(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

At that time under the King everything was peaceful.No one in prison, enough food and everyone was quite happy, what was told by an acquaintance whos father was from Afghanistan.


Very sad. It looked like a very peaceful and simple life

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So I got 5 females for sure with 4 possible males only one is male for sure

These females want to get big!

These are the possible males I hope they are all males I’ll know soon enough
PS oh and I up-potted the females I accidentally broke 2 of the big ones tap roots once they recover completely from that I’ll top them, and it was an accident they grew out the bottom of the small pots smh


Is that a frame for a hot house in the upper left of the top pic?


Yes it’s a work in progress


That’s funny, because I feel like the dry sandy type is the worst :joy: It gets cold in the desert, I’d bet they just waited for freezing or close to freezing temperatures where the resin loses it’s stick and gets more “snap”, if they didn’t just stick to charas


I like the gummy stuff too, but I think the latest craze for the resin crowd in
this country is the Sandy resin these days. Do I have it backwards? I would agree you would think cold temperatures would make the resin less sticky. In Tirah they leave the plants out until it snows in some cases because they say it makes the resin stickier. Maybe they mean once it warms up its sticky. That makes sense.


That’s a nice, easy hot house. I’m thinking of doing one myself. Still snow on the ground, unfortunately.
The plants are looking way better. I see you’ve got them up.potted and growing well. For sure top soon. They say you’re not supposed to but I do it when I transplant sometimes. My figuring is just to get all the stress out of the way at once. I’m sure you’re anxious to sex the remainder before doing so but I’d top the ladies.
@Kabuddha I’m not really sure what you were saying or asking, but two females have pee smells that come and go. Piss and pine…pine and piss( (sung like the “Silver and Gold, silver and gold” song)


Did they come up?


I haven’t seen any volunteers yet, but I should soon. Lat two days were up to 70º and haven’t been below freezing for 3 days. Lots of sunshine. I may go ahead and put a seed or two in some pots and place them outside to come up on their own.

I was just out and no signs. But, I just remembered that we haven’t had any moisture for a few weeks. Just high winds sucking out any moisture that is there. I guarantee if we got one good rain or snow there will be sprouts. This will be the third generation for a couple of them. :grinning:


Fun stuff! I love letting Mother Nature guide the selections


Is this/these an accurate description of “self topping” ?

I’ve never been shown , I’m still going to top these I was just out counting nodes and noticed that they are trying to make a table top like it’s neat I can see why they said that there is no need to top them @Upstate they kinda want to anyways :slight_smile: lol imo


Looks like you got the Joe pheno potentially @drgreensleeves So far it’s the only real branchy pheno I’ve found,( there was stinky foot…which was branchy) but shaded lowers don’t make for big branches so maybe there are other phenos. You have 2 branchy plants i think… topped they get real wide. The rest grow similar to Himalayans, ( apically dominant)but not so woody or extreme height indoors and much better node spacing. Just need to top to get the bottom branches to grow before they get shaded with these phenos. Outdoors they might grow branches…my plants weren’t old enough to show what they could do.
I think its possible the “Joe” pheno was the original keeper pheno Holy Smoke released…and the other plants came from seeds whicg were from unauthorized or authorized open pollinations done by malberry, which caused quality to slip. Just growing the offspring of Joe, the plants on average, have better resin this generation. The bx will improve it and the structure further. The bx will be :fire: I think. I’m going to do one more bx with Joe, but I might work with this bx generation for more variety. I like it already. Check out the resin on the fruity pheno( right side photo one) compared to Joe( seeded buds on left side photo 1). Resin equal to Joe I think, keeping in mind Poor Joe has been fondled repeatedly when I see ripe seed, and is showing the wear and tear.

I was looking at earlier photos in the thread and at the time I was saying the fruity serrated leaf pheno was the runt…and the pictured plant I was talking about was branchy like the fruity pheno… . I don’t know now which of the two is the runt. They are both nice. Three #*@:boom:ing plants and I couldn’t keep track of what’s what. Lol
Oaxaca is turning me into Cheech. Wait…what was I saying???:grin:lol.


Yeah, it looks like a natural topping. It may just keep alternating and stretching, but right now it looks like it wants to split. :v:


Sorry @Upstate…going through my recent post I saw this…I didnt post it. internet bug or something


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These are short.


Yes ,they are shorties. Kandahar is an area that has farmed the kush varieties for a long time, While Sativas dominated elsewhere in Afghanistan.


Could be fasciated. Are those stems flattened @drgreensleeves ?


Have you ever tested the composition of the terpenes in your Peshawar sativa variety?


@mexcurandero420 No, not formally. Just by smoking, and only one plant ( Joe) as the others were fully seeded as part of this coop seedrun.
Pinene, for sure. Limonene, for sure. Some fruit…hmmm what terpene makes fruit smells? I doubt there is any myrcene…
Is there a pissene?:grin: