Comrades missing in action


Just built these for myself. There are 2 identical fixtures


Gentlemen let’s keep on the heading, please.
Thank you


Haven’t seen @Bigun @neogitus @Gardenartus

And of course @Jetdro


They been MIA there too, wish they would come back here but understand the deal

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Don’t get me started… :derelict_house:



I’m still around, never thought I’d be missed :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Currently got my setup filled with some San. C99 x Gwidow, Shishkaberry x Sour d and Tahoe og x M39.

Hope the other missing peeps pop in sometime.


Hi bro good to see you around
I miss all the old OG’s from our community

As OGs come and go but they always show back up
Hell @Jetdro disappeared for 2 years from open grow before he came back there , Don’t know where he’s at just hope my friend jet is well

@Bigum is a friend of mine on FB and I haven’t seen him around so I just hope all is well there

I know some of us are old and with this covet19 or what the fuck you call it

Well just sending good thoughts to all OG


@Scissor-Hanz that’s who I was thinking of. Always enjoyed seeing his grows!


Esrgood4u mentioned he planned on leaving the site after he saw the lavender beans make it to there project destinations. There are more details on this within the lavender collective grow show thread itself. Basicaly he was disapointed in the behavior of some members and had decided it was better for him to not be a part or witness to it all. Hopefully he changes his mind but his absence is intentional. Some of the other names mentioned I have concerns about as they were frequent contributors who did not seem like the type to up and disapeer but apparently have. some of it may just be spring garden prep. Im doubling the size of my veggie garden this year and have been going non stop to get everything in the ground and keep up with the cannabis side of things also so I haven’t been around near as much.


Seems likes theres more posting in the winter. More indoor grows. More time. Last spring had a slow down despite member numbers increasing. Also people get paranoid and cant handle stress. So between covid19 and everything stated above I just think folks are busy and maybe taking a mental break from keeping up with all the new action here on OG. Its quite a machine now. More like what I remember from the old days. Except when I logged on to the site back on the day I remember it had a top ten most posted users with the total amount of pictures listed below their feature on the page. So the more you posted the more likely you would/could be featured on that little top ten user list based on the amount of cannabis pics you were posting. And i remember picture quality was a big deal too. So people change with the times i guess.
These are the kinda thoughts i think of when i think too much.


I noticed Riverlady missing a while back because she had been posting pretty regular. I pm’ed her twice and never got a reply.

I didn’t hear about Jet. What happened with him? I know he can get wound up on occasion.

Hashtree was on Lefty’s Paonia thread a week or so ago.

Bigun sort of disappeared. He can do that though.

Gardenartus is still on Opengrow. Been a week though. She mentioned how slow it was over there.

Growhard seems to be MIA. Hope all is well with him.

I know there are a couple more but can’t think now.

I hope they are all safe and sound. It’s funny how close you get to peeps on the forums. We all spill our life out on here more than anywhere else probably. I really enjoy the friendships I’ve made on the forum boards. I may never get to even see what they look like much less meet them in person, but I always look forward to talking with everyone. Especially being forced into isolation.

I sure hope all are well. I know others feel the same way.


Maybe they’re just taking a break… latley everytime I look at my phone I wonder wtf I’m doing… staring at the same nothing shit on Facebook, even OG gets repetitive, I can only look at so much stuff with nothing useful to say. Then its covid covid covid covid covid covid… if I had more will power I’d probably whip my phone at the wall and go dark lol


I feel ya there man. I stopped using facebook almost a year ago now. Log on every now and then to check the market place when im looking for used stuff. Hotrod parts and such. Log out immediately afterwords. Find myself on OG several hours a day. See my daughter with her face in the phone and feel guilty. Im just glad she enjoys practicing her batting with me so much. Signed her up for her first year of baseball right before this wuflu shit went down. Shes gonna be a boss on the field when it finally comes time.


I miss playin baseball when I was a kid! I tell myself daily I’m going to ditch facebook. Its literally nothing bud rage fueling bullshit. But alas… I’m a sucker for “well I might miss somthing”

Waiting on the apocalypse so I can dissapear into the bush with no Bill’s to pay lol… had high Hope’s for this scamdemic.


Hell I’m even losing interest in my plants lol… I’m at the point that I look… go yep still alive, carry on lol


I love your attitude! Scamdemic…LMFAO! I have to admit the first week or two of no facebook was daunting. I actually deleted the icon on my phone to stop myself from habitually clicking on it. Human behaviour is very peculiar.


GrowHard is alive and well. Just taking a break seems like.

Talked to him like a week ago.

Messaged Jetdro about something but haven’t heard back.


I’m still alive! I have just been swamped with work with this coranavirus thing. Hasn’t left much time for reading or posting. I had to shut the cabinet down and I’m glad I did. I haven’t been home in weeks.
I will return. Hope you all are doing well