognize your photos between 200 because of that funky light cool1|nullxnull, good job done so far … beer3|nullxnull


I love their bud structures :raised_hands:
They look so nice brother, awesome job !

Interesting about the Landrace not needing much food.
Maybe that has caused a few issues for me in the past and I didn’t realize it.

So a light green is okay for some Landraces to stay, or is that still a sign that I may need to add some N ?
I have seen a healthy young Nepali that has just been staying a light green.
About the color of this apple → :green_apple:
So that’s okay for some ?


Yes,( upstate would probably be a better gauge than me) Ive even seen some lighter than that apple there and all kinds of shades in-between and healthy if I’m not mistaken it’s a genetics thing some are just light skinneded :slight_smile:


Thank you.
And the apple I typed looked much lighter on my phone haha
The one it posted is close, but darker then the one I THOUGHT it was going to post.


I agree. Less feed needed normally, lighter shades of green are common, and sativa normally drop yellow leaves throughout the lifecycle. Any needs from the plant are small and easily noticeable. I feel like they also tolerate less watering (forgetting) than hybrids.


Afghanistan 1970 harvesting time


Yeah, light green is fine for some, just no yellow green like in the photo i showed.( Its the light making it look yellow). That’s usually low ph/ too much food when it comes to sativas.
Light green plants denote mold resistance in many cases. I look for it.
In this particular case, dark green ( tirah)doesn’t mean a plant will rot in wet conditions. This time, it just means too much N for those plants.
But in most cases if you see that real dark green color and you are sure you have a balanced soil, it’s likely those plants will rot in wet or humid conditions. (You wouldn’t want a dry region plant with a light green color either. That would mean ph off/ too much food)

@George, yeah, not many HPS bulbs going these days are there? When i can, I’ll upgrade to LED.
I do like the 430’s though. Great lights. High quality bud.
The metal halide is making gorgeous sativa flowers but yield is lower than hps. Quality is higher though…


Neat video. 1970 was at the tail end of the hybridization efforts in Afghanistan…and it’s interesting( and maybe I’m just not seeing it,) but there are no short Indica plants being harvested from that field. I wish I had a time machine.


Out in cali, I trimmed a strain with flat, extra sticky buds called Casey Jones. The resin was gummy and would stretch between scissor blades without breaking when the scissors were opened.
The fruity( former “runt”) has the same type of buds as Casey jones and the actual runt (with the big buds) has resin just as sticky.
I don’t know how the Afghan people made dry sift with this resin. I hear / read the dry sandy type resin is best.