(complete) Holy Smoke Seeds Peshawar Afghan Coop Seed Run

Tough plants. A Tirah Valley seedling and a couple revegging males survived and so did a Silversides Oaxaca, but i had put straw on top of that plant. No frost burn on any of them and there was a very heavy frost.


You aren’t the only one. I’m guilty too. Sometimes we get a little too excited and jump the gun.:grin:
@Greenfingers looking good. Don’t forget to put that in the Central American Landrace thread.


:man_facepalming: Me tooo… :confounded:

Damn, I keep changing my seed starting method and I always pay for it. I just lost about 4-5 seeds from damping off. Damn, I’m not big on the paper towels but at least you can see them open.

I gotta plant a couple more of the Swazi Red, and Mazari, too. Nothing from my only 3 Malawi seeds. Bummed.


How are you germinating seeds?

Paper towels and bagged seed starter mix has been really successful for me. Well over 90%.

Compared to traditional agricultural practices my germination rates are insane. When I read grow guides and they say to plant twenty thyme seeds and expect 2-4 weeks for germination I laugh. Give me a half dozen seeds and 2-5 days. I will have enough to share with you. I attribute that to learning growing in an era where a ganja seed might cost $5-$20 per seed. Every damn seed was individually taken care of.


Bummer @GMan. I have some Afropips Malawi I could spare. Just a few, but they are pretty fresh. Rsc version.

The Joe Bx plant is taking off. It occurred to me that maybe I could grow a huge plant from seed with this one. I’m tempted to up pot. There’s no flowers forming yet, so I could probably get this up towards six feet even now, if I had a mind to. If you were to start one of these in a big container, it would get as big as Joe, 12 12 from seed. It’s in a 2 gallon pot now, and just went outdoors
I think soon it will look like Joe in form.

Topping early is the key with these for sure.


Moving in the positive….underway…


Polyploid Tirah Peshawar? This one germinated in a roadside ditch at a job site Where I planted it a couple weeks ago just to check germination. I’ll have to dig it up now. Never saw Another one like it.


I could send you some MG, just let me know.


I meant to post this yesterday, I thought I did so if this is repeat I’m sorry :slight_smile:
Un-topped I put a wheelbarrow and some buckets to try to improve the visibility :slight_smile: I hope it helped

@Upstate I love her structure and to think this was the smallest one :slight_smile:


My cat ate my strange Tirah Peshawar, sadly. ( I had dug ot up and brought it home to sit in a window til this weekend.) Little shit. Gave him a huge pile of fresh catnip and he eats my plant. Oh well. Not meant to be I guess.
@drgreensleeves look at that one! Nice and bushy. I love it’s structure too. Gotta love those runts!:wink:
You’ll be smoking this Peshawar all winter. I’m really liking the hash. It’s get up and go smoke. A few days ago I was completely gassed shortly after lunch and then I remembered I had a chunk of hash in the car. I was jogging back and forth within minutes lol.
Here’s the Joe BX2. Another few Peshawar bx 2 have sprouted out of my dirt pile, and one sprouted up with a Durban plant(.a new cross suggested by the great spirit? I’ll ablige if the Peshawar is a gal. The Durban is male) I decided to keep them.
I uppotted to 5 gallon today. The plant wants to be big, so I won’t stop her. Curious to see how big and what yield I can get 12 12 from seed.

She is looking like momma


Yes! And did you notice that she has the skinniest leaf of all :slight_smile: hopefully that means “super racey” :slight_smile: PS lol probably not but one can hope :slight_smile:


more mixed news on the oaxacan x peshawar …

only 1 of the three new starts came up, and the survivor I dug up from before has bit the dust.

I have no clue what happened to it. It obviously made some progress. I asked my grow buddy what happened, why he didn’t tell me or text me pictures so we could work on a solution, and all I got was “I thought it was a gonner” :man_facepalming: I love the guy to death but I just wish he’d put in the amount of love I do. Not much I can say though, I’m blessed he lets me share his grow space with him and that he helps out as much as he does already, because he does help me a lot.

I did a little more playing at plant doctor and we’ll see if I can get anything out of the two that haven’t come up. One looks better than the other…Details will follow if anything happens :crossed_fingers:

The two that are living are lush and green, and have been placed into their final home…

They’re sharing their very very organic 4’x8’ with 4 of @CADMAN 's c99 x sour strawberry (#5 was donated along with some other plants to a friend’s grow) You can just barely see the two oaxacan x peshawar in the bottom right of this next photo

As you might guess, the c99 x ss and the oa. x pesh. were started several weeks apart, which would account for the size difference

Here’s hoping for two females :crossed_fingers::grimacing::crossed_fingers:


I’ll be keeping a log here if anyone wants to follow:


Good luck with the survivors. Go light on the feeding until they are a bit bigger, and 50% Normal nitrogen levels, with a bump up at the start of flowering if the plants are Peshawar dominant.


I snapped a top off the Peshawar yesterday, dangit. Uppotted to a 5 gallon container just a few days ago, too. Might be overkill now, we’ll see.


So how big do you think they are going to get? :slight_smile:


Man, this is gonna be great!


If they are facing south(the equator), they will probably reach 11ft by August. Looking really good, so far.


Boy they grew up nicely. Looks like you topped them all? They may not get too tall if you did. Otherwise, there’s no telling since you got them in so early. Looking great!


The one on the far left in front is the only one un-topped and I’m going to let her go :slight_smile: but yes the other 5 have been topped twice and a couple of them I might do it again but I’m nervous about it :slight_smile: lol @GMan