(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

The “Natty” un-topped one smells like a carrot on the stem rub intriguing I didn’t expect it , I expected pine or like the white part of a orange but carrot @Upstate idk but I smelled carrot maybe it’ll change I don’t know I kinda hope it translates into the flower :slight_smile:

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Carrot smoothies are nice.



good news bad news on the oaxacan x peshawar’s. Good news: out of 5 seeds, one of them is doing great!

Bad news: none of the other 4 came up :sweat_smile::sob::gun: So I mourned a little and planted three more :joy:

I decided to do an autopsy on the casualties to try to sniff out why they didn’t come up, most of them were chitting in their water cup before I planted them. Immediately I noticed the dirt was way denser and muddier than I first thought. I digged around a little and two had no signs of a seed at all, as if it composted away, one showed some green mush that looked like cotyledons that failed to push through the surface. Just buried too deep in dirt too dense. Damn shame.

But in the fourth one, I found a little bit of hope - a pale yellow, almost white little ball that looked like a closed cotyledon that had shed its seed. It was still firm and dense to the touch like something alive and wouldn’t budge when I tapped it, so I unburied it, fed it a little bittle of 9-3-6 foliage pro, and after a few days…



Get some perlite for your mix. Give yer roots some air.:+1:t2:


Here’s my Oaxaca


all my other seed starts had plenty, I don’t know why I used the mix I did that time :man_facepalming: You can see the difference in perlite between the healthy oaxacapesh and the survivor


As for germination, i used to put them in dirt, I’ve just recently (last two grows) been using the paper towel method. Been doing well for me. Just a thought.:peace_symbol:

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It’s all good, I know what I did wrong and it’ll be a lot harder to repeat it next time :+1: I’ve otherwise had a ~95% success rate this season sowing directly in soil, I just kept grabbing different sources of old dirt to use and mixing in perlite. I must have forgot to mix perlite in those last few handfuls :man_shrugging:


I lost my first attempt too.

Numbah 2 is trying to break soil now.


@ChongoBongo Nice save on that one! Definitely been in that situation too. I’ve actually had a few instances during the autopsy that I found tiny little larva that had eaten away the insides of the seed (I assumed maybe gnat larva).

I’m with you on this also, it’s been so much easier this season and have had a near perfect success rate also. I’ll probably only use the paper towel method for older stock or really expensive seeds.

@Greenfingers nice healthy looking plant :+1: Very curious what type of smell these will produce.


Are you there buddy? Hope you are OK. OG misses you😁


It’s my first try with a long flowering strain inside. I’ve tried to do a couple different strains outside, Nevilles haze is one of them. They don’t finish in my area.


There was a @misterbee sighting, the day before yesterday! He was lurking around a seed run I think it was the Chernobyl thread , I think lol


I posted a week ago after talking to him. He spent some time with an old friend while he was dying. Once he got back home he was having issues that turned out to be his heart. The doc put him on bedrest and told him to sort of give everything a break for a bit. I suspect he’ll be back before too long. He seemed in good sprits and like his usual self. He also said that he’ll get right back to any unfinished business with people just as soon as he gets back.

:+1: :v:


Looking good. You definitely have the compact pheno. You can up pot to 5 gallons, and it will not get big on you( i can’t tell what its in). This pheno yields nice buds if given root space. Usually pine/ cedar or incense smell. 13-15 weeks for this one.


Joe’s bx daughter, 12 12 from seed. I don’t know the age, but it was born just before I chopped Joe. The plant is around 26 inches

Topped at the 4th node. Will begin training soon.


This one, a serrated female progeny, just survived 25 degrees. It was 37 at sundown, so it must have been below freezing for hours.


Incredible what this plant can get used to huh?


I can tell you the males had roots that were almost filing the pot, I’ll give this another day and put her in a bigger container. Thanks for your help my friend.:peace_symbol:


I couldn’t wait :joy: This is the biggest one I had. Looks to be abot a 3 gallon bucket. This one was root bound too. This plant grows an inch a day, tomorrow is 7 weeks flower