(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

Here is a chart with the most common terpenes found in Cannabis.


So I got this habit of tasting the sap when I top a plant and wow :flushed: these are definitely something special to work with I wish I could afford to do some testing , so I got 3 “branchy” ones like Joe and 2 of them have purple sap and the biggest of the bunch tasted so good I ate most of the top :slight_smile: it had a piney , citrisy /zesty kinda like the white stringy part of an orange with a hint of pepper it’s really good :slight_smile: lol but then check this out one of the bean pole ones had very little taste but numbed my whole tongue like lidocaine ! I didn’t expect that at all lol I bet there is some really good medicine in these genetics for sure and let me tell you what that one plant tasted so good I could probably eat that whole thing like a salad and I wouldn’t even need dressing :slight_smile: lol PS oh and final tally is 6 female 3 males


That is fascinating. Sap tasting could provide a terpene preview for cultivars, as well as previewing the medicinal effects on the nervous system…


Myrcene could be very low compared to the broadleafed cousins in Afghanistan and Pakistan.Another terpene which can give you tge couchlock effect is Linalol, main constituent in Lavender.


I have one of those. Try some orange juice right after lol. Nasty! In Malawi natives chew leaves for toothaches.
Sounds like you have some keepers. I’ve gotten to the point where I have to stop myself from picking buds every time I go in the room. My patience has worn thin. I too eat the leaves for inflammation. Problem is I always forget to remember if it works lol.
I’ll have to check for sap. I never think to look but I know lots of peeps go apeshit over colored sap. It is neat.
Also, some pollen is white, not yellow with these.


Let’s hope animals don’t agree.


Wow, that’s trippy. Never seen white pollen from weed. Very cool.


I think myrcene is low in this one compared to bld strains. Mostly pinene/ limonene,
And I forgot incense. Smoke smells like incense and after handling buds, fingers can smell like incense, too. Smell is old school for sure…so maybe some terpinolene in there too…it’s a bit floral like lilacs sometimes I suppose.


Only heard of white pollen in lolab Valley kashmir. I’m sure this one is from the Western end of the Himalayas originally. Close to kashmir if I had to guess.
Tirah valley shows kashmir traits too. Very long leaf petioles like the Kashmir barefrog collected. A wet region trait not found in the kush, to my knowledge.


Oh and anyone that was interested In that crazy “Cousin It” plant pictured up above, Ace seeds has it in stock. Don’t forget me if you make seeds😁
150 Euros for it.
Ahhhh screw it. Group buy time. I need 10 people to go in on cousin it seeds. Also need a volunteer to reproduce it for the group of buyers. Anyone that is interested lay claim here. I’m number one and we need 9 more people that want to go in on it…


@YoBigdaddy, @Guitarzan @GREANDAL @Tejas any interest? Group buy? 10 people, $20 each.


To get us back on track…some Peshawar buds beginning to fill out.


I’m in pp is on its way.


Put me down for a some cousin it seeds. I have pay pal. Just give me details.:peace_symbol:


Me too put me down on on that list I also got pp just let me know what to do @upstate for the cousin it deal


Sure, let me know your PP info, thanks buddy!


@George Ace doesn’t ship to the states. Would you be our purchaser if I cover you and get you in on the buy? It’s a 12 week Indica…right up your alley in effects I think.
@drgreensleeves you’re in. That’s 4 now. @Tejas #5
Here’s more info on the Kandahar IT. By the way they also have black tiger in stock. Another good one. Black.traits…$40 each would get both. Just sayin😁

My spidey senses that have developed over the last 30 years tell me that these are both special.


I’m down for $40, that Black Tiger could be fire!


Sweet! . AND deeez gave me a link to get BOTH for $200. It’s 220 with shipping. Close enough.
@deeez99 is #6


I just love those black plants. I will have a heck of a time acclimating anything black to my area…but still will try.