(complete) Romulan Seed-Run

I’ve used pliers before, but only in really dry old seeds. As these ones were soaked and then in moist paper towel I just used my fingers and very, very gingerly squeezed just until I either felt a slight pop or I saw them open slightly. I make sure they are oriented the correct way as to pop open and not just squish too


I’ve definitely had seeds slip and turn 90 degrees while I was cracking them… Pancake beans


So heartbreaking! Squishing the life outta them :confounded::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:


So Romulan Genetics has mailed out some more Romulans to make sure this is a go! I tell you, these guys ROCK. I will be purchasing more of their gear in the near future. I’m super excited for this run and I implore you guys to at the very least check out theor gear!

I have a buddy who had a Romulan cut, im not sure where from, but he had it for years and years. The best I’ve ever smoked, by far. He had to shut his grow down a few years ago and gave his cut to another friend. Well, he got his grow back up and running about 6 months ago and just asked for a clone back and the dude flat out denied him. He has the whole market for Romulan in my area and he knows he’s got gold. Just a total jerk though. Needless to say they are no longer friends. I hope I can get a comparable plant to give to my buddy. Kind of a fuck you to this other dude too!


That’s fucked! I hope you find something mind blowing for your buddy to stick it up his ex buddy’s ass! I’m rooting for an awesome find in this run for you and more importantly for your buddy :+1:



Oh what !! That is awesome !!

Ummm okay I didnt read the second half of that. What an adshole !
That’s seriously so messed up. I hope you find something even better in these beans you can give to your friend.
I’m actually sure you will now.
Karma is on your side.
You have 2 generous, and unselfish purposes to completing these grows, and the universe knows it.
Sending you good vibes brother, as we all are.
:seedling::herb:🪴 :evergreen_tree:


Hope you find fire cut for your friend and karma serves well to that asshole who wronged him bro…


@Jinglepot You should all vote that guy off the island :laughing:


Hahaha, toss him off more like, bahahahaits still a bit of a swim to the mainland :rofl::rofl:


Man, When I first read this :poop: about the clone and the dude not giving a cut back to the guy that gave it to him, I have to admit I was a little bit on :fire:.

What happen to the days when people that did this kind of thing were shunned and considered persona non grata (Voted off the Island - VOTI) by the community.

Too bad we could not just cloak our warbird’s and swing in unnoticed and snatch that cut right back.

And now back to our regularly scheduled program…


See, I told you @RomulanGenetics is exceptional @Jinglepot . Only ever seen and heard good things and I know Katsu speaks of them in the highest regard as well EVERYTIME he’s ever mentioned them to me. And every interaction I’ve ever had has been exceptional, just a great guy! I Love it, and so glad I was able to help even though only with info. Sweet! Now if I can get some OG Romulan beans from this as well, BONUS!


Also if you don’t find the cut you are looking for specifically I do know someone quite well who holds 2 Rom cuts . She has had them as long as I’ve known her (12 years) I could definitely facilitate getting a cut to you and to them. That hoarding crap really gets me and is part of the reason so many legendary strains are still very hard to come across or only remain in one single circle.


That is some really low sh#t! I never understand how someone can look you in the face and not hand you back your genetics


Dayum!!! Thought that was the thirteenth commandment…
Give back, the heavenly gift, That which hath been bestowed upon Thee!!!



That’s pretty dang cool of them. That’s the kind of people you should support.


damn dude. thats pretty weak sauce to not give a friend a cut back like that. bad look.


That you did good sir. And that they are!

That’s awesome. That’s how I am, spread the wealth! mi casa su casa. I just dont get greedy people.

Well, they will have my lifeling support, im a firm believer on that. Also the hundreds of people that see these posts too I hope!


" And the Lord gave me these 15…oops… 10…10 Commandments."


Any way we could cut it down to just 3? It would make things easier for me.


Their is nothing about drinking and smoking in the big 10.

You’ll be fine :call_me_hand: