(complete) Romulan Seed-Run

I’m genuinely excited for this! It’s gonna explodeeeee!!!


Very nice! I’ve been following along. Excited to see how it goes.


Dude, I am so envious of that space! I want out of these tents for something like that, nowhere close in my future though. Been thinking about some kind of outbuilding or storage container on the property but that’s a pipe dream at best


Thinking about building your own? I’ve been watching this, researching. cheers


Head on over and have a vote if you feel like it!


Pine Tar Kush pollen has landed, I will be taking a romulan female, separating her from the group and she will be bred in my other outbuilding! Thanks @OriginalDankmaster96 gonna be great!

Awesome DVD too! :grin::grin:


Mission accomplished! :grin::+1: I’m very happy it came through for all of OG.


i just realized the yellow in your avatar comes from an hps. take that for nostalgia.

really exciting stuff, and really nice room - thanks for your efforts¡


Man what a room! This Is going to be sensational,
I sure miss those hps; that glow of yellow and the warmth. I think you’re going to smash this our of the park man :muscle::sunglasses:


Just going to calmly stand over here in the corner. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I still have a brace of hps too. They work!


I still roll an HPS for my best results….


I’ve been running old school … with metal halide and HPS until last fall when I replaced my 1000MH veg room light with a HLG 600Bspec LED veg panel. Pretty amazing and I won’t be going back to metal halide. The adjustability of the LED panel and the fact I can run it in summer when it’s hot out to keep cuts from my greenhouse going till fall.
Due to where I live I need a heat source in winter so I run HPS in my flower rooms. I haven’t run an LED flowering light yet but I get very good results with the HID lighting. The only reason I would switch to LED is cost savings , not bud quality. But again I say that with having no experience with the LED flowering lights.


For savings, it’ll take you damn near a decade to save the amount in hydro for the cost of purchasing the leds, lol


I would have to disagree!! My electric rate is .10 kwh. In Cali it’s closer to .45 kwh. My bill would go from 250 to 1000 if I lived in cali. That would pay for itself with the first run!!!

And that’s per month!!!


Not the same argument exactly but I’ve got a quality 100w fixture in a 2x2 that costs like 12 cents a day to run.

Little sticker shock though. But I’m an LED lover. I caress them.


I said I still have them, not that i use them. :joy: Been led for a couple years now. But in February the whole basement can be like a Roman holiday.

Not kidding, the wife looks like Sophia Loren under hps.


when costing out the savings when calculating LED cost and energy consumption versus HID cost and energy usage there is a third cost that is not often mentioned.
HID bulbs need to be replaced in a regular fashion and an HID user will probably burn through a few bulbs before an LED panel needs to be replaced.
For me, the reasons I switched to LED in the veg room were 3 fold…1) no more vertical hanging bulb and large parabol type reflector. 2) intensity adjustment of the LED and 3) energy savings
The LED makes the veg room a whole lot easier to deal with. I can foilar spray with the intensity turned down , there is no longer a super hot bulb hanging in the room I need to be mindful of… and the lighting footprint is impressive on the HLG600Bspec which I am running to cover a 7.5 x 7.5 floor space. Since I have owned it , I have packed that room with seedling pheno hunts and mother plants on the perimeter. I have not raised the intensity past 70% yet and the plants love the light. I have it about 6 ft off the floor.
anyhow… back to the regular program.

hey… seen any Romulans around hehehe


I live in Cali and the cost savings of having LEDs is amazing…they did pay for themselves (3 560w LEDs) after 2 harvests and the quality is superb


Say you spend $1200 on an LED fixture… I would need 4, so thats $4800. An equivalent led to my 1000w hps is going to draw an average of 500-700w. Figured out for 600w at 10cents/kwh that’s $1750 for the hps and 1050 for the led per year at 12 hrs on a day. Thats 4 years before you break even., maybe not a decade, but all comparisons and test results ive seen between hps and leds I’d stick with the hps unless I had $5000 just laying around. :man_shrugging:


You also have to factor in the cooling with hps/mh, bulb changes and reflector and ballast replacement.

On top of that your supposed to run led 5 (f) degrees higher!