(complete) Kashmir- A place for my Freaker grow

The seeds are all shucked and sorted (90% some smallest need to be removd.)

These are the smallest seeds I have made. I need to get the freaker portion mailed and hope to have enough for a partial co-op run.
:green_heart: :seedling:


@G-paS Your hard work is appreciated! Thank you :grinning:


Small seeds grow into big plants😁


I have the seeds all shucked. After the spring box was packaged, I started to replace the floor in the “co-op”/crating room.

I thought this would be a few days and done. NOT! :rage:

I got the carpet, carpet tack strips and pad pulled out.
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I started pulling carpet staple and keep finding more :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I got all the trim boards pulled because I decided to pull the 45 year old pine ones (still as nice as the day I nailed them in) and replace with oak.

Then I realize the ceiling is still painted the same color as the paint I covered last year when I remolded part of the room. I put up shelves for the crafting and co-op stuff.
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I finished the ceiling today :grin:


Before I can replace the floor which was all I was going to do, I have to apply leveling compound as the plywood isn’t level. I also have to patch the wall in places, opps with the pry bars. Then re-paint the walls. The ceiling fixture and outlets, also 45+ years old need to be replaced


Do it do it! I was gonna ask how the pt went but damn girl you are making up for lost time! Glad to see you seem to be doing better and it’s gonna look amazing. All new and shiney and that white on ceiling looks to make the room seem bigger.


Always takes more, and not less time than you figured lol. Once you make a " clean spot" it feels so good, your goals expand. Looking good! Glad you’re able to do this kind of work now. How’s the shoulders holding up?
Excellent work shucking those seeds, too. I’m looking forward to this one. Hearing that Zepplin song in my head again


The shoulder is part of the problem it is at 75-80%. That is when PT stops being covered by my insurance.

Excatly @Upstate

:green_heart: :seedling:


The next thing was to seal the floor with Kilz

After I got the ceiling painted I had to take a break;

And the house;

The adjuster said 3 barns and the house have roof damage.

Back to the new floor;
I was able to get the underlayment down. NOT easy as it looked/


I started laying the floor and this happened;
The first photo I taped the flap back so I could go on but blood kept pouring. I had to give in and go to urgent care and get it glued. I turned down ER and stitches. It was a long time to stop bleeding so they could glue. I am a bleeder.

The floor went on hold a few days. My sister came and I had to move the co-op stuff back in the room. I got to get help cutting the last row. Somebody to trust me and hold or they can cut. :rofl:


Looking very nice!
You’re a worker like me.
 you don’t have to really put your bones into it! It has bones of its own! Be careful!
See you Saturday! :kissing_heart:


It’s just a flesh wound! Ooooweee1 And you’re not even going to tells us how? And, you kept on going! I’ve laid a lot of flooring, and had guys want to go home just cause they nailed their foot to the floor

Good to see you stopped at the vent, don’t ask why I say that, lol!

It looks really nice, hope you’re a fast healer :slight_smile:


Wusses! The flooring needs to be scored and cracked. If you don’t score hard enough it brack wrong and is scrap. So, I scored thru the finger holding the board when I slipped. It was the whole pad. I didn’t think it would take. But, with the timely help at the Urgent
Care it almost all healed down. ER, I would have lost it. I went thru that with the Ex. It would have healed if he butterflied it but sitting in ER for 4 hours with somebody applying Betadine every time they walked in killed the living tissue and left a big a** care on his thumb.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Just a heads up. I will have enough seeds after the freaker distribution for Kashmir seeds. They are small like the ones I received to grow.
:green_heart: :seedling:


I’ve heard from several sources that Kashmir beans are teensy! That’s super fun


Omg, wow! :grimacing:
Uh, you’re supposed to score the floor, not your finger!
I stay away from the hospital at all cost myself. Especially the ER. I have my own superglue, lol.


I scream it from the rooftops with ya brother. I’m truly terrified of waking up in hospital or ambulance. Not sticking anything in me.lol
@G-paS that floor and the rest of the room look amazing hope your shoulder and finger​:rofl: are holding up well. Kashmir seeds :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:.


That’s great you’ll have extra. I have seeds I need to mail to the coop. I do this now?
Glad you kept the whole finger. I’ve sliced myself a few times too. Never lopped off the whole pad. Ouch!


By my taping it and the PA gluing it in a timely fashion, we saved all but the er frings.
The room is on hold as I am going camping this week with some of my fellow OG’ers It will be so much fun meting some in real life along with those I met.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Oh nice! All from Michigan? Sounds like a great time.
What is a person from Michigan called? A Michigander ?


Michigander or Michaganster

@G-paS see you Saturday morning. Joe’s are done. Slaw is made. Let the fun begin