(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

Yes that’s what stood out to me too and then the new flush of pistils. Looking like she wants to just keep going!


Thanks for the link!


It does look like the one plant would keep flowering doesn’t it? Have you tried dropping the light cycle?
The plants express completely differently under the LED lights Is when compared to the metal highlight HPS combo. This seems to be more Fox tailing with LED. How is the resin? Looks good on the last plant but it’s hard Is to tell with the other photos.


I actually had not thought to drop the light cycle because I thought they were finishing up for the most part. But I now see the Mozambique that’s in the flower room is starting to look similar so I did dial the light back 15 min just this morning and will adjust it another 15 min maybe in the next week or two.

The Peshawar are outside now and I’m going to harvest this weekend, there is good resin on the flowers. Too difficult to capture them all in photos but they will make some good hash I think.


You must be in Colorado, Wyoming, or Montana… lol.

It’s our “cat hair” for photos, heh. I pick a lot of fuzz off my plants here in SoCo. We haven’t had any moisture to speak of and trees are still just trying to leaf out. No flowering stuff this year so far.


In case you missed it … beer3|nullxnull



I’m actually in AZ!

haha yea for sure but I’m just thankful this happens in the spring when I don’t normally have flowering plants outside. However, I did have a few plants this year that I moved outdoors as I was getting ready to harvest and for the few branches that I didn’t get to they ended up looking like this below. Needless to say these went into the hash pile.


That image might send some people into insanity thinking they had a massive spider mite infestation, lol. Burn it all!!

It does look a little scary! :v:


:slight_smile: Lol not for a natural farmer :slight_smile: here in the 573 I got these cool little spiders that showed up not a jumping spider (which I love) but this one I’m talking about makes small little webs and kinda pulls at the leafs a little bit inward lol at first I thought spider mites! So I went to eyeballing! Lol and where the petiole and the branch and the stalk all come together and where the most webyness :slight_smile: was was a colorful tiny little spider like the sizes of say a grain of rice maybe slightly smaller but not much so I just left him:)


Sounds like just what you want on guard Duty


Yep, I let spiders live on the plant as long as they want. They tend to be great predators. :nerd_face:


@Gman I typically have a couple visitors who make home on my outdoor plants every year.
2 years ago was a GIANT cucumber spider that spun its web between the top 2 colas. It was so strong that it would pull them in about 2 inches.
Last year was some huge yellow backed spider that loved hanging out in the bottom branches.
I never like to bother them, as they are great at keeping other pests away.


Best plant soldiers ever.



And another group photo :slight_smile: I e topped 2 of the other 5 twice I’m only waiting on the other to grow out a bit so I’ll have something else to top :slight_smile:

And last but not least the little male that could :slight_smile:


Love to see them in the wilderness… beer3|nullxnull


Thanks George!


Maybe these peshawar just need the room to properly develop their branches. Mine were cramped for space. Looking good!
@deeez99 good idea to drop the light cycle. I’d go down to 11/13 if you are able to.
We’ve got Cottonwood and other trees making fluff here now, too. Floating thru the air everywhere in the main valley. Makes it a real pain in the ass to have a late spring picnic and not eat any by accident.
Looks like the serrated runt will reveg. I don’t know if it will get big enough soon enough to have a decent plant this summer, but I’m trying anyway.
@HumblePie420 this is early re-veg.

New leaves often or maybe even always have a shine to them.
You don’t have to leave much of a plant behind to re veg it
Lol. I see a fluffy hitchhiker in some of the photos


Interesting. I still don’t see any amber resin.


They have now all been topped a second time except the one I’m letting go all natural so we can see natural structure :slight_smile:


Maybe it never intended to let it’s trichomes get to amber… buwhaaahahahah. :smiling_imp: