(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

Looking nice in here!! Good call on pollinating joe as well.


Yeah, joe is gonna be a momma!

:green_heart: :seedling:


this thread is right up my alley! The military used to fly jets real low over my garden now and then, hugging the foothills to stay under radar, because the little slice of norcal in which it resides has a strong resemblance to… afghanistan :grin:. I’ve been intensely interested in any 30°N+ sativas. In fact, looking for them is what brought me to OG to begin with! so I’ll be keeping a very close eye on this :eyes:


@Upstate wow!! Crazy you started this thread!! I had started following a guy on YT from Peshawar area (I think it’s in Southern Afghanistan) recently and man I tell you… I think we’ve been doing it all wrong!! This guy is growing :fire: in Sand/ Dirt/ Rocks… no soil amendments, seed sprouted teas, compost teas etc… check him out.



He’s got some strains that smell like dead animals. I’d love to get my hands on some. I think it’s crazy how this guys is growing in dirt with just water and minimal at that. In heat that is just as hot if not hotter than it is in Texas right now. I’m struggling to keep what I have alive in this Texas year with all the spoiling I’m doing to my plants with compost teas, watering heavy, in organic soil. Sheeeh


Oh man I’m really interested in this. I can’t wait to see


This is crazy :anguished:
I definitely have could learn some things from that guy.
I’m very curious as to how he can accomplish that. Maybe it’s just how the strain has been growing for so long out there ?
Like do you think beans from here would do so well out there ?


You had me at Sativa, but the Afghan really adds to to excitement!


@HappyTrees23s check out the website link they have landraces from all over the world. I was actually able to talk to him via WhatsApp. (Not sure if this is allowed so let me know and I’ll remove it) but he showed me his collection and different landraces. He’s got quite the collection of both hashish and beans. He does not speak very good English either. So there was a language barrier. Oh and there’s this Black plant he’s got that I would consider crossing the desert through taliban territory to get. It looks like some straight :fire:


i talked to that guy on instagram awhile ago and he wanted $2000 for 200 seeds


he said that was the least he would sell until his website was up

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I still have most of the Durand line varieties. There are a couple Sativa dominant lines, such as Arghandhab#1…but most lines from Southern Afghanistan are a mix of the local landrace, which is a low yielding kush and imported stock from Northern Afghanistan and from other more distant areas of the Hindu Kush range, which slices Afghanistan in half Latitudally( is that a word?) making a northern and southern region that HAD very different genetics. Not so much the case today, but if you are looking for something more drought resistant to grow in a place like Texas I would choose South Afghanistan. Also check out Balochistan. I’ve been telling any Southwestern grower that will listen to look into this region of Pakistan if they want to grow trees with minimal watering and other effort.
You can find a black plant from any of the Durand lines. It’s really the luck of the draw.


Definitely not lol! It has taken hundreds or perhaps several thousands of years for the farmers to breed plants to reach the size they do( some are massive) with the low amount of feeding/ watering required to get them there. When you look at a 20-ft Afghani tree… you’re looking at thousands of years of breeding :muscle:
In the states we have been able to make some fantastic outdoor genetics but we definitely stand on the shoulders of others before us.


The Afghan farmer? Or ILE?


I imagine their technique is similar to Eel River Organics here in the States. It’s a method called “Dry Farming.” Pretty interesting


the afghan farmer but im pretty sure he’s from Pakistan or at least lives really close to there. He has a greenhouse in Pakistan for his crops, but man his genetics look phenomenal wish i could grow some afghani monsters like his.


The Durand line is an old British survey line that now divides Pakistan and Afghanistan in some areas. It’s quite possible that some of the Afghan crops are attended by Pakistani Growers but the crops from the Durand Line are all in Afghanistan. Definitely be wary who you give your money to. My friend and fellow overgrower @Shiv9545 was ripped off trying to buy a large Afghan seed order from Pakistan. I would recommend Landrace Warden (IG) as a safe Pakistani vendor.


Makes sense from what ive read some “border cities” are both listed to Afghanistan and Pakistan. I did not feel comfortable purchasing from him, kinda seems shady. Im sorry that your friend got ripped off i know all to well how it feels to be scammed and fucked over, i really do sympathize with your friend.


Plants have been in flower about a week now. I’ve folded and pinched the tops of some of them in an effort to get them make a uniform canopy. I’ve been trying to upload pictures for a few days now but I am having issues. I bought a new phone and never used it. I’ll have to wipe the dust off of it and get some pictures so i can post them. Everything’s doing good. Joe is going through some nitrogen right now and I can’t keep up. I had the same issue with kashmir last year, only worse. If you guys were going to top dress an Afghan plant( that’s about 5 ft tall and wide )organically for nitrogen, what would you use and how much would you use a month into flowering? 2 weeks ago I top dressed with a small handful of chicken poop and maybe a couple teaspoons of blood meal. I’m thinking I should have done about three tablespoons of each and I should have thrown in some kelp meal too. I also added about a tablespoon of fishbone meal which is 3 18 0. I’ve gotten used to growing smaller tropical Sativa plants that don’t need much or any food. The plant is going through two or three fan leaves a day.


if joe needs nitrogen now, have you considered something more direct? Like say the liquid, yellow kind? NOT as a foliar btw :joy: