(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

Indeed bro, in principle the selection of white pollen producer should help the offspring to be more BLD with bigger trichs and oily properties of extract ! :yum:


Now that is even more interesting… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I am pretty sure @JoeCrowe would be interested in hearing this.
I wonder how that would pair with something like @TomHill haze???
Or even old Peshawar here, I suspect you may be thinking that yourself. :thinking:

Thanks again!


Very interesting indeed! That’s an amazing visual indicator for selection process friggin awesome, thanks @roms , for the knowledge bro :slight_smile:


Really? I think it’s just one plant the seeds came off of and not a strain. And since it can go bld or nld in looks, Maybe It’s just clever marketing? Or perhaps they did a controlled pollination with the original?
I’ll have to look, but my understanding was that
Black Tiger was just a very nice plant.


Atao’s theory yes, i’m the first light online about that on this planet, BLDA or NLDA understanding btw!

:green_heart::v: :green_heart:

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Apparently 2 different phenos of the same strain.
Different morphology/structure/ flavor/ effects listed for each pheno



Definitely the case( high altitude and white pollen) with Lolab Valley, which is from 4,000- 10 000 feet.
Likely Peshawar too, which I hypothesize is a transplanted Himalayan= high attitude and white pollen). Both have or can have white pollen.


Ok, now you got me curious here.
I know BL is short for Broad Leaf.
And the D is for drug type.
I must admit I did not know what the is A was short for?
I looked it up and was referenced back to you on ICrag…LOL
Funny shit…
To quote @Roms
Broad Leaf Drug Ancestor

I do need to start using the BL and NL references more often.
I think other folks are starting to catch on to use that as the proper term instead of indica/sativa.


I can give you a falsification method. Get a microscope, pollen and 10000 lumens. Do a time lapse, then see how much viable pollen is left. While you are at it, do a trichome count on some females. Those observations are needed to generate a theory or else it’s just mind garbage.


+UV, temp xtrem variation and atmospheric less pressure labo :face_with_monocle:

Just joke ^^


You can test those variables as well, but you have to make sure and test them one at a time. It’s like working on a computer system if you make 100 changes and then it works, you can’t know what actually fixed it. Or in this case, which variable damaged the pollen.


Absolutely bro nice to meet you! :v:

First test as high UV and lumens no doubt! But imho it’s the combo that like it like that.


They ran some seeds from the Black Tiger plant and then did narrow and Broadleaf selections. Save your money. We’ll do it too. I’m sure Black Tiger was a plant name. The Strain/ landrace is Kandahar. Most Kandahar landraces are an Indica/ Sativa split(= both ancestors )
So you can pull either type from one momma. Lots of Dads in a field.
Many Kandahar strains are recent hybrids. 15 years ago in some cases. Lots of Mazar in Kandahar now. They import kush seeds as well as using their own landrace too. I’d call Kandahar an heirloom


Do we want to do an OP with the Black Tiger or try to select out nld from bld?


Do you recall a time when you felt daunted by the sheer volume of information available about cannabis.
This is how I currently feel.


We’ve all got the skills to select forward, might as well give ourselves the broadest genetic range possible.


Do an OP first so we got stock then do selections from there , my 2cents


I would open pollinate first run, But when collecting seeds, you could separate them on the basis of wide or narrow leaf mommas And label them as such if you want to help the search later on


I recall having an epiphany , Realizing that I knew next to nothing about landraces, after researching them for at least a year or probably 2. Once you start getting accurate information About a Given topic, You’ll be able to wade through the bullshit And find more accurate information quicker and quicker, But then that’s only one topic ( landraces)of many isn’t it? Cannabis has many facets. I never feel daunted by the information. I’m happy I will never Run out of things to learn about this plant


I dont know what to trust in regards to plants cultivated for atleast 100+ years without much variation or mix up.

All this “new” afghan stuff could just be the same shit in the dispensary down the street.

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