(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

I like to top dress with alfalfa meal and kelp meal up into the first few weeks of flower, if they just started you can probably do the same although it may have been best to do it a week or two ago as it can take a few weeks to kick in. I go with 1/4 cup of each in 25 gallon pots, thinking if yours are in the ground, 1/2 cup each should be more than safe.

If you want to give it a quick hit, making a tea might be best. 1 cup alfalfa and 1/4 cup kelp meal steeped in 5 gallons of water for 48 hours and can be used as or part of your regular watering (not sure how much water you are using?)


Thank you ElGalloBlanco( the white cat?) and @ChongoBongo you too.( Watch out where the Huskies go and don’t you eat that yellow snow). If it was earlier in the season I would consider taking a leak on the plant roots but I think that might be too much nitrogen at this point and I have to carry the container in every day by bear hugging it. That doesn’t sound fun LOL.
I’m going to brew some tea. The leaves started to Yellow after I hit it with tea last time. I think I gave the microlife such a boost they started consuming nitrogen more then it was available in the soil. This time I will add more nitrogen top dressing before the tea.
I know some people earlier mentioned that in reading some threads they saw where people were saying the Peshawar seed they purchased was an extremely long flowering sativa of some sort. I can now say with confidence that Joe is most definitely some sort of Afghan or Pakistani strain. The others are looking similar to how Joe looked a while back. The buds on Joe are unmistakably Afghan type


Haha, the white rooster… And I love some Frank Zappa, Willie the Pimp being one of my favorites. Anyway, yeah the plants in those sized pots would probably do best with a tea. Maybe give it to them once a week for the next couple weeks and see how they respond.


Tea is brewing now. Joe should be in a 15 or 20 gallon pot for sure and I can only handle lifting 10 gallons. I should have put some food spikes in there when I put the 5 gallon container in the 10 gallon.
Good news! 3 confirmed males, all from @Zanzibar seed. He deserves a hearty thank you for saving this seed run. I could tell he didn’t really want to part with the seeds but did it anyway for everybody’s benefit. Thanks buddy! VERY OG of you!
That leaves 5 ladies for the seedrun, including Joe. I was beginning to worry that Joe would be a little far along for pollination once the males finally started dumping pollen but I see some pollen sac formation now and the pollen will definitely come out in time to hit some of Joe’s lower buds. The plan now is to continue bringing the plants indoors each night until September 1st, at which point the days will be short enough for flowering to continue naturally and all of the plants ( minus Joe, who will be getting only a partial pollination)will be brought to a secret location for some serious baby making!


Males= last photo


they look lovely. Thank you for doing this for the community!



Happy to do it. Hope all goes well til the end :pray: …so far so good.
Headed to get some 5 gallon containers


All looking mighty fine there @Upstate !:green_heart::v:


They’re looking great!
What are you getting for smells?


The canopy is starting to fill in on some of them so I’m thinking this should be a successful seed run. Hoping to be able to mature the seeds Outdoors but if I run into some mold issues I’ll bring them in when its wet or humid. So far so good. They are handling 90% humidity just fine. No leaf or stem diseases, which is perhaps a clue to an ancestry that lies in a wetter region. Peshawar Valley itself is very dry. The height and structure of Joe is similar to wetter Kashmir strains and so is the love of extra Nitrogen. However, The leaf petioles are shorter, the leaf serrations not as deep and the smells are different than Kashmir. The story is that Afghanistan’s sativas came more Northern regions
There aren’t any areas north of Afghanistan that have abundant rainfall that I can think of offhand, but they may exist. How far north of Afghanistan hasnt been determined. Myself, When I look at the big Afghanistan sativa dominant trees in places like Mazar-i-sharif or Kandahar where they import seed from n Afghanistan, they remind me of Himalayan strains which lie to the Southeast. Even the columnar growth of some plants I have seen in pictures look very Himalayan like . They must be used to growing in tight quarters alongside other wild plants in a field setting. I can only speculate about the truth. It would be pretty cool to get this one tested and determine ancestry or help to pin it down. I think Joe is just one of the possible phenotypes to be pulled out of Peshawar. Likely the most desireable pheno for indoor growers/ container growers. I expect some of these other plants to be taller and lankier. They really didn’t have enough time to fully Express their form. You all will have to grow The Offspring and find that out for me😁


I’m terrible with smells. Today is very very humid and will be a good day to detect smells. I will try my best when I get home but I am usually limited to the same conclusion. It smells great but I don’t know what it smells like LOL. I’ll at least narrow it down.
It’s not that I don’t have a good nose, it’s the fact that I have a pallette with limited knowledge😁. The local stores keep offering us the same crap they fed us 30 years ago. I wish they would bring in some new foods so I could try something different to introduce my nose to new scents. If it doesn’t smell like something ( fruit or veggies) that grows in New york, California, or Florida, I don’t know the smell☹.


Ok. Here’s my smell observations of Joe. I smell catpiss for sure sniffing the bud​:drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:( i LOVE pissy pot!). Smelling my fingers afterwards i smell a very strong cinnamon smell. Delicious! I’d say the plant is beyond mid flower by a week or two. Anyone know when I started flowering? Pretty sure it’s somewhere back there in the thread. I’m guessing 5 weeks ago? Here’s a few pictures of Joe. One pollen sac ripened last night on a male and i pulled it off and put it on wax paper to use for pollination today. More pollen is close behind​:grin: let the baby making commense!



Normally the first male to ripen is not necessarily the most potent but in this instance I think it might be. It has a very very smelly stem rub. I just picked off another half dozen flowers that were nearly open on it, and 1 from the next male. I put them in a small plastic dish where they will open up and spill pollen over the next few hours. After my other plants go indoors I will pollinate Joe again. I was able to hit four decent size buds yesterday. Maybe 100-150 seeds will come of it. I’ll continue pollinating anything down low that isn’t receiving lots of light later today. Once the main colas are finished and harvested it will open these inner pollinated branches up to some sunlight to finish in around 6 weeks time.


I just checked and it appears that I have been flowering Joe for 6 or 7 weeks now. If I started when I said I did it was after June 21st…about 8 weeks. However, I seem to remember waiting a couple weeks until July 4th to get a little more size and to let the other plants catch up. Around 6 weeks if thats the case. Looks like maybe a 10 or 11 week plant. What are you guys thinking? Another month?


@Upstate You keep setting the bar high my friend. This project has been exciting to watch. These plants are unique and they don’t look like any Afghani or Afghani hybrid I’ve ever grown.

Any chance I might be able to get a little Peshawar pollen to brush a few buds?


Let’s see how much pollen the males want to throw out, but I’m sure I can get you a" pods" worth at the least.
These are definitely neat plants. Joe has my whole flowering room smelling like a litter box. It’s disgustingly wonderful! I’m nearly certain now that my uncle’s old Afghan is indeed Peshawar, at least in part if not entirely. I have had various names for my favorite afghani phenotype over the years. Yellow was one name I used because as soon as flowering started all the fan leaves would yellow up and fall off. This phenotype was also known as the golden one, Crystal… Field weed…pissy pot… I had different names for different years to help me remember what year the seed was from. Smells like cat piss just like this Peshawar. I had been saying for years that my 75 Afghan was different than most Afghans, because it wasn’t an Indica High. Now I do believe I know the answer as to where my uncle’s genetics came from. I swear some days I think I’m growing my own strain, the plants are so similar. Pretty cool! Even the shape of the buds, being pointy is the same


As always, thank you for the effort you put on these threads and on documenting the strains, I will grow soon this strain and didnt knew this thread. Also one question, since you grew them, do you think malberry gear is legit? Dont know much about the bank so any info is appreciated!

Now, time to read everything :rofl:


@Zanzibar has tried this Holy Smoke Peshawar from Malberry and says it was worth revisiting again and seemed as advertised. I only have one mature plant to go by so far, but the others seem like Sativas, stretch and all. The leaves look like Joe’s leaves. We’ll know more soon but They seem legit so far.


Happy to report that all of the ladies are flowering like you would expect from a 10 or 12 week plant. There are five of them and they seem quite like Joe. The two males are very nice and I apologize I still haven’t gotten a picture. One of them is very very smelly and the other one also has a good smell and tight flower clusters. The individual flowers themselves are massive on the strain. The biggest I’ve seen. Been collecting pollen the last couple days. Going to get some rain today so I brought the plants indoors and tomorrow morning I should be able to give them a good shake before putting them back out. Assuming I have some time this weekend the plants will all be going to their final home. 5 gallon fabric containers never happened because the store was out and they’ve been on backorder…so some of these will be going into 10 gallon.


Those look awesome! Really exotic looking too. :smiley: :v: